Chapter 115 Attack!

After arresting Ma Yunfei and Ma Qitong, the headquarters decided to forcibly attack Yuanshan Town because of the change of plan, and sent a large number of personnel to seal off the surrounding roads, even with helicopters circling overhead.

Sitting on the personnel carrier, as we got closer and closer to Yuanshan Town, the gunshots in our ears were like frying beans. If you listen carefully, you can even hear the sound of explosions.Yuanshan Town is the stronghold of the Ma family, and it is the most important link. Most of the people living here are criminals of the Ma family group, and they also stubbornly resist.

They know that if they are caught, they can only wait for death, and it is better to die than to sit and wait for death.

The troop carrier arrived outside Yuanshan Town, and a large number of soldiers were attacking, but the firepower on the other side was also very strong, and even launched a rocket launcher to attack.Although the brothers in the frontier defense unit have seen big winds and waves, they are also frightened when they encounter such small-scale battle-level firepower.

There are machine guns, rattling non-stop, who would not be afraid to run into them?
The lone wolf commando chose to attack with two wings. Group A outflanked from behind, while group B cooperated with brother units to attack.This is a real tough battle, and there is no possibility of opportunism. A large number of troops are encircling and suppressing the residential area of ​​Yuanshan Town from all directions, and they are pushing to arrest relevant personnel.

Just after getting out of the car, a sniper climbed up to the roof with the help of his comrades in arms. After a clear gunshot, a bullet casing fell on Lu Nan's head.Ping ping pong fell to the ground and stepped on the bullet casing on the sole of his foot. Lu Nan quickly hid behind a wall.

Geng Jihui climbed onto the troop carrier to observe the enemy's situation: "The sniper team pays attention to the upstairs windows, the fire team provides cover, and the assault team moves forward to cooperate with the brother units to attack. Don't be impulsive, advance slowly."


Pulling the bolt of the assault rifle, Lu Nan pushed back the brim of the military cap on his head and kicked Xiao Zhuang beside him.

"You left and I right."

Xiao Zhuang nodded with a straight face; "Okay."

"Timberwolf, we don't care about the one upstairs. Watch out for the ostrich, or be careful that Lao Tzu will ask you to use your dead body to revive your soul."

The paratrooper lying on the personnel carrier stared at the sniper scope: "I am a strategic sniper, trust me."

"I leave my life to you, strategic sniper."

"rest assured."

Taking a deep breath, Lu Nan turned his head towards the brick wall.

On the road passing through the town, a soldier appeared from behind the beams and pillars. After firing a few bullets, blood spattered on his chest, and he fell to the ground.The comrades behind him dragged him back to the bunker, and the stretcher team crawled over and put the wounded on the stretcher.


Lu Nan yelled at the second lieutenant who was squatting in the opposite corner, and the latter quickly organized fire to cover.Taking advantage of the cover of the brothers' units, Lu Nan rushed out from behind the bunker, Xiao Zhuang followed behind, and the others also performed their duties, and Lone Wolf Group B began to attack.

The two rely on the gatehouse on the street to attack and suppress the enemy in front, while the comrades behind will search the gatehouse on the street and control them one by one.

'Bang bang bang~~'


Lu Nan kept searching for the enemy in his sight, and Geng Jihui's message also came from the communicator in his ear.

"40 meters ahead of the street on the left, there are two gunmen."

Lu Nan moved his gun and followed Geng Jihui's command to attack, and pulled the trigger with his fingertips, and the two gangsters fell to the ground.Continuously attacking forward, the bullet casings were thrown out of the gun chamber, until the bullets were finished, Lu Nan rolled and hid behind the wooden beams to change the bullets.

"Reload, cover!"

The old cannon behind him immediately stepped forward to replace the firepower. After changing the magazine, Lu Nan pulled the bolt, kept a tactical distance from the old cannon, and continued to search forward.After some attacks, the gunfire gradually stopped, and the figure of Lone Wolf Group A appeared on the street not far away.

After the two teams converged, they immediately pulled up a line formation to divide the town, and a large number of soldiers poured in behind them, rushing into the houses in the town to clean up and control, arrest relevant personnel, and kill them immediately if they resist.

After breaking through the enemy's interception, the dog-headed Lao Gao led the lone wolf commando to carry out a surprise operation towards Ma's villa.

A group of people non-stop marched towards the halfway up the mountain where Ma's villa was located, and people from the brothers' units had already surrounded them.In the face of the sudden clean-up operation, no one went out from the location of the Ma family villa, and it seemed that they planned to stick to it.

Lu Nanchong is at the forefront, and he is most familiar with the route here. He is so familiar that every day before going to bed, he will think carefully about how to conduct an efficient attack.

Going forward along the concrete road built by Ma Jiahua with a lot of money, at the foot of the mountain, a sky-blue truck overturned on the ground, blocking the way forward.The surroundings were eerily quiet, except for the occasional gunshots in the distance.

The dog-headed Lao Gao squatted behind the hillside and picked up the binoculars to observe: "Fire team, armor-piercing grenades."

Lao Pao and Coyote, who were carrying grenade launchers, stepped forward, took out the grenade from their rucksacks, installed them, and aimed at the truck ahead to shoot.

'Pfft! '

Silent gunshots sounded, and the armor-piercing grenade hit the truck, causing an instant explosion, penetrating the entire truck chassis.

The explosion sounded, and Lu Nan crawled along the ravine beside the concrete road to search forward.After arriving at a distance of more than 20 meters behind the truck, he took out the grenade from the tactical vest, pulled out the latch and threw it.

After a few seconds, an explosion sounded.

Bypassing the burning truck, Lu Nan looked through the woods and found no one behind the truck.

"Report the wolf head, no target found."

The dog-headed boss stood up: "Attention the whole team, bypass the truck, be careful not to step on the trap, and continue to attack."

This is just a confusion set by the enemy, the purpose is to hinder the attack, and to buy them the last time.Bypassing the burning truck far away, the raging fire was burning and emitting black smoke, which also told the enemies hiding in the Ma's villa that there was not much time left for them.

Walking near the mountainside, the roof of Ma's villa was exposed to everyone.

The tall fence outside the villa and the iron gate at the entrance have been blocked by cars.They seemed to have foreseen the ending. A figure protruded from the wall, and was shot dead on the spot just after showing half of his head.

With a pistol in his hand, Lu Nan stepped on Xiaozhuang's shoulders to climb up the wall, landed and rolled and shot.Several figures jumped into the wall in unison, making a final attack on the enemies guarding the villa.

"Group A will attack from the front, and Group B will encircle after going around."

The dog-headed Lao Gao continued to give orders, and the Lone Wolf Commando split up to carry out the encirclement and suppression.Lu Nan led the members of Group B along the corridor outside the villa to the back door, and the enemies they encountered were killed one by one.

The brothers who had never been to Ma's villa were slightly shocked when they saw the rockery garden pond around the villa.Because the luxury of the Ma family villa is beyond everyone's expectations, it is hard to imagine such a magnificent small garden in such a remote place.

"It's so beautiful." The paratrooper unconsciously exclaimed.

Lu Nan raised his gun and moved forward: "The inside is more luxurious, more than ten times more luxurious than you imagined. There are even five cooks serving Ma's family, Chinese food, Western food, and a nutritionist. That old man Ma Shichang pays special attention to food. health care."

Geng Jihui: "I'm afraid he will not be blessed in the future. There are not so many people in hell to serve him."

(End of this chapter)

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