Chapter 128 Arrival
After the sudden change subsided, until the dawn rose, a few young people were chattering non-stop.Finally, it was dawn, and after taking turns to wash, Lu Nan took the aluminum lunch box to the dining car to buy food, and finally escaped the catastrophe.

Back in the passenger compartment, I found that the dog-headed Lao Gao was educating the four young men, letting them join the army for training. What does it look like for a man with long hair?

Lu Nan came over and said haha, "Squadron leader, this is the trend."

"Young comrades are right. This kind of unruly and rebellious spirit is popular in society now." The long-haired young man said.

As an old-fashioned dog-headed Lao Gao, he really couldn't accept such a trend, so he could only stand outside the carriage to eat.

With the incident last night, the communication between the four young people became even more heated.

The two long-haired ones are going to Pengcheng to try their luck in pursuit of debauchery, to see if any company intends to sign them to sing.Although it failed, I wanted to go all the way to Yangcheng, Xingcheng, Shanghai Stock Market, and finally go north to the capital to try my luck. I heard that the rock music there is very popular.

They want to pursue their musical dreams, and they plan to take practical actions. Although their parents do not support them, they think that they are already close to the unruly and rebellious spirit, and even on the way.

The two girls are college graduates, and they plan to travel together and go home by the way.

In the early morning of the second day of the slow train journey, the two girls got off the train, they were just passers-by on the same journey in their lives.Meeting is both fate, and separation is also fate.At noon, two long-haired young men left with their extremely simple luggage, and transferred to another train to pursue their dreams.

The passenger compartment suddenly became empty, and it was also extremely quiet, except for the sound of the train.

In the afternoon, a retired soldier with an army green rucksack walked into the sleeper compartment, and several comrades outside the platform were waving each other off.At this time, Lu Nan was already sleeping soundly in the sleeper on the second floor, and the dog-headed Lao Gao was sitting on the bed and reading a book.

When the retired soldier saw a major, his body instinctively put down the special products given by his comrades and stood at attention to salute.

"Hello, Chief."

The dog-headed Lao Gao put down his book, and got up to return the greeting: "Hello, comrade."

The retired soldiers carefully made the bed in accordance with the internal regulations as much as possible, and then put away their personal belongings and luggage.When the train started, he got out of the window and waved goodbye to his comrades on the platform, and couldn't help crying.

"There will be a chance to meet in the future."

The retired soldier wiped the tears from his face: "Yes!"

Compared with the bohemian music youths, and the female college students who talk about admiring Europe, America, Japan, and South Korea, the dog-headed Lao Gao prefers this touch of military green. He took out a tissue and handed it to the retired soldier, comforting him softly.

At dinner time, the dog-headed Lao Gao even bought him a meal, and punched Lu Nan on the calf to make him get up to eat.

Opening his eyes, he saw that the previous passenger had left and was replaced by a soldier who had just retired.

Standing at the door to eat, Lu Nan watched the dog-headed Lao Gao take out the roast chicken and appetizers. He actually deliberately got two bottles of cheap liquor from somewhere, and drank with the soldier.

"Where are the soldiers?"

"From the 41st Army." The veteran said.

The old dog head was even more happy: "Siye's soldiers, I am also from Siye, and the one standing at the door is also from your army."

Lu Nan, who was eating at the door, smiled: "It's from the Great Gong Group."

After chatting with him, he found out that he was a soldier from the old army, and the dog-headed Lao Gao immediately opened up his chatterbox, talking about his own affairs incessantly.What is carrying a 56 and squatting in the cat's ears for half a month, followed the troops to conduct reconnaissance operations behind the enemy, killed a company of enemies, and finally went back without gnawing sugar cane.

Along the way, Lu Nan saw a lot of people of all kinds on the train. He also saw conflicts and fights broke out because of a little quarrel, and he also helped the police catch thieves.As the dog-headed old man said, coming out is gaining insight, but Lu Nan has seen many such scenes.

After several days and nights of driving, the scenery outside the window changed from plains to hills and jungles, and crossed the torrentially flowing eastward river.From the south to the north, the green outside the window gradually decreases. Once in the northwest region, there are no trees outside, as if the world has changed a picture.

Flying sand in the desert, a desolate and magnificent scene appeared in front of my eyes. The scene of the Gobi Desert was very shocking, and the cold wind was blowing into the window.

After the train arrived at the station, Gou Tou Lao Gao made a call from the public phone in the station.

More than an hour later, a green military jeep appeared on the side of the road, and a major walked out of the car to say hello.Taking a closer look, the sign on the front and door of the car is the Black Tiger Brigade. What is the dog-headed Lao Gao doing here?
After getting in the car, the jeep drove out of the city and plunged into the Gobi.

Under the scorching sun, the jeep was driving on the Gobi Highway.Lu Nan unknowingly unbuttoned the discipline button, picked up the big-brimmed hat and started to fan the wind. When I came here, it was so cold at night and so hot during the day. I really admire the brothers of the Black Tiger Brigade for squatting in this place where no shit live.

Suddenly, a cavalry team rushed out from the Gobi Desert not far away, galloping forward mightily.

"Fuck, horse bandit!" Lu Nan subconsciously yelled.

The driver in the front row and the major were grinning from ear to ear, and soon the dog-headed old Gao slapped Lu Nan on the back of the head with his sandy fist, almost kicking him out of the car door.

The dog-headed Lao Gao gritted his teeth and said, "Your horse bandit is flying the red flag?"

"I'm sorry, people in this small place have never seen such a fierce scene, forgive me."

Knowing that he said something wrong, Lu Nan hurriedly apologized. Fortunately, the brothers of the Black Tiger Brigade didn't care. If they really cared about this matter, it would be easy to dig a hole and bury Lu Nan alive.The major didn't care to wave his hand to make Lu Nan relax. During the conversation, he learned that the major's name is Yang Aimin, the squadron leader of the first squadron of the Black Tiger Brigade.

Yang Aimin pointed to the horse team in the distance and introduced: "There are some places on the Gobi Desert where special vehicles cannot go, but we usually fly, and horseback riding is only one of the compulsory subjects. You are right this time, and we happen to be organizing entry Team training and assessment, and have the opportunity to show those trainees."

The dog-headed old Gao replied: "Yes, I just brought a soldier. It's not the best, and it's not the worst. It's okay to show your face."

"Oh! If your high school team said this, then your soldier must have a unique skill. I'm really looking forward to it."


Lu Nan hurriedly put on the big-brimmed hat: "Here."

The dog-headed old Gao pointed to Lu Nan and said, "Lu Nan, the commando of the Lone Wolf Commando, has just been promoted to the first-term non-commissioned officer, and a little bastard recruit."

Yang Aimin laughed loudly: "Why, give me your beloved soldier to play with for a few months?"

"There's nothing to talk about."

"I heard that they from the northern military region have come to your Langya, and they sound like they want to take someone away. You didn't agree?"

Speaking of this dog-headed old Gao, he became angry: "Old Yang, guess who they want? Geng Jihui! The son of our old political commissar is lucky that he didn't say this, otherwise the He brigade would have to block the door of their brigade to scold his mother. Wolf, how did you say that?"

Lu Nan said quietly: "Drop the tank and drive back and forth."


Yang Aimin's laughter never stopped: "That's the way it is. Why should we give away the soldiers we have trained for nothing? I'll pick you up at night and clean up the dust. Are you tired from the car ride?"

"What's the food label?"

"Personal contribution."


(End of this chapter)

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