From the beginning of the film and television drama Special Forces

Chapter 137 Seeing the Big Bad Wolf Grinning His Teeth

Chapter 137 Seeing the Big Bad Wolf Grinning His Teeth
Snowflakes are scattered on the ground, except for a few scattered bare forests on the ground, there is a vast expanse of snow around.

The cold wind was howling, and a team was struggling in the snow.The body is covered with a simple camouflage suit made of a white parachute. Only the mouth is exposed from the whole body, and even the eyes are protected with goggles.

In the monotonous white world, the sky was gray and white, and snowflakes fell on the shoulders of the soldiers.

Holding an assault rifle, Lu Nan waded out a path for his comrades in front. The snow fell harder and harder, and the cold wind blew harder and harder.A layer of snow had already accumulated on Lu Nan's black mask, and he continued to move forward.

The white camouflage suit melted everyone into this ice and snow world. If you don't look carefully, it is difficult to find such a team walking through the vast snowfield.

After walking for several hours, Lu Nan stopped panting heavily, and there was a forest in front of him, which appeared dark and abrupt in the snow.The situation ahead was unclear, and Lu Nan was a little worried. This exercise was carried out with the consideration of whether or not there would be a World War I.

"Stop, rest for 5 minutes." Geng Jihui ordered.

Everyone gathered together to determine their position and correct their direction.

Taking out the compass and map, Geng Jihui began to calculate the corrected direction.In the vast white snow field, there is no reference object, and it is more difficult to distinguish the position than in the virgin forest. The direction must be corrected every once in a while, otherwise the direction will be different, and the direction of the red side will not even be known.

Kobold Lao Gao has almost zero trust in a certain brand of global positioning system, and the Lone Wolf Commando never uses it. They always use the extremely primitive compass to calculate and confirm the position.

"Our current location is the T24 area, about five kilometers away from the T13 area. This is where the satellite found the red team's assembly point, but it is not ruled out that it is a disguise to deceive the satellite and high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft. Although the exercise has not officially started yet, But the red side will always receive the information in advance.”

The paratrooper curled his lips: "The red side is really powerful. The ground troops of our blue army b army are still waiting for the train at the station, and they start to form troops. What's the point of fighting like this?"

Geng Jihui's eyes widened: "If you say a few words, you won't die."

"Isn't it?"

Everyone was silent.

The troops participating in the war in the far south have not yet boarded the train, and the troops in the northwest are preparing for large-scale delivery, and the satellite has discovered that the red armored troops are gathering, ready to wait for the enemy at their doorstep.

Suddenly, Lu Nan thought about it: "If the Blue Army Command doesn't plan to attack on the ground on a large scale, it just deceives the Red Army's ground troops to assemble, and after the Red Army's ground troops are assembled, they will carry out long-range strategic strikes to destroy ground targets and vital forces. What do you say? Is this possible, it's just a tactical deception."

"Could it be that the headquarters wants to use the old Northwest J-16 and J-[-], as well as those old World War II classics to fight as F[-], are you kidding?" the paratrooper joked.

"It's not impossible..." Geng Jihui murmured.

The paratrooper's eyes widened: "That's an airplane from the early days of the Cold War. It doesn't even have a radar, and it's all fired by machine guns."

Lu Nan said: "The director department has its own exquisiteness, we just need to do our own thing well."

It all depends on self-direction and self-acting, otherwise the director's department will go to buy and replace the Bald Eagle's plane, and pick up the data of the old plane to use.At this time, there were no early-warning aircraft, and the radar had to be used with optical sights. Some aircraft depended entirely on the pilot's good eyesight. The latest aircraft were all parked in the south and east, and they dared not move.

After resting for a few minutes, everyone set off again.

Lu Nan was a little belatedly aware of this exercise, and guessed that the director department wanted to abandon the role of the big iron armor torrent. Previous exercises have always ended with the victory of the ground troops, but this time they want to focus on the sky.

Walking into the woods, Lu Nan lowered his waist and slowly searched forward. In the night vision device, there were almost no living things except the owl squatting on the tree branch.

A bright light appeared not far ahead, and Lu Nan raised his hand to signal the comrades behind him to stop, while he crawled forward with half of his body.After walking a few hundred meters forward and reaching the edge of the forest, Lu Nan lay down in the snow and observed the situation ahead with a telescope.

A large number of armored units are gathering here, and refueling trucks are coming in and out.It seems that the exercise has not officially started yet, and the red armored group swarmed in the open space in front of them.They also didn't expect that there would be a blue army special warfare unit appearing here overnight, no one could have imagined it.

This is not a routine annual military exercise, but a highly confidential exercise. The red side received the order within 24 hours.

According to Lu Nan's simple visual inspection, there are probably two battalions of armored tanks and a battalion of mechanized infantry, which is a regiment-level unit.

Using the communicator, Lu Nan reported to Geng Jihui: "The coyote reports, the armored tank regiment is about one kilometer ahead. It is refueling and replenishing. It can be confirmed that it is not a camouflage. Over."

"Received, finished."

Lowering his head to integrate himself with the snow color, Lu Nan slowly crawled backwards, then turned around and crawled back half-body.

After returning to the team, Geng Jihui was contacting the wolf cave to call the long-range strategic troops of the Blue Army A Group Army for tactical strikes.After reporting the specific coordinate position data, everyone began to retreat.

Now the exercise officially kicked off. Although the exercise has not yet started, this armored force will withdraw from the exercise early.There is no sophisticated reconnaissance method, only manual visual inspection to report the data situation, the stupid method is also the method, try to imitate the bald eagle to fight.

Crouching in the snowy forest, Lone Wolf Group B waited for the order without further instructions.

Before the day was over, everyone began to build shelters.We all don't want to hug each other in the snow to be cold. If we want to be cold, we have to make a nest. Otherwise, if we come down one night, it will be a problem whether we can move the next day.

A hole was dug under the rocks of the leeward hillside with a sapper shovel, and a roof was built on top of it, and a parachute and white snow were covered to camouflage it.The bed is made of wood with a parachute, the roof is tied with a parachute, and two wooden sticks are used as a support. I hope it will not collapse when it snows at night.

Old Pao started cooking canned food and biscuits with a kerosene lamp, and got a handful of grains and pine nuts from nowhere.The paratroopers squatted outside and were plucking and skinning the squirrels. The beautiful squirrels that seemed to be sleeping were taken away by the family.

After eating some hot mush and sharing some barbecue, the energy lost during the day was gradually replenished.

Lu Nan got up, picked up his weapon and went outside to stand guard. The others tried their best to rest and maintain their strength, so as not to waste too much energy.

As night fell, both the sky and the ground were covered with darkness. Lu Nan found a commanding height outside the woods and lay down, put the kettle in his arms to thaw with body temperature.The weather was so bad that even the water in the kettle froze into ice slag, making it difficult to drink.

Lu Nan dared not eat snow, as it would cause too much heat loss.

Lying on the hillside, Lu Nan observed the surrounding environment with the help of night vision goggles.Until a pair of green eyes appeared in the line of sight, it is estimated that the smell of blood just now attracted the wolves, gathering wolves to look for food in the cold winter.

"Coyote report, a pack of wolves appeared and moved towards us."

Geng Jihui: "A member of Group A?"

"No, it's a pack of wolves who can bark their teeth."

"I'll go!" Geng Jihui, who seldom swears, couldn't help complaining.

(End of this chapter)

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