Chapter 139
As the captain, Geng Jihui analyzed the direction of the battlefield. In the case that the blue army's B unit failed to be delivered to the predetermined combat area, the only thing the red team can do now is to defend, and it can only defend.

After the loss of a large number of ground units and logistics transport units, it is impossible to organize a large-scale ground attack.The failure of the red team's exercise is a foregone conclusion, not to mention that the blue army B unit has not arrived, no matter how slow it is, it is impossible to arrive within three days.

The red side has become a battle of besieged beasts, and wants to use its last strength to fight, even if it dies, it will not surrender.

This exercise made many people see clearly the trend of modern warfare. Blindly large-scale armored group operations are useless and can only become targets.In the face of no air superiority and high-tech weapons, no matter how thick the armor stack is, how large the number...

The suddenness of the attack by the blue army concentrated superior firepower to carry out precise strikes. Under such precise strikes, the remaining forces of the red team did not dare to take the lead at all, and could only watch the important facilities on the ground being bombed.It is very particular about non-contact operations, and it conducts precise strikes on important facilities time and time again.

This is just something the blue army cobbled together, playing with a layer of fake data. As a result, the red team was unable to parry within a day, and could only organize ineffective defensive methods.

Only after experiencing simulated battles will you know that no matter how many people you pile up, they are unstoppable.

People are so reckless, they don't send a large number of ground units to attack at all, but use a small number of ground troops to conduct air, ground, and space joint operations.The red team will be attacked if it organizes a little bit, and the radar communication will be electronically interfered. Is it possible to let the old jet fighters hold the cannon to fight the air-to-air missiles?

Surgical blows, hit wherever they came out, without temper.

Simply discuss the follow-up battle plan. Now that the wolf den has not issued new instructions, the people in the Lone Wolf Group B can only deduce the direction of the battle and think about how to proceed with the next move.

Suddenly, Geng Jihui, who was wearing a headset, turned back to accept the message, and Langxue gave the next step instructions.

After a while, Geng Jihui introduced the follow-up tasks to everyone.

"Wolf den command."

Everyone looked dignified, and the white gas from their mouths slowly rose and drifted away.

Geng Jihui said: "Wolf Den instructed us to infiltrate further and find the Red Strategic Missile Force. According to intelligence analysis, their missile brigade has been operating in our area for rapid mobile deployment."

"It's a bit difficult." The hygienist said, frowning.

On the contrary, Lu Nan said indifferently: "The main line of the Hongfang Highway and Railway has been destroyed. The reason why they are active in this area is that they have no way to leave. According to the facts, they can't make long-distance maneuvers. It's not good for such a big log car to have no way. Let’s go, the red side will definitely send engineers to repair the road and let the missile brigade slip out.”

"So they will be attached to the engineering unit, and they will inevitably move by road."

Then Geng Jihui said: "To search along the road, I will apply to Langxue for the coordinate data of the main road that has been damaged by tactical strikes, and request Langxue to conduct a long-term bombing attack on the main road in this area.

Start to act, the mission is clear? "


Immediately, Lone Wolf Group B began to take action, camouflaging the vicinity of the shack.It is too cold at night in winter, and it is extremely easy to cause casualties without a shelter. The reason why the wolf den has not been ordered for a long time is because of this.

If a snowstorm suddenly came at night, all six of them would have to be left in the snow.

God is also very face-saving, no more snow.At this time, the warm sun was shining in the sky, shining on the snow-covered ground, the eyes were sore. If they hadn't worn goggles, the six of them couldn't even see the road clearly.

Step on the snow with both feet, looking for the missile unit hiding in this area.For such a large army, there must be some traces left. When they find out, they call for long-range strikes, and finally leave.

Except for the cold spots, there was almost no physical work done in this exercise. Lu Nan thought that he would carry the explosives to blow up the tanks. Now, the tanks are gone.If it were previous exercises, I would not dare to be so messy and cheap with precision-guided weapons.

A missile costs several million yuan, except for the bald eagle who is so wealthy and wastes expired ammunition, and the chief officer has to chop people with a kitchen knife.Just last night, the Blues probably hit dozens of small targets, but most of them should be judged by data simulation. Who would dare to hit a real guy like that?

Even a bald eagle can't afford to fight, and even a poor rabbit doesn't dare to play for real. Even a salvo of rockets costs several million.

Braving the cold wind, everyone arrived along the road. There were vehicles eager to return home for the New Year on the road, and a few buses and cars came and went vaguely.

Lu Nan lay on the snow with a telescope to observe the road below the hillside.

"is it here?"

Geng Jihui took the map to calculate and measure: "It should be here. It was destroyed by distant fire last night. If they don't come here, they have to go to another place, which is guarded by group A."

"Just wait." Old Pao said.

The paratrooper shivered from the cold: "If the enemy missile brigade doesn't come, we will freeze to death first."

The hygienist grinned, "Haven't the ostrich ever seen snow in Africa?"

"Can you say a few words less to make it look like you have a mouth?"

Seeing that no one came, Lu Nan and Qiang Zi stayed to monitor, while the others squatted on the leeward side behind the hillside, cooking and eating with kerosene lamps.Canned food with compressed biscuits, grabbed a handful of snow and started cooking. The paratrooper took out two ham sausages from his rucksack and threw them in for cooking.

After waiting for more than half an hour, the hygienist brought two bowls of paste in cans.Lu Nan took it and squatted in the snow to savor it carefully, feeling the hard-won heat and food. It smelled like kerosene, salty and sweet.

"Hey hey hey! Someone is here."

After blowing on the paste, Lu Nan poured it into his mouth, took out the water bottle hidden in his arms to rinse his mouth, screwed on the cap and kept it in his arms, picked up the assault rifle and returned to the observation point.

On the road below the hillside, a group of soldiers in white snow camouflage were rushing to the front line on foot.In the early stage, there was only one company in the vanguard, and thousands of people followed behind.

Geng Jihui held the binoculars and muttered: "What do you want to do, walk 28 kilometers to the c[-] area for support, to deceive aerial reconnaissance?"

"I guess so, I wrapped the sheet around my body without looking at it." Lu Nan said.

Look carefully, they really use the sheets as camouflage clothes.

The paratroopers were powerless to complain: "Did their commanders think they were fighting World War II?"

"It's not that we forced it into this. Once the C28 area falls, the Blue Armored Group can drive straight in, and the dead horse will be a living horse doctor."

Qiangzi said in a strange way: "It's quite pitiful."

Before the words were finished, everyone looked sideways at Qiangzi, who was besieged by five people's eyes and lowered his head in embarrassment.

It's really pitiful. Everyone feels the same way wearing this military uniform.If that day comes, when the enemy loses the ability to maneuver quickly under surgically precise strikes, and faces ubiquitous air and space reconnaissance, everyone will have to go to fight in this way, knowing that they are cannon fodder who are filling holes.

Geng Jihui raised his fist and beat the ground, turned over and looked at the sky: "Report the coordinate data and strike from a distance."

"That's what we are for." Lao Pao said seriously.

Lu Nan curled his lips: "Who will send the telegram?"

No one answered, and after a brief silence, Geng Jihui turned over and took out the radio.

"I'll still come."

(End of this chapter)

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