Chapter 142 Arrested
Braving the wind and snow, Lu Nan squatted on the ground and started digging a hole within a few hundred meters.

If you don't dig a hole to hide, you will be finished.

Fortunately, the snow was relatively thick. Lu Nan dug a small hole and got in. He wrapped the used parachute in the umbrella bag around his body to keep out the cold, and exposed a small hole to avoid suffocation.Lu Nan didn't dare to sleep. If he fell asleep, he would have to posthumously teach himself the 'Steel Spike'.

Lu Nan didn't dare to accept this award. There were only a few people in the Wolf Fang Brigade who received this award, and all of them died or were disabled.Lu Nan also thought about finding a good job after his discharge from the army, and then living comfortably, watching the launch of the aircraft carrier and the first flight of the J20.

Within two hours of drilling the hole, there was a booming sound in my ears.

Lu Nan came out of the hole fiercely, the cold wind was howling in the darkness, and a train team appeared not far away, the lights of the cars were shining in the darkness, and several large vehicles were maneuvering along the road.

Taking out the map and compass, Lu Nan began to calculate the coordinates, while turning on the radio and putting on the earphones.

With the radio on his back, Lu Nan stood up and looked around.

At first glance, it is really a big car, a tracked self-propelled artillery, and a 85mm self-propelled howitzer of the 152 type.This is to take advantage of the blizzard to support the front line, the Red Command is going too far.

Lu Nan thought for a while, and only this thing has a heating device, otherwise the fire would not even be able to burn in the cold season, and it would be finished if it was stranded on the road.

With the radio on his back, Lu Nan called directly: "Wolf's den, wolf's den, I'm a coyote, please answer."

"Received by the wolf's den, please tell the coyote."



Lu Nan held the communicator and said, "Wolf Den."

"Please say."

"It's too cold in the north, do you have heating there?"

Suddenly the dog-headed old Gao's furious voice sounded in the earphones: "Mother Nuan! I don't know the discipline. If you violate the discipline again, little bastard, I will ask you to dig weeds in the vegetable garden!"

"Yes! Squadron leader!"

Turning off the radio, Lu Nan was so frightened that sweat broke out all over his body.Slip, slip, don't draw yourself into the bombing zone when the plane bombs later.Reaching out to touch the radio station, this thing is really stable, and it can be used in weather conditions of minus ten degrees or snowstorms.

Back in the snow cave dug just now, Lu Nan hugged the radio and started counting sheep.

If you can't run anymore, the red team's search personnel will find it.The self-propelled artillery battalion was destroyed, and the red team will definitely conduct a large-scale search in this area, otherwise, once there are personnel, they will be obtained and tactical bombing will be carried out.

After removing the icicles from the mask, Lu Nan picked up the assault rifle and poked a hole above his head for ventilation, then hid his head in the parachute.

Lu Nan, who was hiding in the snowdrift, could not bear the cold and slowly closed his eyes.

I don't know how long it has passed, but the snowstorm has stopped at this time, Lu Nan drilled out of the snow cave, and the warm sun shines on the white snow, reflecting dazzling glare.

There are helicopters circling and searching in the sky in the distance, and they haven't forgotten themselves.

Lu Nan wanted to get up on his hands, but found that his body was extremely uncoordinated, like a clockwork puppet.He took off the goggles, hot air came out of his mouth and nose, grabbed a handful of snow and rubbed his face, trying to be more awake, but found that his face could not feel the cold.

The remaining rational thinking told Lu Nan that his body was already in a state of hypothermia. If he did not receive timely treatment, he might fall into a coma and faint, and finally fell down in the snow.

Taking out the orange signal smoke bomb in his backpack, Lu Nan knew that it would be difficult for him to persevere, but the task was not completed yet.

With slow and trembling hands, it took Lu Nan a minute to tear open the chocolate packaging bag, put the chocolate into his mouth, lick it with his tongue, and feel the energy it brought.The energy brought by a piece of chocolate is far from enough to restore the body's mobility. Lying outside the snow cave, Lu Nan looked at the blue sky in a daze.

The body has reached its limit, the choice between life and death.

The helicopter in the distant sky disappeared on the horizon, Lu Nan took a breath, and tried to unzip his clothes, but he couldn't do anything.

Seems to have found an interesting way of pastime, Lu Nan is now concentrating on fighting the zipper of his clothes, and it took him half a day to get the water bottle out of it.After shaking the kettle, I found that the water in it hadn't frozen yet, and once again spent my energy and time fighting against the bottle cap of the kettle.

It took Lu Nan a few minutes just to drink a sip of water.


Lu Nan threw the kettle on the ground, pinched the zipper uncoordinatedly with his fingers and pulled it up.

Carrying the radio on his back, Lu Nan slowly crawled on the snow.A few hundred meters away is the highway, but there is no car on the road, and he is crawling on the snow like a walking corpse in a dazed state. Lu Nan slapped his cheek frantically to drive the drowsiness out of his mind.

Walking on the highway, Lu Nan fell to the ground completely.

Where is the damn missile brigade, why should I suffer this kind of crime?

Maybe I was the first special forces member to freeze to death on the snowy field. This is just an exercise. What's the point?
Reaching out and slapping himself, Lu Nan gave a bleak smile.

It means a lot, because this land must be defended.Only when you know that day is coming, you will understand how meaningful it is. If the Red Army cannot win this battle, it will be able to win every subsequent war.

Lu Nan hugged the radio and murmured: "I have seen the platoon leader who turned himself into a waste, and even needed help from others for personal hygiene; Swearing to live and die with the chariot, turning themselves into permanently disabled soldiers, they are so stupid...

I am obviously not stupid, but I become stupid when I meet these people, they are so stupid, and so am I~~~"

Putting on the communication headset, Lu Nan kept the phone on and sat alone on the road in the mountain pass.

The sound of helicopter propellers sounded in the sky, and Lu Nan slowly raised his head to look.

A log car appears on the highway on the horizon.

Lu Nan took off his goggles and wanted to carefully see the channel torque on the radio, but his fingers wearing cold gloves couldn't find the torque.Bowing his head and biting the glove with his teeth, Lu Nan turned his head hard and tore off the glove.

Fumbling with purple fingers, he found Channel Torque.Lu Nan twisted slightly carefully, but he couldn't remember the channel number in his mind. He beat his face and couldn't help the tears.

Biting the tip of the tongue with his teeth, he tasted the slightest sweetness, and the pain made him regain some consciousness.The communication channel appeared in his mind, Lu Nan smiled silly, and turned his purple fingers on the torque to find the communication channel.

"This is the wolf's lair. If the coyote hears this, please answer. This is the wolf's lair. Repeat! Repeat, this is the wolf's lair."

Hearing the voice of the dog-headed boss, Lu Nan showed a smile on his face: "Coyote received, the target red square wheeled road transport vehicle, bearing 1208, 7201, is driving along the G872-P23-1 highway."

"Roger that!"

Holding the radio, Lu Nan sat cross-legged on the road.

Perhaps because of the weak voice of Lu Nan, the dog-headed Lao Gao couldn't help but said: "Little brat, I'll call you all night, tmd what are you doing all night, tell me before you die. It's over!"


"Coyote! Coyote! Lu Nan, you fucking don't sleep, pull the smoke bomb first, answer me, answer me!"

Exhausting his last strength, Lu Nan pulled up the distress smoke bomb beside him.

The orange smoke blooms like a flower blooming in the white world...

(End of this chapter)

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