Chapter 168 Closed Training

After staying for two days, all the staff rested on the first day, and the closing ceremony was held on the second day.

The girls from the art troupe were called to sing and dance, at least at the end of the show, they were noisy and noisy, which made people feel tired and miserable from the previous few days.The honored representative team laughed from ear to ear, while the unhonored representative team echoed.

As soon as the closing ceremony was over, each representative team began to pack their things and prepare to go home.

The representative team of the Northern Military Region was the most outrageous. Yuan Lang directly called a transport helicopter to pack and ship, saying that there was too much to do.Lin Li of the Northwest Military Region representative team was not to be outdone, and stood on the side of the road with a stack of award certificates waiting for the bus, fearing that others would not know.

On his own side, Lu Nan put his award certificate at the bottom of the box, like a normal person.This competition did not come back empty-handed, both individual awards and group awards have made achievements, it is enough to go back and make a difference.

The purpose of the competition is to exchange and learn, and by the way, select the players to participate in the international military competition.

Entering mid-July, the weather is very hot and dry.

Lu Nan was wearing black short-sleeved spikes, squatting in the tent to enjoy the cool air.Several soldiers outside the tent were dismantling the tent, and the simple camp beds and cabinets inside were removed. After the game, they also had to pack their things.

The tent was removed, and Lu Nan was sweating profusely in the scorching sun. He simply sat on the grass and used it as a training uniform to set up a frame to shield him from the poisonous sun.

Old Pao held a stick of Red Tashan in his mouth, pouted his buttocks and rummaged in his backpack: "Lu, did you see my lighter?"

"No, when will the car come?"

"Is there a fire?"

"You ask Father Sun to borrow a light."

"Screw you."

No lighter was found, Lao Pao took out a magnifying glass out of nowhere, and was concentrating on focusing on the sunlight to light a cigarette.Gulang beside him took out a flint lighter from his pocket and helped Old Pao light his cigarette.

Lu Nan asked Lao Pao for a cigarette, and squatted under the small tent set up as a training uniform to smoke. Suddenly, someone violently tore off the training uniform. Lu Nan thought it was a dog-headed old man, and looked up.

Hey, it's not the lieutenant colonel Kotou Laogao, but a senior colonel.Behind him were four or five lieutenant-level officers, and the dog-headed Lao Gao was also inside, who seemed to have a lot of background.

"First~~~ Hello, Chief!"

Lu Nan hurriedly stood up, threw away the cigarette in his hand, and raised his hands in salute.

The colonel was very dissatisfied when he saw the discarded cigarette butts: "Pay attention to fire prevention."

"Yes!" Lu Nan stretched out his leg to stamp out the cigarette butt.

The colonel glanced at Lu Nan, turned his head and left with a group of people, waving Geng Jihui away for questioning, as if he was very dissatisfied with Lu Nan.

Not everyone is a school-level officer like Yuan Lang who is willing to get close to soldiers, not everyone is Lieutenant Lin Li who is willing to hang shoulders with soldiers, and not everyone is an open-minded and kind-hearted old cadre soldier like He Daduan.

The dog-headed Lao Gao broke away from the crowd and came with a cowhide satchel on his back.

Seeing this, Lu Nan continued to stand at attention and salute.

"Hello squadron!"

The dog head boss raised his leg and kicked: "Put on your clothes, what do you look like in public, there are lesbians in the security camp next door."

"Yes!" Lu Nan put on his training uniform.

After being taught a lesson, the dog-headed Lao Gao couldn't help but sigh.

Lu Nan asked cautiously: "Why, there are not enough people?"

"What good thing do you want?"

The dog-headed Lao Gao taught: "This is about the honor of the country and the army, and it is an international event! It's a diplomatic occasion, so just go out like this and lose face. The place you are going to is not our brigade. If something goes wrong, I will support you and wipe your ass.

The team members participating in the training must be checked inside and out, and the three generations of ancestors must be checked thoroughly.As long as you have no organization and discipline in the brigade, and everyone you see will hook up and call you brother, even I will not allow you to go out. "

Lu Nan's eyes dimmed: "I'm not that bad, am I?"

"Give you a face, right?"

The dog-headed Lao Gao kicked Lu Nan again, and then began to organize everyone to evacuate.The car to the airport has arrived, and Geng Jihui will stay here to participate in a three-month closed training camp to prepare for the upcoming international competition.

Carrying a weapon bag and a marching rucksack, organize your belongings.

Geng Jihui also came back to tidy up his things, and saw that Lu Nan was preparing to leave with the large army.

Geng Jihui, who was carrying the weapon bag, was taken aback: "Anan, where did you go?"

"What?" Lu Nan was also taken aback.

At this time, the dog-headed Lao Gao came.

He is very serious with a straight face: "It's good to know that you are lost. Closed training camp, you are on the training list, and your kid's comprehensive score is No. 8. Three months, three months later, you will win glory for the country, you know?"

On the training field not far away, several people lined up carrying bags.

Lu Nan woke up like a dream.

Under the gaze of the dog-headed old man, Lu Nan put down his weapon bag and stood at attention to salute him.

Not long ago, the arena was full of passion and hard work. When the fighters left the arena, only a small number of them could stay, and Lu Nan was among them.The two men stood at attention on the empty training ground with their weapons bags and marching rucksacks on their backs.

Soldiers kept coming, and there were only eight people left, most of whom were familiar faces.

After standing under the scorching sun for several hours, a major with sword eyebrows and starry eyes came, followed by two lieutenants.

Lead everyone to the airport and get on the transport helicopter.

The landform environment outside the cabin has changed from grassland to temperate forest, and everyone is curious about the place they are about to arrive at.

The helicopter landed at a small airport with high mountains and dense forests, the transport vehicle arrived, and everyone took the vehicle to a camp in the mountains.

After getting off.

The major stood at attention in front of the eight people and saluted. He took out a red-head oiled paper bag from under his arm, and unwrapped the wrapping thread and seal.The major looked at everyone, but did not read the above content for a long time.

After standing like this for more than ten minutes, the major shouted: "Everyone, stand at attention!"

The eight people stood upright and stood at attention.

"Take a break."

Taking out the documents, the major said: "I will keep you here to participate in an international military competition. You will conduct a three-month fully enclosed training management without going out! There will be no rest days! There will be no rejections." Right! You are all professional soldiers and understand how difficult this mission is.

Next, I will conduct a roll call, please report the comrades who have read their names.Lieutenant Colonel Yuan Lang! "



"First-class non-commissioned officer Lu Nan!"

"Here!" Lu Nan replied loudly.

For a long time during the competition, Lu Nan never thought that he would be selected into the training team.When I was in the armored company, I never thought that I would represent my motherland and the army to participate in international competitions; when I was in the Spike Brigade, I never thought that one day I would be among the top small group of people in the army.

Then the major introduced his name. The major's name is Huang Zhihong, and he was the leader of the military competition last year.The representative team he led won the best result except the host team and won the third place, a veritable ruthless man.

The army is at the top level in the world, no kidding, no one doesn't believe it.

The first unbelievers formed seventeen churches and were beaten violently. The last unbelievers were beaten and moved to the capital. The last unbelievers now have difficulty entering the factory to make screws.

At noon, Huang Zhihong led the crowd to the camp.Afterwards, some documents were issued, including the learning spirit, learning rules, learning policies, as well as daily training subjects and time slots, which were almost fully arranged.

A room for four people.

As soon as Lu Nan and the others entered the door, they began to engage in personal internal affairs. They were all veterans, so there was no need to be urged.After tidying up the housework, Lu Nan saw that he was an old acquaintance, but he didn't know his personal situation.

Lin Li held a stack of thick documents and saluted Hu Dabao, "Hello, Lin Li."

Hu Dabao had never had any contact with Lin Li: "Hi, Hu Dabao of the Southwest Military Region."

"Comrades, don't we need to introduce each other?" Lu Nan pointed to Geng Jihui, who still stood at attention and saluted.

Lin Li waved his hands in disgust and said, "Who of you doesn't know, your name was called on the speakers for the first two days, what a brand!"

"Fuck you, uncle." Lu Nan yelled back.

After a short break, Huang Zhihong began to find out the situation of each team member participating in the closed training camp.

Lu Nan was taken to a hut.

Upon entering the room, Lu Nan stood at attention and saluted.

"Hello, Chief!"

Huang Zhihong stretched out his hand to signal to sit down: "First-stage non-commissioned officer, you were a non-commissioned officer just promoted last year. Your personal file is almost perfect. No matter from the company after enlistment to the special forces, every unit speaks highly of you. For Winning glory for the country is not an easy task, I still need to ask about some things.”

"Excuse me."


Huang Zhihong said: "What does participating in an international military competition mean to you?"

Lu Nan blurted out: "The first is to win glory for the country, and the second is to be idle and idle. Why don't you go out and beat up the soldiers of NATO countries? If you can't fight, why can't you beat their soldiers?"

"Your answer..."

"How about I tell you something passionate?"

Huang Zhihong spread his hands: "Very good, very practical."

(End of this chapter)

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