Chapter 170 Start!
Sitting on the armed ship, Lu Nan held a rifle and looked towards the receding shore. There are still many ships setting off in this water area, carrying teams from various countries to compete.

The competition started, and it took four days and three nights to complete various competitions without interruption.

There are two representative teams. Lu Nan is in the first team, which is a representative team formed by other troops.The second team was on other ships and probably wouldn't see them until the game was over.

Looking at the side of the ship that cut through the waves, the host army on the ship looked at the four of them with great interest. After all, the previous seniors had too strong an impact on them. This time they will take special care of the Chinese participating team. Everyone understands.

Squint your eyes and look at the fixed point of the buoy in the distance. There is still a distance to reach the starting point.

"Have they ever fought?" Lin Li asked with great interest.

Lu Nan raised his mouth: "Why don't you ask them?"

"Forget it, it's no use asking."

"How do you know if you don't ask?"

Hu Dabao said, "It must have never been done."

Geng Jihui stood up: "Start the game, stop chatting."

After the ship arrived at the fixed point of the buoy, the soldiers who had been watching just now threw their kayaks into the water forcefully, and threw the leaf pulp into the sea.A referee with a beard was yelling, and he could barely understand the foreign language he had learned suddenly.

Lu Nan jumped into the water, and the others also started to dive into the water and crawl towards the kayak. The kayak was upside down on the water, which was definitely intentional.

"The three of you go to flip up the kayak, and I'll pick up the paddle." After Lu Nan finished speaking, he swam towards the paddle.

Geng Jihui shouted: "It is close to the ship to the east of you."


Controlling his rhythmic breathing, Lu Nan swam towards the blades floating on the sea surface, picked up one paddle, inserted it into his back and clamped it, and continued to pick up the second one.The other three dived under the kayak, grabbed the cable and pulled it sideways, causing the kayak to flip over in a burst of waves.

After picking up four paddles, Lu Nan held one paddle and swam towards the kayak.Inexplicably, I thought of the water monkey that was the hygienist. If that girl was here, the boating at sea would definitely outshine the other teams by a large margin.

Lu Nan, who was soaked all over, was grabbed by Hu Dabao and pulled hard. The three of them worked together to pull Lu Nan onto the kayak.

Holding a leaf pad each, the four shouted slogans and rowed to the shore.

"One-two-one! One-two-one!"

Numbly and efficiently paddling vigorously, time passed by.

Ten minutes later, his arms were sore from mechanical strokes.The team approached the shallow water area on the shore, and the four jumped out of the kayak, carried the kayak together and ran to the shore, and put the kayak in the specified position.

Geng Jihui squatted down and took out a map, compass, and Mitsubishi ruler, and determined the direction of travel according to the time and the sun.

"At ten o'clock, let's go!"

Without staying too long, the soldier standing on the shore looked at the distant figure in surprise.

"Anthony, they seem to be slower than last time."

"This group of oriental monkeys will be powerful when they enter the forest."



The two soldiers commented on the leaving back.

Entering the forest, Lu Nan took the lead, raised his rifle and charged in the direction of ten o'clock.Regardless of the branches and shrubs in front of him blocking the way, watching the ravines running and jumping under his feet, and the branches and vines protruding from the forest scratching his clothes, Lu Nan still didn't care.

Geng Jihui, who was following behind him, looked down at the compass from time to time, prompting the direction loudly.

Ten minutes later, the woods in front of him showed light, and Lu Nan rushed over desperately, jumping over the blocking wooden fence.The whole person threw himself on the ground, then climbed up with hands and feet together, and headed towards the open space in front of him.

The referee stopped the clock and there was no rest.

For the pistol rapid-fire project, Lu Nan stood in front of the console and picked up the prepared pistol, put five bullets into the magazine, and raised the pistol to load it.Panting heavily in his chest, Lu Nanping recovered his breath and aimed at a target ten meters away.

'Bang bang bang~~~'

'Bang bang bang~~~'

'Bang bang~~~'

The gunshot rang out, and all the targets in front of Lu Nan were hit, as were all three teammates.After the fixed target is the moving target, the referee puts five bullets on everyone's table.

Lu Nan quickly reloaded the pistol magazine, and raised the pistol to aim at the moving target after loading. After 20 seconds, with a series of slightly intermittent shots, Lu Nan hit all the moving targets.

After finishing shooting, Lu Nan put down the pistol.

The referee standing aside slightly opened his mouth and gave Lu Nan a thumbs up.

"Friend, Very Good!"

Lu Nan smiled lightly: "Thank you."

"You have the best grades I've ever seen."

"is it?"

The referee gave a thumbs up and couldn't help admiring.

With 28 seconds and [-] bullets, the four hit [-] targets, setting a new record.

With more and more teams on the shooting range, Lu Nan saw Yuan Lang and the others arriving, about to start the pistol shooting project.They shouldn't be so slow, as they have been trained together for three months, Lu Nan knows their strength very well, there is only one reason, they are also treated specially.

The four of them didn't dare to stay for a moment, and continued to complete the next project.Rifle sports 50-meter shooting, standing shooting, kneeling shooting, continuous shooting in standing and kneeling positions.

Complete the individual shooting project, followed by vehicle-mounted mobile shooting.

"I'll drive, you guys will shoot, Xiao Geng will take over at any time." Lu Nan got into the jeep and started to drive into the track.

Geng Jihui jumped onto the co-pilot: "No problem."

The jeep was driving on the winding and bumpy track, and there were dirt pits at intervals. Lu Nan kept turning the steering wheel with both hands, and did not dare to step on the accelerator deeply, trying his best to keep the car at a smooth speed.

After the teammates finished shooting, Lu Nan leaned back, the steering wheel was firmly controlled by Geng Jihui, Lin Li and Hu Dabao grabbed Lu Nan's clothes and armed belt.With half of Lu Nan exposed outside the car, he loaded his rifle and aimed at a target 50 meters away.

'Bang bang bang~~~'

The gunshots sounded, and Lu Nan's difficult and acrobatic shooting posture amazed the spectators. The reporters outside the stadium raised their cameras to take pictures, wanting to leave such a crazy picture of the first team of the Chinese team.

Extremely crazy, until Lu Nan hit all five shots.

Cheers erupted outside the court. This time the Chinese team showed them gorgeous and efficient shooting, which was very visually sensual.

After finishing shooting, Lu Nan stood up and returned to the driver's seat, twisted the rifle to hold the steering wheel, and stepped on the accelerator.The car galloped on the winding field like speeding, and left the mobile shooting track in the blink of an eye.

Stop the car.

The four rushed to the next project site without stopping, and there was a pile of weapon parts on the table, which required four people to assemble.These weapons include not only Soviet-style weapons, but also American-style and NATO light weapons. Lu Nan even found a 56 punch, which was thrown on the table by the original AK series.

"M4 rifle accessories." Geng Jihui kept searching among a pile of accessories with both hands.

"Here." Hu Dabao threw a trigger.

It took several 10 minutes for everyone to assemble a pile of all kinds of messy weapons, and after putting them away, they raised their hands to signal completion.The referee pressed the timer, and the four turned their heads and left to continue with the next event.

"Hurry up!" Geng Jihui kept shouting.

Lu Nan said: "Look around and pay attention to the imaginary enemy!"

The four rushed into the forest again, heading to the next project site.

(End of this chapter)

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