Chapter 172 Bribery
Lu Nan came to participate in the international competition just to beat people up.

Today, the old and new grudges are reported together. After the revenge is over, the next time I have a chance, I will continue to beat him.Originally, there was no excuse to beat someone up, but now Lu Nan can let go and beat him up.

It's just that they didn't see a bald eagle all the way, otherwise they would have started fighting with their fists.

Stepping on Brother Hei's head, Lu Nan kicked his hands hard, Brother Hei was in pain and had to let go of the rope and fall down.

The referee at the target point looked up at the night sky. Anyway, it was their time wasted, which was beneficial to the host team, so they were going to be blind.

Still more than two meters away from the ground, Lu Nan swung the rope and fell straight down. He raised his leg and hit Brother Hei on the head with a high whip. He turned around and kicked continuously in the air.Brother Hei directly collapsed to the ground and passed out.

After landing, Lu Nan joined the chaotic fighting field, grabbed a Gallic chicken by the throat, and greeted them with fists, beating and cursing in English.

"Fake! It's you who bombed the embassy of the old man. You are so tender and beautiful. I didn't see you rushing forward with a mustache!"

The Gallic chicken, whose mouth and nose were bloodied, shouted indiscriminately: "NO! Not us, NO!"

"Have you seen a bald eagle?"


With Lu Nan joining the battlefield, the four of them fought against the other three.

Lu Nan hit him on the temple with an elbow, and the latter passed out completely, helping his teammates beat the other two.Lu Nan was still not satisfied, he found ropes from their backpacks, tied their hands and feet, and kicked them into the grass.

After beating the man, the four of them climbed up the cliff along the rope, and put away the rope without leaving any traces.

Climbing up the cliff, not far ahead is the cliff of the canyon.An iron cable runs across the canyon, and the team needs to be pulled across.After fastening the safety rope, Lu Nan lay on his back and climbed the rope, with one foot hooked to the iron rope, and his hands were constantly moving forward.

After a quick pass, the four arrived on the other side of the canyon, and then tied the rope again, and quickly descended from the other side of the mountain.

Upon arrival, the referee stops the timer.

This project took a lot of time, and it may be the worst result of the Chinese team ever.

Not long after leaving the target point, lights suddenly appeared on the road, and the dazzling headlights made the four of them unable to open their eyes.Dozens of soldiers surrounded the four of them, and it seemed that they had been waiting for a long time.

Along the way, I hardly saw anyone in front of me, and now I'm probably at the No.1 position.

The Chinese representative team is in the first place, and the host team must be impatient.

Lu Nan took out the score strip from the tactical vest: "Don't think about it, they are waiting for us. One person will obediently hand in [-] points, [-] points to them, otherwise they will be impatient and murderous."

Geng Jihui also simply took out the score bar: "Give it to them, hurry up."

Helpless, Lin Li and Hu Dabao also took out their score strips and handed them in. This was the first time they were caught.

A person with [-] points will withdraw from the competition.If you don't give it, they will take it directly and reward you with a severe beating.After handing in the score strips, the leading officer nodded in satisfaction, and waved his hands to signal his subordinates to get out of the way.

Geng Jihui looked back at these people: "Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up."

The next destination was thirty kilometers away, leaving the road, the four re-entered the forest.

In the dark forest, Lu Nan leaned on a wooden stick and carefully explored the way forward.

The swamp below him had already covered his thighs, layers of dead branches and leaves had accumulated, and there was a foul smell in the air.Resisting the nausea, Lu Nan gritted his teeth and walked forward. Every step he took, he would use the wooden stick in his hand to explore the way, to see if it was possible to set foot under the cover of dead branches and fallen leaves.

"Fucking place, five kilometers out of ten kilometers are swamps, and it takes half an hour to detour." Lu Nan complained.

Hu Dabao said with a smile: "If there is a chance, I will take you to the Himalayas. In the winter there, the snow is deeper than people. What I fear most is the cracks in the glaciers. Once people fall, they will die or be disabled.

I have seen a herdsman's cattle fall into a crevasse in a glacier once, and no one dared to go down to save it, and the local people would not let us go down.But we can’t ignore it, so I went down to put the cow on a rope and pull it up, but when I pulled the rope, the ice cubes fell off, which almost scared me to death. "

"And then?" Geng Jihui asked curiously.

Hu Dabao had a little regret: "The local area is poor, and the cow is only lame. The common people cried and told us not to let 'Jinzhu Mami' be in danger. The cow still couldn't be rescued. The comrades present at the time blamed themselves. up.

We are called 'Jinzhu Mami' by the common people. There was no such word before. It was coined by the local common people, which means 'Bodhisattva Soldiers'.Sometimes when I go to the plateau for training, I am called 'Jinzhu Mami'. I can run five kilometers in one breath without panting. "


Lin Li also said: "They all have the same virtue, no matter how tired you are, you can't shout in front of the common people."

Lu Nan pouted and said, "That's ours. No matter how bad it is, it's still a good place. Can this poor place be compared?"

Under the hardships and difficulties, everyone began to talk about embarrassing things, which eased the tension a lot.

Lu Nan also mentioned that he climbed over the fence to steal vegetables, but he stole the vegetable garden of the captain's house and was caught on the spot.Geng Jihui laughed from ear to ear when talking about this, and Lin Li and Hu Dabao laughed even more.

Day and night passed.

During the period, the four arrived at each control point within the specified time to report and conduct project competitions.Laying mines, passing through minefields, long-distance tactical sniping at night, throwing knives, and 1000-meter obstacle course.

It is inevitable to be blocked by the host army, so obediently hand in the score sheet.Seeing that the four people were interested, they didn't make too much trouble. They asked them to wait for more than ten minutes, waiting for their host team to pass, and then allowed the four people to move forward.

Each control point has a considerable distance, requiring the participating team members to travel through mountains and rivers, carry out armed cross-country, and carry out project competitions non-stop.Once you reach the control point, you must start the project competition immediately, and points will be deducted for delaying for 1 minute.

On the afternoon of the third day, the four arrived at the destination first again.

This time the project was field ambulance. A soldier of the host team acted as the wounded, lying on a platform built in the middle of the pond.It is stipulated that the wounded should not be allowed to touch water, otherwise points will be deducted if the wound infection worsens.

The four walked into the waist-deep pond and came to the wooden platform built. The wounded yelled as soon as they saw the four.

The foreign language of the assault training could barely make out a general idea, and the four of them immediately became unhappy.

Lu Nan frowned: "What did he scold us for?"

"The monkey seems to be an oriental monkey." Geng Jihui said with certainty.

Hu Dabao was taking out the first-aid kit from his backpack, and as soon as he got his hands on the opponent, he swung his fist and hit him directly on the nose.

Covering his nose, Hu Dabao squatted on the ground gasping for air: "Bastard, it must be on purpose."

"What should I do?" Lu Nan asked.

Lin Li groped for the sparse short beard on his chin, mysteriously found a string of brightly colored agate stones from his backpack, squatted beside the wounded and smiled.Lu Nan and Geng Jihui wisely stood behind them, covering up this beautiful picture.

After accepting the bribe, the wounded obediently asked Hu Dabao to bandage and treat him, and he stopped making trouble when he was carried across the pond.

Successful completion of the project.

Lu Nan smiled and touched Lin Li's elbow: "Brother, do you have any more, give me a bunch?"

Lin Li said in surprise: "This thing is everywhere in our place. Two yuan can buy a tin bucket. Some people like to use this thing to spread the yard floor. It's pretty pretty."

"Fuck! So arrogant?"

"You like it?"

Lu Nan nodded: "What about Kunlun jade?"

Lin Li ran forward with his rifle in his arms: "I'll send you a sack later, it's very suitable for laying the floor of your yard."

Lu Nan: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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