Chapter 176 Return and Departure

Sitting in the car specially sent by the brigade, the dog-headed Lao Gao drove the car himself.He was very excited, so excited that his speed definitely exceeded the prescribed driving speed of the road section. From the rapidly reversing roadside scenery, there were endless stretches of green hills.

When the vehicle drove to the gate of the brigade, almost the entire standing committee of the brigade came to greet them. A banner was pulled up at the gate, and red happy announcements were pasted on the wall.Before returning to China, the brigade had already received a notice, and brigade He personally held the welcome ceremony.

Surrounded by people, Lu Nan felt a little embarrassed.

He Brigade and the Standing Committee members stood at the door and applauded, and the surrounding comrades burst into loud cheers.

Surrounded by them, the two came to Team He and stood at attention to salute the comrades in front of and around them.

"Okay! Damn it's my old He's soldier. I heard that you even beat up the US team, and beat them to the ground?"

Speaking of this, both Lu Nan and Geng Jihui smiled bitterly in embarrassment.

Team He smiled brightly: "Beat hard, that's it!"

Then, Team He pointed to Lu Nan and Geng Jihui and announced to everyone: "In the future, whenever you go abroad to participate in military competitions, winning a good ranking is very fucking important, but the most important thing is to beat these American devils hard for me!"


The surrounding comrades responded explosively, and the loud voice echoed in this mountain forest.

Glancing at the two of them, Team He said puzzledly, "It's not that you have won the competition medals, why don't you wear them, and the military medals awarded to you by the superiors?"

Lu Nan smiled and said, "It's too ostentatious, I'm embarrassed."

"Hidden merit and fame, good! good! good!"

After saying 'yes' three times in a row, He Dadui smiled wrinkled all over his face.

Afterwards, a celebration banquet was held, and Team He was so contagious that no one could stop him from drinking.He was a man who had experienced war and loved his soldiers purely and deeply, and spent almost his whole life in the barracks.

At the banquet, Geng Jihui quietly told Lu Nan one thing.Team He will retire next year. Although he is very reluctant to leave the army, the medical examination report in the hospital clearly indicates that he is not fit to continue working. The pain and torture brought to him on the battlefield makes it difficult for him to sleep every night.

The leader of the military region issued a death order, and he must go to the dry rest center to recuperate his body, although he has not yet reached the retirement age.

The next day.

Lu Nan put on his training uniform, and packed all the medals and certificates obtained in the military competitions or international competitions, as well as the military medals issued by the general staff, military regions, and brigades, and put them all in the innermost part of the suitcase.

Store these honors in the safekeeping room.Just like everyone else, I hide my honor deeply, because I am also a veteran now, and I always warn myself not to take credit for myself.These honors are not pride, but motivation to spur yourself.

Now there are only three people left in the dormitory, and everyone else has left the Lone Wolf Commando.

Lao Pao stood on the balcony to dry clothes, while Geng Jihui stayed in the family room of the captain's house last night. He Daduan was trying to play a father, and praised his father after his son won glory for the country.



Old Pao stood on the balcony and gave a thumbs up: "You are a good soldier."

"It's always been." Lu Nan said proudly.

There is no training task, no duty, Lu Nan sits at the desk not knowing what to do, this may be the most leisure time since joining the army.Lao Pao went to the water room with a mop, ready to clean the entire floor.

He can't stay idle, the army is a home for him.Whether it is winning glory for the country on the field or cleaning up the camp in the mountains, it is essentially dedication, and there is no distinction between high and low.

Suddenly, Lu Nan remembered something, put on a black beret and went downstairs to the mail room to get his letters.

A total of more than a dozen letters, the sender is the same.Lu Nan had never read the letter before, and now he finally had time to read the letter and write a reply.

Back in the dormitory, Lu Nan tore open the first letter in chronological order, and tore open the second letter after reading it.The tone of the letter changed from immature and astringent, to questioning, then to irritable, and finally it was regarded as a boring bottle to vent.

Lu Nan immersed himself in writing the first reply letter, but before he finished, someone outside asked Lu Nan to go to the office building of the brigade, and the dog-headed Lao Gao looked for him.

Reluctantly putting down his pen, Lu Nan tidied up his appearance and walked out of the dormitory.

Trotting all the way, Lu Nan came to the office of Gou Tou Lao Gao.

'Boom boom boom~~~'

"Come in."

Lu Nan pushed the door open and walked in. The dog-headed old man was sitting on the desk, flipping through documents with his right hand, and holding a half-burned cigarette in his left hand.

Seeing Lu Nan coming, Gou Tou Lao Gao put the cigarette in the ashtray and extinguished it, got up and picked up a plastic paper cup to pour a glass of water.


Lu Nan stood upright, then sat on the sofa stiffly.

Afterwards, the dog-headed Lao Gao took out a piece of paper from the drawer and handed it to Lu Nan. The latter looked at it in a daze, Army scout junior command professional, what does this mean?
"The captain personally handled it."

Lu Nan wondered, "It's late October, and school has started for two months."

"Retain admission qualifications, special circumstances, it is also approved there."

"It took a lot of effort, who can the captain ask for help?"

The dog-headed old Gao said angrily: "You don't need to worry about it. The order has been issued for more than half a year. You should have entered the school in August to study. You were in a closed training camp at that time, and you couldn't be notified, so you had to give up.

It's a rare opportunity, if you shirk things again, it's not the old man kicking you, but the captain kicking you. "

Holding the light paper in his hand, Lu Nan stood up and saluted: "Yes! I obey the organization's arrangement."

"You are the one who breaks the most. I have written more than a dozen copies of the report documents, not only for the brigade standing committee, but also for the political department of the military region. After a transfer, I will directly take over Group B next year."

Lu Nan opened his mouth wide: "Where's Xiao Geng?"

The dog-headed boss said impatiently: "He took over the commando team. I have too many things to deal with here, and I don't have time to play house with you. If you insist on not going, you will wait to be transferred from other squadrons next year." , when the time comes, I said it doesn’t count.”

Hearing this, Lu Nan asked pleasantly: "Feelings are pregnant women entering the delivery room—promoted, member of the Standing Committee?"

"Main ginseng."


The dog-headed boss Gao Chunfeng proudly said: "Take advantage of the spring breeze of you guys, and remember to avoid troubles in places where I can't catch you, and you have to bear the trouble yourself."

"Yes! I promise that I will never lose face to our brigade."

"You talk like fart."

Lu Nan thought of something: "Squadron leader, it's been almost two months. I can't keep up with the courses now, and I might fail some subjects. Is it okay?"

"What doesn't work?"

The dog-headed Lao Gao said angrily: "As for those trivial subjects, if you fail one subject, you will have a month of hell in the rookie training camp after you come back. I really don't have the face to come back, just stand on the bridge across the river and jump down."

Lu Nan babbled, yes, just for that little subject, if he really fails in the subject, he should find a crooked neck tree and hang it up as soon as possible, and don't come back.

Before leaving, Gou Tou Lao Gao stuffed a train ticket.

It is said that the captain personally approved the reimbursement, and the ticket for returning from graduation is also reimbursed. This is to train Lu Nan as the backbone of the business.When the hygienist and the three of them left, they were not reimbursed. Who knows where they will be assigned after graduation.

If you mess with the relationship, maybe you will be brought back by Langya, and the meat in your own pot will not be given to you even if it is going to be stewed.

Go back to the dormitory and pack up your personal belongings again. It hasn’t been a day since you left them, and you will be kicked out again. Who can you reason with?
Lu Nan thought for a while, anyway, he will come back next year, and those certificates and medals will be thrown into the storage room for ashes. I guess Lao Pao and Xiao Geng will take them out and wipe them if they are fine.Glancing at the unfinished letter, Lu Nan continued to finish writing the letter, and told himself that he was leaving, and wrote the letter after he settled down.

After writing the letter, Lu Nan ran to the military post in a hurry.

I took a look at the ticket, it was eleven o'clock tomorrow morning, it was really a life-threatening.

(End of this chapter)

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