Chapter 187 Follow-up
Subsequent processing was handed over to the police, and commando personnel evacuated the scene.

Sitting in the van on the return journey, Lu Nan and Lao Pao looked silent, each one like eggplants after frost.The atmosphere in the car was very gloomy. They didn't understand why the other party had surrendered, but Geng Jihui still ordered to shoot.

Especially Li Ai, who was a sniper, his sniper rifle was thrown aside, and now he hated the sniper rifle in his hand.In the past, this gun has won many honors with him, but now he feels aggrieved, and he doesn't even want to touch the gun.

Lu Nan took off the black mask on his head: "Pick up your gun. If you want to quit the commando, you can sign a non-disclosure agreement after you go back. You will be sent back to the original unit. If you don't want to go back, you can serve as a soldier in another squadron. until the end of your service period."

"Team leader..." Li Ai choked up and asked, "No, I~~~ I'm sorry."

After all, Li Ai picked up his sniper rifle.

Looking at the listless four, Lu Nan hugged Li Ai's shoulders, leaned sideways on his chest and listened.

"Your heart is beating fast, as a sniper shouldn't be."

Su Zhiwei mourned, "Why?"

"Because they are enemies." Old Pao replied.

"But they used to be our predecessors, they wore the same clothes as us, and they were the same people as us."

Lu Nan turned his head and looked at Su Zhiwei: "I can't bear this kind of thing. Now I can tell you that if you are like them in the future, I promise to make your life worse than death. The comrades you swore to live and die together, they will Don't hesitate to pull the trigger, because it won't be tarnished.

If one day I do something wrong, you can still pull the trigger.Your ability to bear is too weak. I remember that during the simulation training, there were such subjects. Have you forgotten what I said? "

"Report! No."

"It's fine if you don't."

After returning to the Spike Brigade, the four were given a day off as usual, during which they needed to undergo psychological tests.This is the last hurdle to become an official Lone Wolf Commando soldier, and if they fail the psychological test, their special operations career is over.

Facing his new team members, Lu Nan really didn't want to explain anything to them.

It was Geng Jihui who bore the most pressure and responsibility, and he gave the order to shoot and kill.The mission report was written by him, even if it was written that the gangsters resisted with guns and were shot dead, it would be no problem. If it was written with flowers, Geng Jihui would have to bear the responsibility in the end.

Lu Nan was still busy writing mission reports, as well as personal detailed reports of the team members, evaluating the behavioral abilities of several people, and making a comprehensive written statement.

Leading troops is difficult, especially for teams with actual combat missions, and it is difficult for individuals to die.

After finishing the report, Lu Nan hurriedly sent it to Geng Jihui.Pushing away his dormitory and office, he found that there was no one in there, so Lu Nan took the documents and went to the brigade office again. When he entered the brigade office, he happened to meet the chief of staff coming out.

The chief of staff had a good impression of Lu Nan, and always wanted to transfer Lu Nan to the Operations and Training Division as a staff officer, which was his area of ​​charge.After the honorable retirement of Team He, he was promoted from the original deputy chief of staff to the captain of the former chief of staff.

Later, a deputy commander was airborne from the military region. Lu Nan didn't know the deputy commander, and he was busy training new team members when he came back, so he didn't get along at all.

"That, Xiaolu."

"Here!" Lu Nan stood at attention and saluted.

The chief of staff smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Little brat, you are becoming more and more like a cadre, work hard."


"I heard that you lead new team members to carry out missions. Recently, some people always report to me that you beat and scold the new soldiers on the training ground all day long, which has a very bad influence. Sometimes you must pay attention to the methods and methods of educating new players. Beating and scolding is wrong.

If they're stupid, it's okay to kick their butts.How about the new team members? Seeing you in a hurry, are you in trouble? "

Lu Nan's brows were tightly furrowed: "Small report, want to break up?"

"Do you believe me if I slap you?" The chief of staff raised his hand and was about to hit him.

Lu Nan shrank his head and explained: "Chief, you know that Group B is seriously absent from work, and they have to be pulled up to perform tasks before the training homework is completed. There must be no such thing as beating and scolding soldiers. You always watch me join the commando team. For so many years, I have stolen the vegetables grown by the old captain's family, and I have a good grasp of other principles."

"Yes, of course I know."

"Thank you sir for your understanding."

The chief of staff waved his hand: "Go ahead, do your work."

"Yes!" Lu Nan stood at attention and saluted, watching the chief of staff leave.

When he walked into the office building and went up the stairs, Lu Nanyue thought that something was wrong. The matter of the 026 logistics warehouse had nothing to do with the other units of the brigade.

I have a dog-headed old Buddha on my head, and the chief of staff and the team leader are behind me, who can make a small report for himself?

After joining the Spike Brigade for so many years, it was the first time I heard someone make a small report. There was no brigade in charge, and the atmosphere became more and more crooked.

Carrying the documents to report, Lu Nan knocked on the door of Goutou Gao's office.

'Boom boom boom. '

"Come in."

Lu Nan opened the door and walked in. Geng Jihui was sitting on a chair and was reporting to Goutou Gao. He didn't say anything when Lu Nan came in.

"That's the situation, the report is over." Geng Jihui said.

The dog-headed old Gao nodded: "Understood."

Seeing this situation, Geng Jihui got up and prepared to leave, Lu Nan handed him the documents in his hand, and also prepared to sneak away.


Lu Nan and Geng Jihui stopped and turned their heads. Geng Jihui looked at the dog-headed old Gao and asked if he was calling him.

The dog-headed old man pointed to Lu Nan: "You stay, Xiao Geng has nothing to do with you."

"Yes!" Geng Jihui pushed open the door and left, winking at Lu Nan quietly as he left.

There were only two people left in the room. Lu Nan looked up at the ceiling, while the dog-headed Lao Gao was pouring water from a plastic paper cup. When he saw Lu Nan, he became annoyed and sat down on the desk chair, lighting up one by himself. cigarette.

"Someone reported you recently."

Lu Nan stiffened his neck: "Who! He called me to make a small report, and I called the hospital to give him a medical report."

Picking up the folder on the table, the dog-headed old Gao threw it at Lu Nan: "The chief of the training department is an officer from the training department of the military region. He is here to supervise and manage the combat training. You boy has caused me trouble all day long, beating and scolding me. Soldier, did I beat or scold you when I was training you?"


Lu Nan looked at the dog-headed Lao Gao innocently.

Perhaps feeling embarrassed, the dog-headed Lao Gao coughed: "Did you write the report for the new team members?"

"I wrote it, I just gave it to Xiao Geng."


The dog-headed Lao Gao sighed, then took out a document from the drawer and threw it on the table: "The international police notified that a person was robbed in Southeast Asia two months ago, and a lot of people died."


Lu Nan picked up the wanted warrant and glanced at it, his heart suddenly turned cold.

"He wants to take revenge, he must take revenge, and we must be the first to take revenge."

"The situation is not yet fully grasped."

Lu Nan looked at the photo on the arrest warrant and was very anxious: "Ma Yunfei is as cunning as a fox and ruthless. If he can't find us, he will definitely take revenge on the participants in Yuanshan County first, and lead us out step by step."

The dog-headed old man put away the documents and put them in the drawer: "I'll give you a vaccination first. We can't take any action until we receive the police's notice. And what's more, you lead the soldiers to keep me safe. I will take time to accompany you in the morning." Give the new team members a psychological test, and guess what the result is?"

"It's definitely not good." Lu Nan's head hurts when he thought of this: "Deputy Captain, if this continues, I will have to undergo a psychological examination, and sooner or later I will suffer from schizophrenia."



The dog-headed Lao Gao smiled: "Please have confidence in your new team members, just like I had confidence in you at the beginning. They admire you very much, and they have passed the psychological test. They are all very good special forces players. You should treat them Have confidence."

(End of this chapter)

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