Chapter 191
After holding back for almost two months, the date of the exercise has been confirmed, and Lu Nan and Geng Jihui are doing nonsense all day long together.

Confirmation of logistics supplies, confirmation of ammunition and equipment for the exercise, taking the report to the arsenal to receive the ammunition for the exercise, and going to the dog head Lao Gao to sign, and finally going to the training department to find Fu Mengsheng to sign and agree.

Just explaining to Fu Mengsheng why live ammunition should be distributed in military exercises, and why non-lethal throwing weapons should be carried, Lu Nan's lips hurt.

"This is a drill, not actual combat." Fu Mengsheng sat at his desk chattering.

Lu Nan resisted the urge to beat him up: "This is the feedback we got from the previous military exercises, especially the commandos often assume the responsibility of fighting behind enemy lines and have been active in the jungle for a long time. If they encounter danger, it is difficult for us to Fight with your fists?"

"Is there any danger in the woods? I think the biggest danger is illness. It is more important to bring special medicine than any ammunition."

"There are wolves."

Fu Mengsheng glanced at Lu Nan: "You're kidding me, aren't you all wolves?"

"It's a wolf that can bark its teeth." Lu Nan explained: "During the cross-regional winter exercise the year before last, our group B encountered wolves on the snowy field. This is the experience summed up with life, and the deputy captain approved , you just sign it."

"Isn't it necessary to be responsible and serious!"

"Okay, okay, you are serious."

Fu Mengsheng put down the pen in his hand: "Comrade Lu Nan, pay attention to your tone of voice. Who taught you to speak to the chief with this attitude?"

"Deputy Captain Gao." Lu Nan's dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

"He taught you?"

"What does that have to do with signing?"

Fu Mengsheng began to speak in an official tone: "Your attitude is not good. I know that you have made great contributions, and you are still a key cadre trained by the brigade. Don't think that you have made great contributions and how great you are. Your attitude is very serious and you need to be suspended for a talk. .”

"Yes!" Lu Nan stood at attention and saluted: "I'll go back to write the inspection immediately, and try to start with [-] characters, and Captain Geng will check and accept it."

"I'm not criticizing you, but your style of work must be correct."



After being taught a lesson by Fu Mengsheng, Lu Nan drove back to the warehouse to ask someone to move the ammunition, and had to ask the section chief in charge of the arsenal to sign for it. After the inspection, he moved back. He never thought he would be so tired.

After running back and forth several times, Lu Nan felt that his legs were going weak.It is no problem to carry dozens of catties of weight across mountains and mountains. It is really hot to ask the leader to sign the report form. It is either in a meeting or there is no time.

Lu Nan regretted, what kind of military academy did he go to study, what kind of officer should he be.The Sesame Commando Group B leader was too troublesome to do all the preparatory work. When he thought of Geng Jihui saying that he had to write a report after the exercise, Lu Nan really wanted to slap himself.

The most unlucky thing was Geng Jihui, who was also in charge of the coordination of the drone combat team. Half of the commando's daily affairs were left on Lu Nan's head.

Not only to participate in the training, but also to greet the people in the commando team. The old team members knew what they were going to do, but the new team members' eyes were darkened. They saw that the military exercise was only a few days old, and the four kings of group B were still training desperately.

Take a breath, if the amount of training is too much, it will affect the state of participating in the military exercise. Lu Nan also hopes that this military exercise will perform well.The brigade still hopes that more funds will be allocated for next year. If the military exercise is not done well, everyone will eat potatoes and stewed cabbage on the table next year.

early morning.

The four heavenly kings in Group B snored loudly, Lu Nan and Lao Pao started kicking their butts as soon as they put on their weapons and equipment, what to sleep, the fathers wanted to infiltrate in the air at night, before the opponent's air defense radar was in place.

"What time is it~~~" Su Zhiwei rolled over lazily.

Lu Nan raised his hand and gave him a slap in the face: "Shall I blow a whistle for emergency assembly for you, and wake up the whole brigade to see you off?"

"Get up! Urgent assembly." Lao Pao turned on the light and said solemnly.

"3 minutes!"

Glancing at his watch, Lu Nan walked out of the dormitory and stood in the corridor waiting for someone.

The four of them who had just slept got up in a jiffy, and began to put on their clothes and equipment.

Lao Pao had already gone downstairs and started to ignite and start the car. In less than 3 minutes, the four of them put on their combat equipment and followed Lu Nan's footsteps to leave.

When he went downstairs, Lu Nan heard someone yawning. Looking back, Zhuo Huan was still rubbing his eyes. When he saw Lu Nan staring at him unkindly, he broke out in a cold sweat.Even though it was June, why did I still feel a little cold?

The assault vehicle downstairs set off, and several people climbed into the vehicle with marching backpacks on their backs and headed to the airport.

In the car, Lu Nan introduced the task to everyone: "In this exercise, the task of our group B is to infiltrate the rear of the red team and complete the coordinate guidance for the enemy's important target facilities. The main target is the red team's long-range firepower units. There are important facilities such as military airports.

Destroy the enemy in the shortest possible time, making it lose its follow-up combat capability, and even lose its combat capability.Remember our task is not to behead, all actions are under command, understand? "

"Yes! Definitely."

After boarding the transport plane, the others were resting with their eyes closed. Lu Nan had no time to rest. He was constantly reporting the situation to the General Command, waiting for the command to issue a parachute order at any time.

This time the special operations commander was Geng Jihui, and Group A was led by Gray Wolf to infiltrate from the ground, while Group B infiltrated from the air.

With the light of the tactical flashlight, Lu Nan looked down at the target coordinates provided by the military map and satellite reconnaissance.

Geng Jihui's voice sounded on the communicator: "Wolf Cave is calling Lone Wolf B, and the coyote can answer when you hear it. It's over."

"Coyote received, over."

"We are about to enter the red team's control area. After half an hour, we will parachute and infiltrate. We will quickly guide and locate the anti-aircraft missile battalion in the C99 area. A squadron of our department will carry out tactical bombing. After the mission is over, we will quickly detour to the front of the red team's control area. Carry out lurking and locate and guide enemy armored units."

Lu Nan took a deep breath: "The coyote is clear, it's over."

"Lone Wolf Group B." Geng Jihui said.

"With the total death······"

It's four o'clock in the middle of the night, and the sky is still unclear.

Lu Nan led the lone wolf group B to perform high-altitude skydiving. After early reconnaissance, it was confirmed that there was a mountain forest below.In the dark, parachute penetration without target guidance is a life-threatening operation.

Open the parachute, and the white canopy appears in the night.

After floating for an unknown amount of time, Lu Nan landed on a treetop, with branches and trunks passing across his body.Sliding his feet, Lu Nan realized that he hadn't landed. He turned on the tactical flashlight and took a look. It was three or four meters away from the ground, and the parachute was hanging on the tree.

Taking out the dagger and cutting off the parachute rope, Lu Nan slipped down the tree while holding a tactical flashlight in his mouth, grabbed a tree trunk, stood under the tree and pulled the parachute rope vigorously, and recovered the parachute.Turn on the communicator to call the team.

"Here are coyotes, report their respective positions and conditions." Lu Nan said.

"Mountain Wolf is safe."



Hearing that a few people were fine, Lu Nan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Take me as the target collection."


After issuing the assembly order, Lu Nan turned on the communication radio to report the situation.

The sound of electric current sounded, and Geng Jihui's voice came: "This is the wolf's lair, whether Lone Wolf B has landed safely, it's over."

Lu Nan replied: "Lone Wolf B is safe and is moving to the C99 area."

"Stop moving for now, the headquarters has ordered the flight brigade to take off to strike."

"What, repeat!"

Geng Jihui repeated: "The flying brigade does not need ground guidance, it has already taken off for bombing. We don't need to participate in the frontal battle. The mission of Lone Wolf B is changed to armed infiltration, beheading and destroying the enemy's rear."


After turning off the radio, Lu Nan was completely stunned.Remember that during the last cross-regional winter exercise, ground guidance was still needed for precision bombing, but now the battle has developed to the point where ground guidance is not needed?

After thinking about it, maybe Lone Wolf B is not needed as a ground guide.The order issued by the Blue Army Command, who knows what kind of black technology they are secretly developing, could it be possible to use electronic warfare pods to simulate fighter jet signals, and then use anti-radiation technology to strike?
Tsk~~~It's really possible.

Standing up, Lu Nan looked at the distant sky with a faintly white belly.

This soldier is getting more and more behind the times.

(End of this chapter)

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