Chapter 205 Ambush
The military-police joint intelligence network, such a huge intelligence network, is very easy to find a few 'rats' who are hiding in XZ. When determining the joint action plan and the target situation, the huge intelligence system has already been launched.

Any clues will not be let go, a large number of people are conducting intelligence analysis, and the main road traffic points in the county are under control.Because it is located in the border area, such inspections are commonplace, and everyone is waiting for the target to appear at any time.

Lu Nan was still analyzing the information that Miao Lian obtained from going deep into the trap, especially General Danto, the mastermind behind the scenes, who stretched out his hand so long, so don't blame him for chopping him off.Spike's creed is 'an eye for an eye, blood for blood! '

The headquarters has decided to use both hands, not only to get rid of the remnants of the Ma family, but also to attack the black hands behind the scenes.

In the conference room, when everyone was discussing and analyzing information, Wu Zhe hurriedly pushed the door open.

"UAV night reconnaissance found a suspicious heat source in the M312 area. After multiple information comparisons, it was an uninhabited area. The heat source points were distributed in the center, and the distribution of armed personnel was extremely alert."

The dog-headed Lao Gao who was sitting at the table stood up: "Bring the map, the Lone Wolf commando team is dispatched, and the police and border defense units are controlling the road traffic in the surrounding villages. The chemical defense personnel enter at any time based on the shift.

Pay attention to the sarin gas carried by the criminals, and any suspicious liquid containers will be confiscated and controlled, and the chemical defense personnel will identify and store them.Is the task clear? "

Everyone present immediately stood at attention and said in unison: "The mission is clear!"

Without stopping for a moment, Lu Nan quickly put on the chemical defense equipment, almost a complete set of protection, airtight from head to toe.In the scorching frontier, fighting with such an outfit is extremely exhausting.

Lead the B team to board the transport helicopter, and at the same time, various types of drones on the airport also began to take off to the designated location.

In the night, all murderous intentions are shrouded in the night, invisible, tangible, deadly, non-fatal...

Sitting on the seat, Lu Nan took the last time to check.

"Check the weapons and equipment, seal the clothing, and test whether the communication system is normal. Be careful, and don't deal with it alone in case of an emergency. This time we have sufficient personnel, and you don't need to be brave."

This is for the other four people, Lao Pao will never make such a low-level mistake.

"Mountain Wolf is good."

"Zhuo Huan is fine."

"Xiong Guichuan is fine."

"Su Zhiwei is fine."

"Li Ai is fine."

The voice of the team members answered from the communicator.

Lu Nan continued: "This time it's a night battle, and it's also an actual battle. The 'rats' carry standard weapons with powerful firepower, and the personnel have also undergone brainwashing military training. Don't think about preferential treatment policies. Sending them to hell is the greatest preferential treatment.

And carry biological and chemical weapons, once the protective equipment is found to be damaged, report it immediately.This is fatal, I repeat over and over again, if you find any protective equipment damaged, report it immediately! "


The helicopter flew in the night sky and soon arrived near the target location.The driver found a relatively flat terrain, and Lu Nan and Lao Pao quickly descended by cable, unlocked the safety lock, pulled the bolt and bowed left and right for vigilance.

After arriving at the location, the helicopter turns on the search mode to search, and the drone in the sky has already arrived, following the target at high altitude for control and reconnaissance.

After Lone Wolf B landed, Wu Zhe's voice came from the communicator next to his ear.

"Call the coyote, the target has started to move and is heading towards your department. I have applied for permission to fire, and the 'Kestrel' is locking on to the target, ready for fire support at any time."

"Coyote received, understand."

Raising his assault rifle, in the dark of night, Lu Nan gave an order to start advancing, looking for favorable terrain for an ambush.

This is simply shooting mosquitoes with a cannon. As long as it can be confirmed that the opponent is Ma Yunfei and his party, the unmanned attack aircraft in the sky will launch the rockets it carries to cover all aspects of firepower.

This is a high-tech three-in-one battle, and when the opponent has not captured it, it will give priority to discovery, priority to strike, and priority to elimination.

In the night vision device, Lu Nan held up his assault rifle and slowly advanced, walking past a fallen tree.The red light moves in the forest, constantly searching for the target person.

In the communicator, Lu Nan could clearly hear panting.Someone in the team was nervous, especially in the stuffy environment, wearing protective gear with limited mobility.Lu Nan also felt the sweltering heat, but as the team leader, he must not gasp for breath.

In the unmanned reconnaissance drone carrying high-magnification infrared thermal imaging in the sky, the gangsters fleeing in a hurry in the forest are so obvious.Wu Zhe's voice kept coming from the communicator, and he was reporting the gangster's location information and the number of people.

"500 meters on the left flank, two armed scouts, they stopped and are returning to report the situation."


"Group A is on the right flank of your department and is moving. The troops are divided into two groups, one of which is moving towards the border line, and the Falcon Squad is making a roundabout for outflanking and ambush, and the other is advancing towards your department."


In this mountainous area full of shrubs and forests, high-magnification infrared thermal imaging is the best observation instrument.Lu Nan began to move forward frantically, giving up the search formation, and the opponent was about to escape, and they must not be allowed to leave, otherwise there would be endless troubles.

Climb up the hillside, this is the best place to ambush, the enemy personnel are no more than [-] meters away.Because of the cover of dense jungle and shrubs, the range of shooting in the night is limited, so Li Ai chose a better shooting position with a sniper rifle.

Everyone began to quickly set up an ambush position.

Lu Nan was lying down in a bush, and water droplets had formed on the protective mask, which were the water droplets gathered by the heat of breathing.In the night vision device, there was abnormal movement not far away, someone appeared in the shooting area, and Wu Zhe's information was still coming from the communicator.

"Seven people, three in front and four in back."


Lu Nan said again: "The opponents are all desperadoes. After the first batch of shooting, we must kill them all. Pay attention to whether they carry tanks on their bodies, and avoid tanks when shooting."


Seeing three people appear in sight, Lu Nan did not give the order to shoot, and there were four more people behind.When it is confirmed that all seven opponents have entered the ambush position and are carrying weapons, no matter whether the opponent is Ma Yunfei's subordinate or not, these people are destined not to advance half a step.

Lu Nan observed carefully in the night vision device and confirmed that Ma Yunfei was not among them. He must have been among the group of people leaving the country.

"Li Ai and Xiong Guichuan take care of the people behind, Zhuo Huan and Su Zhiwei shoot the three people in front, and Shanlang is responsible for checking and filling in the gaps. It's over!"

With an order, Lu Nan pulled the trigger and shot a person at the back of the team.

There were clear and monotonous gunshots from the ambush position.


(End of this chapter)

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