Chapter 48 Does anyone want to quit?

The sun fell again, and darkness eroded the earth.

Soon, the jungle was shrouded in endless darkness again, and the silver-white moonlight fell on the ground through the gaps in the leaves that blocked the sky.

Lu Nan sat in a depression under the cliff, and with the help of the weak light of the tactical flashlight, he used alcohol to remove the very fat leeches on his legs one by one.The sucked huge leeches curled and fell from the legs. Lu Nan cut them into several pieces with a dagger to vent his anger.

In the uninhabited jungle, leeches are just a negligible enemy, and the bigger enemy is severe dehydration caused by high temperature and humidity.Although the forest is unbearably hot and humid, there are many small puddles and streams, but if you drink it, although you can quench your thirst for a while, it will be accompanied by severe diarrhea and high fever, and you may also be infected with malaria.

This is not a joke. In the jungle, nature makes most of the military skills that Lu Nan learned in the army useless. Survival in the wild not only tests the willpower and survivability of soldiers, but also tests the lack of any supplies. In the enemy's rear, save your energy for a surprise decapitation operation against the enemy.

If he failed the field survival assessment, he was undoubtedly doomed not to be a qualified special forces member.

The water stains on the cliff wall followed a clinging leaf and slowly merged into drops of water, which fell into the kettle.

Lu Nan picked up the kettle and shook it, took out the black charcoal from the burned dead wood from his pocket, crushed it, and used gauze and charcoal as a filter to draw drinkable water.

After drinking a few sips of water, Lu Nan tied up his trouser legs, waiting for the trickle on the rock wall to fill the water bottle.

Tomorrow is the last day.

Lu Nan took out the compass and compared it with the map. The general direction was correct, but he didn't know if he could see the road.I have been walking in the forest for two days and two nights, and I dare not spend the night in the forest, let alone light a fire.

Forest fire prevention.

Patting himself on the forehead, Lu Nan couldn't figure out why he had to abide by this 'stupid' rule.Without a fire, if you lie down and fall asleep in the jungle, you don't know what mess you'll be crawling with the next day.

He took out a handful of wild jujubes from his pocket, and his pockets were almost full of wild jujube fruits he picked up.After taking a bite of the incomparably sour fruit, Lu Nan's face twisted together, he could eat it, but it was too sour.

Reluctantly pulling himself together, he swirled the water in the kettle, and after unscrewing the lid, Lu Nan continued to walk forward.

After walking down the hillside, Lu Nan was overjoyed when a winding and dilapidated dirt road appeared, so he not only quickened his pace to move forward.

Near dawn, the dirt road converges with another wider dirt road, and there are traces of wheels running over the road.Picking up the kettle and taking a sip of water, I felt the coldness of the morning until the sun dispelled the fog and the temperature rose.

The sun was hanging high above his head. When he saw the familiar road, Lu Nan knew that he was only ten kilometers away from the camp.

An hour later, Lu Nan, who dragged his exhausted body, walked into the camp step by step, and found that the old birds were already waiting for them.

Lu Nan was the third rookie to arrive at the camp. Geng Jihui and Lao Pao lay motionless on the grass. Lu Nan walked up and kicked their shoes, and the sleepy two opened their eyes.

"Come on, Xiao Lu."

"I'm back, monitor."

He took out a handful of jujubes from his pocket, and Lu Nan threw them on them. When they saw the wild fruit, they stuffed the fruit into their mouths like mad dogs grabbing food, took a bite and spit it out immediately.

Geng Jihui wiped his tongue with his sleeve: "Little Lu, where did you get the fruit? It's so sour."

After unpacking his rucksack, Lu Nan also lay on the grass, enjoying the hard-earned sunshine.

"If it's delicious, how about the two of you?"

"It's so sour, I can't eat it."

Lu Nan snorted: "If it weren't for these fruits, I still don't know where I am."

Reaching out for a handful, Lu Nan handed it to Gray Wolf standing beside him: "I respect you, kid."

Gray Wolf twirled a few fruits from Lu Nan's hand: "Don't annoy us, kid, and the high school team and I are already looking forward to it, so filial piety will be avoided."

Gradually, the rookie who returned to the team appeared in front of him.

If there are too many people, the jujube in Lu Nan's hand will be lost. You and I will eat it one by one, even though the teeth are numb from the sourness, but I can't stand it anymore and I still want to eat it.With a bag of wild jujubes, several people sat on the grass and ate them up.

The high school team standing on one side glanced resentfully at Lu Nan back and forth, you kid will give it to everyone, but what do you mean if you don't give it to me?
Embarrass me on purpose?

It has to be cured!Severely rule!Treat him until he is obedient and does not dare to make a fool of himself.

A group of people gathered together. The health worker who came back had a handful of Houttuynia cordata in his pocket, which he dug from nowhere. You had a handful of wild vegetables, and I had a few wild fruits. They sat on the grass and had a tea party.

When the sun sets.

Xiaozhuang's figure appeared on the road outside the camp. The rookies ran up to encourage him like crazy, and no one dared to touch him. Xiaozhuang, relying on the high school team, secretly relaxed the time limit and finally reached the finish line.Who told the company commander to be the dog-headed Lao Gao's dead brother, what can he do!

The three-day field survival ended, and several comrades disappeared among the rookies, and there were a few more helmets under the flag.

Before, Lu Nan could still see them putting the helmets under the flag with their own hands, but now they are no longer visible.The comrades-in-arms who quit may now be lying on a hospital bed in a military hospital for treatment.

It was rare for the rookies to get a good night's sleep, and they were still caught in endless military training the next day.

Unarmed climbing, rappelling, fighting, shooting, diving and swimming, there are more and more military training...
Two days later, a sunny afternoon.

The gray wolf appeared in front of the rookies wearing training uniforms and fully armed.At the same time, there is also a team of veterans. Every veteran has the rank of sergeant on his shoulders. There is no non-commissioned officer. Every veteran is a veteran who has served for more than ten years.

The appearance of such an elite veteran made everyone feel uneasy.

Lu Nan didn't think so much, he said harsh words to frighten the rookies, and then performed a good show.I have to say that the old birds of the Wolf Fang Brigade are all at the level of movie kings, so it really makes them act like the same thing.

"After the training in the afternoon, the rookie A team will act together with us. A group of drug dealers will cross the border in the early morning of tomorrow. At the request of the police, we will eliminate the drug dealers and leave no one behind.

This is an extremely dangerous operation. The ugly words are up front. If anyone wants to quit, they can leave at any time.Anyone want to quit? "

The voice fell, and no one from the rookie team A responded.

Gray Wolf was very satisfied with such a silent answer, and then changed the training in the afternoon to live ammunition shooting training, so that the rookies could adapt in advance, so as not to be unable to control themselves when they went to the battlefield, and they were too scared to shoot.

On the shooting range, Lu Nan had the most fun shooting.On the other hand, the other comrades-in-arms, perhaps because they were about to face life and death, the bullets were half-hearted.In the final report, Lu Nan got the highest score, followed by Geng Jihui, who had always dreamed of becoming a soldier like his father.

(End of this chapter)

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