Chapter 50

To be honest, it has been almost two months since I came to Langya for training, and Lu Nan still doesn't know which province he is in.

At the beginning, the company knew that it was located in the mountains of a certain province in the southeast. Later, after driving around the mountains for half a day, they came to Langya for selection and training, and lost the concept of the region.

Before nightfall, the rookies were divided into groups by the gray wolves and the veterans.Bringing the new with the old, the others have no objection to this grouping, and even feel that Gray Wolf is quite responsible for taking care of the rookie like this.

Amidst the farewell sounds of the old birds at the training base, everyone boarded the car and went to the border area to fight.

A group of rookies who had been trained in the mountains so that they didn't know the north, south, east, and north, actually believed that it only took four or five hours to arrange an ambush in advance when they arrived at the border area at nightfall in summer.Perhaps because of the sense of crisis that the war is imminent, the rookies obviously didn't pay attention to this problem.

In the carriage, Lu Nan gently lifted the tarpaulin, only to glance at it before being pulled down by Gu Lang beside him.

The latter had a face painted with oil paint, and a pair of extremely shining eyes stared at Lu Nan indifferently.

"Raise your spirits and don't think about it."


For this operation, Gu Lang will lead Lu Nan to form a two-person assault combat team.After the battle started, Lu Nan and Gu Lang would conduct precise shooting as accompanying firepower. The firepower suppression was completed by the machine gun team, and the sniper team was in charge of the enemy commander and heavy firepower personnel.

The preliminary reconnaissance has been completed by the scouts of the border defense forces, and they will serve as guides to accompany the special operations team in combat. This series of plans and arrangements seems so perfect.

After spending several hours in the shaking car, they arrived at the assembly point under the command of the gray wolf. Everyone performed their duties in an orderly manner, guarded on the spot, and loaded the bullets.

The bullets in the chamber are real bullets, and they will kill people if they hit the body.For this long-planned exercise, the border guards are extremely risky.They have been fighting drug dealers and illegal cross-border elements on the front line all year round. The quality and combat experience of their personnel are no worse than that of fledgling rookies.

After arriving at the assembly point, the rookies had no choice. They were placed in the central area by the veterans, while the veterans guarded the periphery. It seemed that the rookies were not qualified enough to provide them with security protection.

After staying behind a forest bush for a few minutes, there was a flash of light not far away, and then the gray wolf took out the flashlight and flashed it, and then it flashed on the other side.

Soon, a beautiful young woman wearing a unique ethnic minority costume appeared in the dim night, with a bamboo hat on her back, followed by a burly man with a big shaved head, but black stubble had already grown on his head.

When the two walked through the bushes, Lao Pao and Geng Jihui nervously raised their guns and pointed them forward.Gray Wolf just told the two of them that the person who came was his own, and told the restless rookie to put down his gun.

Xia Lan, the Intelligence Staff Officer of the Border Armed Police.

Lu Nan, who was squatting in the bushes, was being taught by Gu Lang how to fight at night. The veterans were equipped with all kinds of valuable and advanced individual equipment, including night vision devices and communicators.

Gu Lang told Lu Nan that the first thing to do at night is to hide yourself, and try not to shoot first if you don't get an order or find an important person in the enemy army.The person who shoots first at night is often the one who suffers the most, and all the firepower will be fired at the place where the fire appears.

This is a teaching from actual combat experience, and Lu Nan will keep it in mind.

The first and most important point is to obey the order. Before you get the order to fire, even if you are hit by the enemy's search and shooting, you must hide and never expose.

After getting Xia Lan as a guide, the group will go to the only way for drug dealers.

Lu Nan followed Gu Lang, armed with a gun as a guard, and hurried forward.

The paratrooper who stared at Xia Lan's back in a daze, and the health worker who accompanied him all the time were warned by Geng Jihui. Warn them both.

This is an actual battle, not a time to shoot blank bombs in the camp, or even vent your youthful anger by cursing a few words from time to time.

Hours of armed off-roading through pristine jungle.The dud team arrived at the preparatory ambush site, which was the best ambush site selected by the border guards after reconnaissance.

After arriving at the ambush site, the demolition team was responsible for installing the mines, and the others quickly responded to the reserve position, performing their duties, and everything was carried out in an orderly manner.

Lu Nan was kicked into a thorny bush by Gu Lang. Feeling the thorns piercing his training uniform and piercing his body, Lu Nan wanted to move.But Gu Lang simply glanced sideways, and Lu Nan didn't dare to move.

The spikes embedded in his arm, and the pain made Lu Nan frown.

"Can't bear this bit of suffering?" Gu Lang took a telescope to observe the situation on the mountain road not far away.

Lu Nan gritted his teeth: "You can persist."

"I can't even move if I'm dead."


Practice for fighting, not for watching.Although Lu Nan knew that this was an action called actual combat and actually training, he still didn't want to miss this opportunity to hone himself.For Lu Nan, the actual combat had already begun, and the enemy's bullets had pierced his skin and muscles.

Tingling, swelling, numbness...

All kinds of professional words called after the body was damaged emerged in my mind until the sky gradually turned white and the jungle was covered with fog.

Gu Lang also lay down in the thorns and bushes without saying a word, and Lu Nan didn't dare to raise any objections, so he could only point his gun at the mountain road ahead.

After waiting for a long time, Gray Wolf, Geng Jihui and others who had hidden themselves appeared on the mountain road, and Gu Lang also got up.

"Assemble and retreat, hurry up."

As if being forgiven by God, Lu Nan raised his arm, and a spike with coagulated blood detached from his arm.Rubbing the wound on his arm, Lu Nan lowered his waist and walked through the bushes and thorns. The valley wolf who had already got up fixed his eyes on Lu Nan, as if telling him to gather quickly.

A burst of sweet smoke quickly emerged from the ground, soon filling the entire assembly area.

Lu Nan took a sniff and said casually: "Excessive sevoflurane gas, spread out!"

When Lu Nan said it, the comrades around him fell down one by one.Squeezing his mouth and nose, Lu Nan quickly took out the gas mask and prepared to put it on, feeling groggy in his mind.When he was about to put it on, Gu Lang next to him jumped on Lu Nan directly, making it impossible for him to wear the gas mask.

After overthrowing Gu Lang, Lu Nan held his breath and hurried out of the place where the smoke spread. The old Pao standing a few meters away was crumbling. Lu Nan put the gas mask on his face and dragged his body forward.

These people are really ruthless, with such a large amount of sevoflurane gas, they are really not afraid of causing any sequelae.

He dragged back a few steps, and someone behind him shot a bullet at his feet, scaring Lu Nan out of his chest.Looking back, he saw armed men wearing gas masks cautiously walking into the scene. Lu Nan subconsciously loaded the gun and raised the muzzle. He realized that the frontier guards were on the opposite side, and if he really shot, he would kill people.

The breath in his chest dissipated, and the sevoflurane gas caused Lu Nan to lose consciousness, and then collapsed to the ground.

Seeing that Lu Nan had passed out, the armed men did not go up immediately, fearing that some rookies who were not completely unconscious would cause casualties.

After a few minutes, the sevoflurane gas dissipated, and armed men in gas masks came.

One of them reprimanded loudly: "What's wrong, these little brats have live ammunition in their hands, they will kill people!"

"Such a large amount, a person would immediately faint after taking a sip, it shouldn't be."

"Whoever set up the trap, go back and write a review for me."


Lao Pao, who was wearing a gas mask, was dimly conscious, and the conversation in his ears was intermittent. Because he inhaled too much gas, he finally fell into a faint.

(End of this chapter)

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