Chapter 79 Action
Back at the place where he got off the bus, Lu Nan got on the line bus again, and this time the bus was different from the last bus.It is probably a black car owned by a private management organization, and the ticket price is extremely high, but this also helps many local people.

Sitting in the carriage, Lu Nan hugged his snakeskin bag tightly, and slowly closed his eyes on the vibrating car window.

The long-distance trek for many days has consumed a lot of physical strength. Not only that, Lu Nan rarely rests.Leaning against the car window, he fell asleep slowly, but woke up after not sleeping for a few minutes, observed the passengers in the car, and fell asleep again.

Back and forth, back and forth, Lu Nan went back and forth between falling asleep and waking up.

The bumpy drive lasted for a long time, and the car stopped at a canteen in the outskirts of the city.Because it was a black car managed by a private organization, I was afraid of being caught by the relevant departments, so I didn't go into the city, but stopped in the suburbs outside the city.

Lu Nan was carrying a snakeskin bag, and his body smelled bad. He hadn't washed and cleaned it up for a long time, and after the rain, the smell on his body and his appearance were comparable to those of beggars begging on the roadside.

Carrying his own snakeskin bag, Lu Nan walked towards the target address.

In order to win Ma Yunfei's trust, Lu Nan will deal with one person, a colleague of the vest drug cartel, but after getting the exact information of Miao Lian, Lu Nan chooses to stand on the sidelines.

Because Ma Yunfei's friend in the same industry is exactly a boss who is engaged in a gray industry.But there is no evidence. Miao Lian knows that Tang Bote is tricky, but he cannot be brought to justice. What Lu Nan needs to do is to find evidence.

Lu Nan wandered around in the streets and alleys, carrying a snakeskin bag on his back. He hadn't had a haircut for a long time, and his short haircut had a large black stubble and was dirty.

Strolling to a relatively high-end residential area somewhere in the county, I looked at the low two-story courtyard and the flowers and green trees planted by the roadside. The house is white walls and red tiles.Surrounded by three or four-story tube buildings, garbage was randomly dumped on the side of the road.

Lu Nan went to the garbage dump to search, picked up two plastic pieces and stuffed them into the snakeskin bag, and continued to search for the next garbage dump.

night time.

Passing by the low two-story western-style building, I found a Crown car parked at the door, with a person smoking in the cab, and a finished Coke bottle outside the car.

Seeing that there was no longer a pedestrian on the road, he started to act.

Lu Nan walked with the snakeskin bag, and when he was about to pick up the empty bottle on the ground, the person in the car picked up a cigarette butt and burned it on Lu Nan's face.

"Go away, it's really bad luck to beggar."

His face was burned, Lu Nan took half a step back, bent down to pick up the bottle next to the tire.The people in the car got impatient and pushed the door open to get out of the car. Lu Nan slammed the door shut, covered the man's mouth, and slammed his elbow on his head.

In an instant, the man passed out.Lu Nan tore off the belt around his waist and tied it up, gagged his mouth, tied a cloth strip, and threw it on the side of the road.Putting the snakeskin bag in the green belt on the side of the road and hiding it, Lu Nan leaned on the fence and took a look at the yard.

Finding that there was only a guard at the door of the house, Lu Nan circled half a circle, climbed over the wall on the right side of the yard and entered, and quietly touched the corner.While the guard at the door bowed his head to light a cigarette, he rushed out quickly and kicked him on the back of the head with his high whip leg. The man fell to the ground and twitched a few times, and then remained motionless.

Lu Nan reached out and took out a pistol from his waist, opened the magazine and found that there were only four bullets in it.

Holding a gun, Lu Nan circled the small building to check, then climbed along the exposed drainage pipes and climbed up to the roof of the second floor.Cautiously lying on the drainage ditch to observe the situation, voices came from my ears.

It was the voice of two men talking, Lu Nan heard a few words, probably Ma Yunfei was unruly, and his father Ma Shichang didn't care, and sent his men to attack and kill the people who transported the goods, without leaving any traces.

Knowing that Ma Yunfei made it, they also detained a batch of Ma Yunfei's goods. Both parties knew it well, but neither of them wanted to pierce the window paper.The older man ordered his subordinates to hide the goods, and Ma Yunfei couldn't let Ma Yunfei find them, otherwise it would be embarrassing for everyone.

The balcony on the second floor was empty. Lu Nan sneaked down to the balcony and saw two people in the living room on the second floor. The younger man was obeying orders, and the other was sitting on the sofa.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Nan took out his pistol and loaded it, glanced at the two people's positions in the living room, then stood up abruptly and shot at them.

'boom! '

One shot kills the standing man.

Lu Nan walked in holding a pistol: "Where is the goods?"

Seeing Lu Nan suddenly appearing in front of his eyes, the middle-aged man has not yet reacted from the shock.The middle-aged man is Tang Bote, who has a feud with Ma Yunfei, but according to his seniority, he is his uncle.

"Who are you and who sent you here?"

Lu Nan went up, swung the handle of the pistol and hit Tang Bott on the head, blood flowed immediately, then pulled his collar, and put the pistol against his forehead.

"One last question, where is the goods?"

"How much money Ma Yunfei gave you, I can give you double the price."

Footsteps were heard downstairs, and Lu Nan dragged him to the stairwell.Two men ran up downstairs with guns in their hands.

Point the gun at the stairwell.

'boom!boom! '

After the two gunshots, the person who came came fell down in response, tumbling down the stairs sparsely.Dragging him downstairs, Tang Bote still wanted to resist, but Lu Nan's knee pressed against his abdomen, and he immediately clutched his stomach and wailed.

Then Lu Nan took Tang Bote downstairs.When he came to the first floor, he looked at the extremely fashionable young girl, covering her head and hiding in the corner, not daring to take a look, not knowing if it was his lover or his wife.

Taking him out of the small building, Lu Nan knocked him out and stuffed him into the back seat, then turned around and picked up the snakeskin bag that was thrown on the green belt.He took out the labor protection gloves from the snakeskin pocket, put them on, and started the car.

Lu Nan took out his mobile phone and pressed a string of numbers casually.

When the call was connected, Lu Nan held the phone and said, "Give me half an hour to clean up the trash."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Nan drove to a remote suburban road.He picked up the mineral water bottle in the car and poured it on Tang Bot. The latter woke up in a jerk. After seeing Lu Nan, he wanted to open the car door and run, but the car door was locked.

Lu Nan spat out a mouthful, picked up the pistol and pointed it at Tang Bote.

"Allow you to confess for 1 minute, and say it after 1 minute or not."

Tang Bote's face was pale, and he leaned on the seat and gasped in fear: "Ma Yunfei sent you here."

"I don't like to get involved with him. I just want to return his favor. Maybe I can sell you a favor, but this deal depends on whether you agree. Try to be as precise as possible. I don't have enough time."

After thinking about it for a while, Dumbledore said, "Yes."

Lu Nan nodded: "Where is the goods?"

"I can't say that."

"Mr. Ma asked me to ask, and said that I can let you leave alive and take the money, otherwise I will bring these things to the King of Hades."

"He dares!"

Lu Nan sneered: "But I dare to remind you by the way that I don't have enough time. According to the rules of the world, you can still be unrestrained after quitting, and no one will trouble you."


Tang Bote was dejected: "Luoxi village, the home of the third elder Long."

After getting everything he wanted, Lu Nan knocked him out and tied him up. Standing outside the car, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a series of phone numbers.

"I was on the road out of the city in the western suburbs, the car was flashing, and there was a batch of goods in Luoxi Village, Long Laosan's house, which was snatched from Ma's house. Let it go out and say that his driver sold the goods and hid them there. , the driver is in the trunk, and I will trouble you to pry the rest yourself, and watch out for the mice in the house to eat it.”

"Okay, we'll be there in ten minutes."

"Don't chase me too hard, you can't run with your legs anymore."

After finishing everything, Lu Nan walked down the road, removed the mobile phone and the mobile phone card, and threw them into the drainage ditch beside the road, causing a burst of water.

(End of this chapter)

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