Chapter 98

The lights were on in the barracks of the rookie training camp, and they walked into the dormitory exhausted, and into the garage that could only shelter from the wind and rain. Once upon a time, several members of Lone Wolf Group B also slept in this iron house for more than a month.

On the training ground not far away, the seven members of Lone Wolf Group B were lazily sitting, standing, or leaning on the assault vehicle.

Geng Jihui raised his wrist to check the time from time to time, while Lu Nan and Xiao Zhuang had already picked up smoke bombs to play with, Qiang Zi and Lao Pao each had a loudspeaker, and the health worker and the paratrooper were sitting in the car chatting.

"Sleeping?" Old Pao asked.

Lu Nan: "Wait another 10 minutes, some of them must not be asleep."

"Isn't that good?" Xiao Zhuang struggled.

"Anything to say?"

Xiao Zhuang took out a shock bomb from the tactical vest on the assault vehicle: "Smoke bombs don't smell good enough, and with this, I'm sure I'll wake up if I sleep too much."


In this regard, Lu Nan gave a thumbs up.

Wait quietly for 10 minutes. According to the experience of the seven former parties in Lone Wolf Group B, this meeting is already snoring.Except for the whistle of the assembly, no matter whether it is thunder or landslides, they will not wake up.

Lu Nan and Xiao Zhuang were holding smoke bombs and shock bombs, and there were two police soldiers standing at the door of the dormitory.The supervision of the rookie training plan is in charge of the Lone Wolf Commando, but the safety and discipline are in charge of the brothers of the Police Communication Company. They are responsible for everything big and small with the brigade station.

The two brothers of the police company were also in high spirits. They were sent to guard the gate in the middle of the night, and everyone was a little emotional.

"Coyotes, Siberian wolves, let's mess with these rookies too?" The third-rank non-commissioned officer at the gate was eager to try.

Lu Nan handed his smoke bomb to another soldier, Xiaozhuang took the shock bomb from Xiao Zhuang's hand and handed it to the non-commissioned officer, who excitedly fastened the gun belt behind his back, and was about to pull out the latch of the shock bomb in a hurry.

"Be careful, this is powerful, don't scare the rookie to tears."

The third-level non-commissioned officer said disdainfully: "I watched you all change from rookies to veterans. I have been a veteran for seven years, and I didn't get a chance to train rookies. I really envy your 026 warehouse. It's like protecting a calf."

Lu Nan said with a sneer: "Squad leader, how about asking them to get up and go to the toilet after we finish training?"

"I find you really naughty, but I like it."

"Just say so."

"this is okay."

Handing them the smoke bombs and shock bombs, Lu Nan stood outside the iron gate and gently pushed open the iron gate.Immediately, two smoke bombs were thrown in, and the third-rank non-commissioned officer pulled out the latch of the shock bomb, and then there was a dull sound in the dormitory.

This is what they asked for. Langya never poachs people. People who come here are voluntary. During the training period, rookies can leave at any time if they don't want to.According to He Brigade, the formation of a special brigade must be voluntary, partly to respect the individual choice of the soldiers, and partly to maintain the purity of the troops.

Soon after the noise, the rookie dormitory was in chaos. Several rookies in shorts were covering their mouths, noses and chests, and hurriedly prepared to run out.The four desperately held on to the handle of the iron door, and Geng Jihui came with his armed belt, and when he saw a rookie with his head exposed, he slapped it.

"Put on your gear, go back and put on your gear!"

"Go back and put on your clothes and equipment!"

"go back!!!"

Be merciful, Lu Nan remembers that the dog-headed old man used to be smashed directly with the butt of the gun, and it was definitely not as simple as being armed with a belt.

Just when Lu Nan felt that it was too kind, the paratrooper and the health worker made a hose, connected it to the faucet, and sprayed water on the rookie inside.Just now, these two people had been discussing mysteriously for a long time, just to find a water pipe?
Because they had been exposed to rain, everyone planned to raise all the rookie's umbrellas, and never let themselves be the only one in the rain.

Soon, fully armed rookies rushed out of the dormitory.Geng Jihui was going to tell him to go back, take off his clothes and come out again, he saw that it was Xiwa, since he was an acquaintance, he turned a blind eye and closed his eyes, Geng Jihui didn't have the nerve to whip up his armed belt.

Seeing the rookies coughing and crawling out of it, Lu Nan was very dissatisfied with the small water pipes in the hands of the paratroopers and hygienists.

"Gaotou Laogao used to make high-pressure water guns, where did he put them?"

The paratrooper dropped the small water pipe in his hand: "Yes! We have high-pressure water guns and water pump motors. Why do we need this small water pipe?"

"Walk around, look for it." The hygienist also remembered.

The two ran to find the high-pressure water gun, while the rookies stood weakly on the training ground one by one.

Geng Jihui looked at the rookies who were tortured to the point of doubting their lives, and showed relief: "There is no other thing to wake everyone up, just to let everyone look at the moon, the moon is very bright today.

Now that everyone is up, let's move around and wake up and doze off.Three hundred push-ups, ready to start! "



Seeing the rookies lying on the ground doing push-ups, Lu Nan walked up to Xiwa, knelt down and poked his helmet with his finger to play.

"A'nan, hehe~~~" Xiwa raised her head and smiled.

Lu Nan looked at the rookies around: "The old rookies who are trained again will have to practice more, do you know this?"

"I know, the special load is ten kilograms."

"Did you study well when you went back?"

Xiwa kept doing push-ups: "I've had a make-up class with the new company commander, but I still don't understand some knowledge. But I want to come here to have fun. Anyway, Yehuo is not even idle, and our company commander is also very busy. Agreed, but this may be my last visit."

"Not staying in the team?" Lu Nan asked with his head down.

"Don't stay, our company has equipped a lot of new equipment. You know I'm stupid to death. Even if I have a lot of energy, I can be regarded as answering the call. Even the culture of our recruits who came this year is better than mine. I want to go back to work and make money , honor the parents at home."

Patting Xiwa on the shoulder, Lu Nan got up helplessly.

There are some things that he can't decide, and he is just a big soldier. On the battlefield, he can block bullets for his comrades, but what can he do for the frustrated on the training ground.

Staying in the team and turning into a volunteer sergeant, I can only do so much.If you want to be promoted to be a military officer, you must first make some meritorious service and have a political background, and then have the opportunity to be sent to a military academy for a few months.Otherwise, you have to take the exam, and after you pass the exam, you will go to the military academy for a few years before you come out.

Lu Nan performed meritorious service, but did not meet the criteria for meritorious service. He was still an activist and had never been a squad leader.

Click!Fail.Click!Nor pass.Kakaka, it doesn't pass anyway.

Even Xiao Zhuang, who is privately liked by the high school team, has enough meritorious service standards, but has no political background, and has never been a class president.The high school team asked him to go back to study, or he would be transferred to a non-commissioned officer and continue working, and he would be a big soldier for four or five years.

Click!He didn't pass either.

The innate conditions are here, and the standards are also there. There is no way to do it.But there are a few non-commissioned officers in Lone Wolf Group B. They have a chance to be promoted, but Lao Pao has no chance. He is 26 years old this year, so he can only continue to serve as a sergeant major.

(End of this chapter)

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