Simplification of the Dao: From Perfect Archery to Real Immortal

Chapter 379: Repaying kindness with hatred? 9-Day Soul Locking Formation [Please subscribe! 】

Following Zhang Kun's guidance, it didn't take long for the group to arrive at the Qingshui Tribe.

The place is surrounded by rivers, and ordinary monsters will not approach easily. Moreover, there are many giant sharpened trees that are many feet long and tilted outside the tribe.

At first glance, this posture is to prevent monsters from approaching.

The gate of the tribe is made of many huge stones, which is three feet high and quite thick.

There are tribal personnel constantly patrolling the city walls, and they are very vigilant about their surroundings.

It can be seen that there are many attacks by monsters here on weekdays, so no one dares to take it lightly.

Zhang Kun led Lin Changsheng and others directly into the tribe.

The people in the tribe looked at Lin Changsheng, Gu Shan, and Xiaonan with great curiosity.

Because they haven't had outsiders come here for many years.

This group of people looked like monks who had just entered this place.

It's a pity that there is no return from this place. Once you enter this place, you can never leave again.

"Leader Zhang, can you introduce your leader? I would like to ask about the sacred mountain in detail!"

After entering the tribe, Lin Changsheng asked bluntly.

Because Zhang Kun didn't know much about the sacred mountain, he only knew that the sacred mountain was guarded by a powerful spiritual beast.

As for what kind of spiritual beast it is, I don't know how strong it is.

Lin Changsheng planned to ask the tribe leader, maybe he could get useful information from him.


This made Zhang Kundao feel a little embarrassed, because the people who had just arrived here were not qualified to meet the clan leader. Firstly, for safety reasons. After all, the clan leader was the core of the entire tribe. If Lin Changsheng had evil intentions, wouldn't the clan leader be in danger?
Secondly, the patriarch also often retreats to practice, which is not visible to ordinary people.

"Is there any inconvenience?"

Lin Changsheng asked.

"To be honest, the clan leader has been practicing all year round. It is not easy for us to meet him. We also need to wait for him to come out of seclusion! You guys stay in the tribe first, and I will notify you as soon as the clan leader comes out of seclusion!"

Zhang Kun thought of a compromise.

When Lin Changsheng saw what the other party said, he couldn't force himself and had to agree, "Thank you!"

Zhang Kun then found someone to arrange a place for Lin Changsheng and others.

Most of the houses here are made of wood and look very simple.

But having a place to live is better than living in a cave, and you will encounter powerful monsters outside from time to time.


load -

Soon, night came, and the roars of monster beasts could be heard from time to time in the dark mountains.

Every once in a while, monster beasts would collide and fight, causing the earth to tremble violently.

Everyone in the tribe is wary, which shows that they don't dare to relax for a moment while living here.

Lin Changsheng directly entered the state of cultivation, frantically running the Taixu Holy King Art to absorb the surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

One day of practice here is equivalent to five days of practice outside. Lin Changsheng didn't want to miss it.

Just when Lin Changsheng was practicing in the secret realm.

There has been an uproar outside.

At this moment, all the major sects have gathered outside the Nine Poison Sect's formation, and are constantly attacking the formation, hoping to smash the formation into pieces so that they can find the entrance to the secret realm.

However, without the cultivation of the Tribulation Stage, it is absolutely impossible to destroy this barrier.

"Are you sure you saw the secret realm here?"

In the distance, an old man in white clothes asked, stroking the long beard on his chin.

This person is the second elder of Immortal Palace, Immortal Master Zhengyang.

"Uncle Master is absolutely not wrong. Junior Brother Hou and I saw it with our own eyes! A secret realm appeared on the mountains ahead, and then it flickered for a few times before disappearing!"

Wang Huisheng said swornly.

Because the mountains ahead seemed to be no different from ordinary mountains at this moment.

"Get out of your way!"

Immortal Master Zhengyang whispered, since they said they had, they would definitely not lie, and planned to break the barrier and go in to take a look.

Upon hearing this, Wang Huisheng, Hou Shaojie, and other major sects immediately retreated.

He was afraid of being affected by the remaining power of Immortal Master Zhengyang, after all, he was a powerful person in the period of transcending tribulation.

Any residual force may kill them.

After everyone retreated, Master Zhengyang gathered the energy in his body and suddenly blasted out a palm, and saw a huge golden humanoid shadow appear behind him.

The phantom looks like an enlarged version of Immortal Master Zhengyang, but it is surrounded by golden light and looks extremely majestic.

A huge golden shadow was also printed with one palm.


The next moment, a golden palm print fell on the barrier in front of the formation. The originally indestructible and powerful formation was instantly shattered by the golden palm print.

The moment the formation was shattered, all the major sects immediately rushed into the Nine Poison Sect, trying to find the secret realm.

However, Wang Huisheng took Immortal Master Zhengyang to a mountain.

This is the entrance to the secret realm that just appeared, but it is now restored to its original state, and there is no way to tell that this place is the entrance to a secret realm.

I saw some mysterious patterns carved on the mountain stone walls. Most people in Fanao couldn't understand what was carved on them.

"If this place is really the entrance to the secret realm, you need to activate three formations at the same time to open this secret realm!"

Immortal Master Zhengyang relied on his many years of experience to see the difference in this secret realm.

If you want to open the entrance to this secret realm, you must activate three large formations.

However, only the successive masters of the Nine Poison Sect know how to activate these three formations. Even Immortal Master Zhengyang cannot activate them if he wants to.

"Three great formations? Then, wouldn't it mean that no one can open and enter this secret realm again?"

Hou Shaojie became a little worried. If Lin Changsheng entered it, it would be difficult to get out.

"That's it. If Lin Changsheng enters it, I'm afraid-"

Before Immortal Master Zhengyang finished speaking, everyone already understood what he meant.

This made Hou Shaojie's heart suddenly pick up in his throat, hoping that Lin Changsheng would not get into it.

"Why not? Didn't there just be a green light rising into the sky? This is obviously a sign of the advent of the Cave Heaven Paradise!"

"Yes! This Cave Heaven Paradise should be within this formation! How come you can't find it?"

"It's really strange. Could it be that this paradise of caves only appeared for so short a time?"

"Impossible! I have never seen such a short-lived secret realm!"

The major sects in the surrounding area who were looking for the Cave Heaven Paradise searched through the Nine Poison Sect, but in the end they found nothing, and they couldn't help but start to complain.

"You continue to search for Lin Changsheng's whereabouts. If there is no news about him, he has probably entered the secret realm, and I'm afraid the worst is worse!"

Master Zhengyang ordered.

Then Wang Huisheng, Hou Shaojie and others had to leave this place to continue searching for Lin Changsheng's whereabouts.

Inside the secret.

After Lin Changsheng practiced hard for a night, his cultivation improved a lot the next day.

It can be seen how fast one can practice in this secret realm.

An ordinary person might not have experienced such a big change, but Lin Changsheng possesses the Taixu Holy King Art, and his training speed is more than ten times that of ordinary techniques.

"What? That girl is a monster? No way? She looks like a very innocent girl!"

"What do you know? When a spiritual beast evolves to a certain level, it can transform into a human form. If the patriarch said that this woman evolved from a monster beast, it is absolutely true!"

"Then why did they come to our tribe? Do they have ulterior motives?"

"I can't be wrong. Now that you're here, you can never leave!"

"Have we been able to deal with the spiritual beast that can transform into a human form?"

"What are you afraid of? The clan leader has already set up a large formation. Even spiritual beasts cannot escape death!" As soon as Lin Changsheng opened his eyes, he heard people outside whispering.

This made Lin Changsheng frown. It seemed that they had discovered that Xiaonan was a monster.

However, they came here with no ill intentions. If the other party insisted on taking action, they would have no choice.

At this moment, Xiaonan and Gushan also opened their eyes, and they must have heard the words outside.


Lin Changsheng opened the door and walked out.

I saw people from the Qingshui tribe already outside the door.

"Everyone, what does this mean?"

Lin Changsheng looked at the people of the Qingshui tribe and asked.

I saw Zhang Kun among the front team.

"Little brother, I'm sorry. The clan leader said that the girl you brought was evolved from a monster and must be killed here today!"

Zhang Kun shouted.

They seem to have a sworn hatred against the monsters.

Seeing this scene, Gu Shan who followed him was also a little unhappy. If they hadn't saved each other yesterday, they would have become the meal of the long-tailed thunder beast. Today, they want to retaliate for kindness?

And even if they really fight, they may not be the opponents of the three ice and fire pythons. They are simply seeking death.

The little girl actually acted very calmly. Perhaps she had already seen human beings' ingratitude. This was not just once or twice, she had long been accustomed to it.

"It's true that she is a monster, but can she hurt you one bit? Is this how you treat guests?"

Lin Changsheng suddenly felt unhappy. He thought there would be some misunderstanding, but it seemed that there was no misunderstanding.

It's just that they are ungrateful.

"A monster is a monster, what else can there be between good and bad? In this secret realm, humans and monsters are incompatible. I advise you both not to be confused by this monster. If you insist on doing so, then Don’t blame us for being ruthless with our swords!”

On the other side, a leader who looked like Zhang Kun shouted.

"The sword is ruthless? I want to see how ruthless you are?"

Gu Shan scolded angrily, and his momentum immediately spread around him, making everyone who was directly suppressed feel breathless.

"How brave are you to bully everyone in my tribe?"

Following an angry shout, a figure came galloping from a distance and then stood on the opposite side of the ancient mountain.

This person's aura is almost the same as that of Gushan, and he is also a strong man in the middle stage of Mahayana.

This old man was about seventy years old, but he exuded a very strong aura and did not look old at all.

"The patriarch—"

As soon as the old man appeared, everyone around him immediately shouted respectfully.

It is conceivable that this person is the leader of the Qingshui Tribe.

"It's too late for you to regret now. If you insist on being with the monster beast, you will all die under my nine-day soul-locking formation today!"

The old man stepped on the ground and immediately activated the Nine Heavens Soul Locking Formation he was talking about. A curtain of light immediately enveloped the entire tribe.

"I will give you another chance to choose. If you are hostile to us, we can leave without disturbing each other. If you insist on doing this, I am afraid this place will become a river of blood!"

Lin Changsheng's eyes also flashed with a cold light, he did not expect that the situation would turn out like this.

"Then I want to see how you can make this place become a river of blood!"

The old man gave a disdainful sound, and then directly activated the Nine Heavens Soul Locking Formation.

Lin Changsheng, Gu Shan, and the little girl suddenly felt a sharp pain in their heads, as if their souls were being pulled out of their bodies.

This formation is extraordinary, capable of suppressing all monks below the tribulation stage.

It can pull the monk's soul out of the body, suppressing it so that he can't move. Without the soul, the body becomes a shell, and will be killed by them.

Therefore, even if the clan leader knew that Gu Shan and the three-headed ice and fire pythons were extraordinary, he was still timid, precisely because of the existence of this formation.


Xiaonan couldn't bear the suppression of the formation and directly evolved into her true form.

The huge body scared the tribesmen back.

Fortunately, there was a large array of suppression, so Xiaonan could not attack, and she kept struggling and rolling on the ground in discomfort.

"not good!"

Gushan suddenly felt that the situation was not good. The power of this formation was indeed extraordinary.

When the soul was about to be extracted from the body, Gushan sacrificed a treasure like a bronze bell, which directly enveloped his body.

Lin Changsheng also shot out a blood jade bracelet to cover his whole body.

After the two of them completed their actions, their souls were immediately pulled out of their bodies and imprisoned in the formation, unable to move.

Only Xiaonan was still struggling, but it only lasted three breaths, and Xiaonan was also pulled out of her body by the power of the formation.

Xiaonan's soul turned out to be the girl she evolved into.

"Kill it for me!"

The clan leader waved his hand, signaling for his men to kill the three ice and fire pythons.

Lin Changsheng struggled hard, but found that he was imprisoned by the formation and unable to move.

This formation is extremely overbearing in confining the soul.

bang bang bang-

A series of attacks continued to fall on the three ice and fire pythons, causing bursts of roaring sounds.

However, the three-headed ice and fire python's body is very powerful, and it is not something that ordinary monks can easily break through.

After beating for a while, the clan leader discovered that the scales of three ice and fire pythons were shattered by his own clansmen.

He immediately planned to take action himself, and rushed forward with a palm strike towards the heads of the three ice and fire pythons.


However, the moment the old man took action, the heads of three ice and fire pythons that could turn people into stone actually looked at the old man.

The old man's eyes met with the ice and fire python's head, and his whole body suddenly felt numb.

"not good!"

The old man was shocked and immediately retreated.

However, it was too late, and his arm was slowly beginning to become petrified.

"Well, what's going on here?"

The old man was shocked. This was the first time he encountered such a situation.

"The patriarch—"

The rest of the clan were shocked when they saw the clan leader's arm slowly being turned to stone.

This clan leader was also a ruthless man. He smashed his arm to pieces with one palm, causing the broken arm to fly out.

The old man thought this would save his life.

However, the next moment, his feet slowly turned to stone.

No matter how much he uses his energy to resist, it will be of no avail.

At this moment, the old man completely began to panic.

If he breaks an arm, he will only fall a little lower, but if he breaks both legs, wouldn't he become a useless person?

At this moment, he could no longer do anything, and could only watch helplessly as the power of petrification continued to spread, eventually spreading to his abdomen, chest, and up to the top of his head.

In just three breaths, the old man was completely petrified into a stone statue.

This shocked everyone in the Qingshui tribe.

"Clan, the clan leader is dead?"

Zhang Kun was so frightened that he backed away. Their all-powerful clan leader was turned into a stone statue just by looking at this monster?
The ability of this monster is too terrifying! (End of chapter)

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