Simplification of the Dao: From Perfect Archery to Real Immortal

Chapter 386 Leaving the secret realm, establishing a sect, a sea of ​​corpses

[The Tiankun Formation has been detected. Do you want to spend 5000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

[The Dikun Formation has been detected. Do you want to spend 5000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

[The Formation of Time has been detected. Do you want to spend 5000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

The next panel will pop up a prompt.


Lin Changsheng decisively chose to simplify.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Tiankun Formation begins. The simplification within the simplification is completed. The Tiankun Formation == Observing the Sky! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Earth-Kun Formation begins. The simplification in simplification is completed. The Earth-Kun Formation == Observation of the Earth! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Formation of Time begins. The simplification within the simplification is completed, the Formation of Time == screen sucking! 】

"Observe the sky? Observe the earth? Hold your breath?"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought that these three simplified methods are not difficult, and it seems that they can be practiced at the same time.

After Lin Changsheng left the main hall, he went directly to the top of a mountain in the distance and looked at the junction of heaven and earth in the distance. In this way, he watched the heaven and earth together, and then held his breath.

Tiankun formation experience value +1!

Dikun formation experience value +1!

Time formation experience value +1!

Sure enough, with Lin Changsheng's movements, his proficiency in the three major formations increased crazily.

[The Tiankun Formation is complete! 】

[The Earth-Kun Formation is complete! 】

[The formation of time is complete! 】

Half a day later, all three formations had been completed.

The next moment, memories rushed into Lin Changsheng's mind. These three formations seemed simple, but they contained a lot of things.

Among them, the Tiankun Formation uses the law of the sky as an formation, which can block and suppress everything in the world.

The Dikun Formation uses the earth as the formation plate to imprison all things.

The Great Formation of Time is a closed space, forming an independent space that allows everything in the world to enter and not exit.

Once you master these three formations, you can carve out your own space.

"So, wouldn't it mean that if I have a certain strength and a certain amount of resources, I can also create such a secret realm?"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, carving out some space is not something that ordinary people can do.

Lin Changsheng couldn't help but get excited when he thought of this.

[The Tian-Kun Formation (Perfection), Earth-Kun Formation (Perfection), Time Formation (Perfection), and the Ten Directions World-Destroying Heavenly Formation (Perfection) were detected. Are they integrated into a new formation? 】

While Lin Changsheng was still in ecstasy, a prompt popped up on the panel again.


Lin Changsheng immediately clicked on fusion.

After all, the power of the fused formation will only become more powerful.

And it doesn't mean that these three formations cannot be used after fusion.

Lin Changsheng was still able to activate it.

[Heaven-Kun Formation (Perfection), Earth-Kun Formation (Perfection), Time Formation (Perfection), Ten Directions World-Destroying Heavenly Formation (Perfection), fusion started. Fusion in progress. Fusion completed, new formation Qiankun Destruction obtained Divine Formation! 】

"Qiankun God-Destroying Heavenly Formation?"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, he knew without thinking that this formation must be more domineering than the Ten Directions World-Destroying Heavenly Formation.

It's just that you don't know how domineering it is, it can only be seen when you set up a formation to kill the enemy.

[The Qiankun God-Destroying Heavenly Array has been detected. Do you want to spend 9000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

The panel prompts again.


Lin Changsheng couldn't help but feel a little pain in his heart when he saw thousands of immortal crystals disappearing.

However, after simplification, the speed of practice is much faster, and my mind is much more balanced.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the God-Destroying Heavenly Formation of Heaven and Earth begins. The simplification ends in simplification. The Heavenly Formation of God-Destroying Heaven and Earth == God-Destroying! 】


Lin Changsheng thought to himself that he would write a god on the ground and then step on it. I wonder if that would work?
He did it as soon as he thought of it, and then Lin Changsheng carved a god on the ground, and then began to stamp on it.

Qiankun God-Destroying Heavenly Formation experience value +1!

Qiankun God-Destroying Heavenly Formation experience value +1!

I saw that the experience value of the Qiankun God-Destroying Heavenly Formation was increasing crazily. It seemed that this method really worked.

From sunset to dark, Lin Changsheng didn't know how long he had been pedaling.

[The Heavenly Formation of the God-Destroying Universe is complete! 】

The proficiency of this formation has finally reached perfection.

Without having time to test the power of this formation, Lin Changsheng immediately returned to the main hall.

Because the most urgent task now is to leave this secret space.

I want to see if these three formations can open the transmission channel when activated.

After returning to the main hall, Lin Changsheng immediately began to carve the divine pattern formations, a Tiankun formation, an Earth-Kun formation, and a Time formation.

When the three formations were carved, white rays of light suddenly flashed into the sky and formed a space-time tunnel in the hall.

White rays of light illuminated the entire night like daylight.

"It's done?"

Gu Shan was shocked when he saw the formation flashing and a space-time tunnel suddenly opening.

This guy is truly a genius!He was able to study and understand the incomparable formations of these three Brahma's gods, and he was also able to arrange the formations. This shows how talented this kid is.

"Go and notify the major tribes!"

Lin Changsheng thought secretly.

Although he opened the passage to the secret realm, it is unknown whether the outside of the passage is safe.

It would be safer to call them to try.

Then Gushan immediately notified the people from the major tribes who stayed here and asked them to notify the major tribes to come.

In just three hours, all major tribes had heard the news and rushed over.

When they saw the time and space passage in the hall, they were extremely shocked.

"This, is this really the passage to the Immortal Realm?"

The white-haired old man asked in shock. He couldn't believe it. One day, they would really be able to leave this place?

"If you don't believe me, you can try it?"

Lin Changsheng responded. He didn't want to be the first to try. If something went wrong, it would be over. It would be safer to let others try.

The old man was also a little undecided and immediately looked at the rest of the staff.

"I come!"

Finally, someone has had enough of staying in the secret realm and plans to give it a try. Even if he dies, it doesn't matter. It's better than being trapped here for the rest of his life.

"You take this!"

Seeing how bold this man was, the old man immediately took out two beads from the storage bag and put one of the beads in his hand.

"If you really get out and it's safe, crush the beads!"

The old man explained in a serious tone.

Because this means everything goes well.

"Yes, patriarch!"

After saying that, the man jumped directly into the tunnel.

The next moment he disappeared without a trace.

The old man looked at the beads in his hands solemnly. If the beads were broken, it meant that it was safe outside.This object is called the Zimu Jade Soul Pearl, and it has the property of damaging both.

If one is broken, the other will be broken even in different time and space.

However, after the man had gone out for half a stick of incense, the beads were still not broken, which gave both the old man and Lin Changsheng a bad feeling.

Could it be that it's not a fairyland outside?
Or did he die in the passage?
"It seems—"


Just when the old man wanted to say that this passage did not lead to the fairyland, the bead in his hand suddenly broke.

This made everyone's hearts beat faster. It seems that this passage really leads to the fairyland?

Immediately one by one excited.

However, the old man motioned for Lin Changsheng and others to go first.

"Then I'm welcome!"

After Lin Changsheng finished speaking, he led Gu Shan and Xiao Nan towards the passage.

From the beginning of this passage, Lin Changsheng was [-]% certain that it led to the Immortal Realm, but it was still too risky.

Now another person has gone out, which means it is [-]% safe.

So there is no need to wait any longer.

As several people stepped into the passage, the light outside flickered.

The next moment, Lin Changsheng appeared from Snake Valley again.

He thought it would be teleported to another place, but he didn't expect to return the same way, which surprised Lin Changsheng.

At this moment, outside the Poisonous Scorpion Valley, the crowded scene at the beginning was no longer there, and the buildings were already empty.

After all, it had been a year since Lin Changsheng entered it, and many people thought he was dead.

Naturally, it is impossible for the secret realm to be opened.

However, I didn't expect that today, the secret realm would be opened again, and the dazzling green light would shoot straight into the sky.

The next moment, the tribesmen who had been imprisoned in the secret realm for hundreds of thousands of years also left the secret realm and appeared in the Snake and Scorpion Valley.

After coming out, everyone looked around, very curious about this strange world.

After feeling the vastness of the fairyland, some people were so excited that they jumped up and down.

After all, the secret realm has limited space and is full of crises.

But the Immortal Realm is extremely vast.

"Tell the others that if you are willing to stay and follow me, then stay, and if you want to go it alone, just leave."

Lin Changsheng was so happy. Except for the eight powerful Mahayana warriors who needed to be caught in his hands, the others were not that important to him.

If they want to leave, just let them go. After all, it won't be very useful.

Then the major clan leaders passed the news on, and most of the clan members were still willing to continue to follow the clan leaders, while a small number wanted to explore this vast fairyland.

Lin Changsheng also let them go directly.

It's just that their fate will not be very good, because the dangers in the fairyland are no less than in the secret realm, or even worse.

After all, there are tribesmen in the secret realm who work together to resist the monsters, and many people have always been under the protection of their tribesmen.

And the only threat to the secret realm is monsters.

But the fairyland is different. Not only are there threats from monsters, but there are also many threats such as monks and demon cultivators.

One mistake could lead to death.

"What should we plan next?"

The old man looked at Lin Changsheng and asked. Although he had other ideas in his mind, he still did not dare to act rashly. After all, they had taken the pill given by Lin Changsheng. If they offended Lin Changsheng, they probably would not survive.

"Next, I am going to the Immortal Palace. You will come with me, and with you here, I plan to establish a sect and establish a large sect of my own!"

Lin Changsheng expressed his thoughts. What do they think?
As soon as these words came out, many powerful people in the Mahayana stage fell silent.

Because they were originally the leaders of various major sects, and now they want to create their own sect. This is a great disrespect to the original sect!
"Why are you hesitating? If it weren't for Senior Lin, how could we leave the secret realm? You had already died in the secret realm back then, and now we are all free. I, Cheng Liang, am the first to agree! Senior Lin has such a With his talent, he will definitely be able to lead the sect to prosperity in the future!”

The old man was the first to agree and expressed his determination to Lin Changsheng.

This made Lin Changsheng quite satisfied.

"I, Gao Zhenyuan, am also willing to join!"

"I, Luo Shaofeng, will join me too!"

"I, Li Xiuhua, am also willing to join!"

As the old man spoke first, the rest of the staff also agreed to join.

"Very good, if you follow me, your talents will definitely not be insulted in the future, and you will have more hope of stepping into a higher realm!"

Lin Changsheng also promised.

"We will follow Senior Lin to the death!"

Everyone said in unison.

This made Gu Shan behind him secretly gasp in surprise. Not only was this kid extremely talented in cultivation, but he also had such a knack for winning over people's hearts?
Slap a candy?
Later, because Lin Changsheng had to continue rushing to the Immortal Palace, and it was inconvenient to bring so many people, Lin Changsheng asked them to enter the secret realm first, and then pick them up after finding a better sect residence.

Although everyone felt a little regretful, they also followed Lin Changsheng's arrangements.

Then they returned to the secret realm one by one.

When everyone returned to the secret realm, Lin Changsheng used the power of the formation to close the secret realm passage, and then directly cut off the divine patterns on the stone wall with a knife and took them away.

In this way, others will have no way to enter the secret realm.

Otherwise, if others can also study the three major formations, they may be able to open the channel.

Although these three great formations are extremely sacred, ordinary people cannot master them at all.

But a few geniuses are not excluded.

Sea of ​​corpses.

Located in the sea south of Futian Prefecture, there are storms and huge waves.

On the vast expanse of sea, stands a pitch-black island.

This island is called Immortal Corpse Island, and there is a large sect on Immortal Corpse Island called Immortal Corpse Sect.

At this moment, in the main hall of the Immortal Corpse Sect, a man in a golden robe was sitting on a skull and bones chair above the main hall.

The man was extremely thin. If his chest wasn't still heaving, you could even think that he was dead. To describe him as skinny is not an overstatement.

The strange thing is that although the man is extremely thin, the aura coming out of his body is extremely powerful.

He is clearly a strong man who has transcended the tribulation period.


The man suddenly opened his eyes and was shocked when he saw the clay figure in front of him slowly melting.

"The formation was broken and my body was taken away? Who is so bold as to take my body?"

The man in gold yelled angrily.

The corpse on the sacred mountain in the secret realm was refined by him.

As long as it takes 1000 years to refine, the corpse can be made extremely powerful and unafraid of the power of the Heavenly Thunder Immortal Treasure.

Moreover, the physical body was originally extremely talented and was expected to become an immortal corpse in the future, but unexpectedly it was destroyed by someone.

"It's just awful!"

The man in gold clothes was so angry that he slapped the bone chair under him, instantly turning it into powder.

He had a hard time getting this body. It can be said that it is rare to find in a thousand years.

After the refining is completed, he can even use it to replace his current physical body, and he is expected to enter the realm of immortals in the future.

Unexpectedly, it was destroyed by someone.

"Ruin my good deeds, I can't get around you!"

The cold light bloomed in the man's eyes, making people shudder.

"In half a year, I will perfect the Immortal Corpse Technique, and then I will go and take back the body. Little beast, don't let me find you, otherwise you will die without a complete body!"

The skinny old man chanted, then closed his eyes and continued practicing. (End of chapter)

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