Simplification of the Dao: From Perfect Archery to Real Immortal

Chapter 393: Tianlan Sect, tense situation, Mo family’s attitude

Snake Valley.


Two figures cut through the sky and stood here.

The two people wore strange and obvious makeup, one in black and one in white.

The one in black is a handsome man, and the one in white is a pretty woman.

The man is wearing black clothes, looks handsome, has a straight nose, sharp eyebrows and starry eyes. He looks about 24-[-] years old.

The woman is dressed in white, has a charming appearance, a graceful figure, and a pair of charming fox eyes.

"Brother, it seems that this boy has rushed to the Immortal Palace! If he has the protection of the Immortal Palace, it will be difficult for us to kill him again!"

Bai Feng looked at the mess here and said slowly.

"Don't worry, we have spies in the Immortal Palace. There's no way that kid can't hide! He will die sooner or later!"

Kuroyu said confidently.

Even if Lin Changsheng reaches the Immortal Palace, it may not be safe.

As long as Lin Changsheng reveals a flaw, that will definitely be the day he dies.

A junior actually alerted the two of them to take action. Even if he died in their hands, it would be an honor for the other party.

"Okay, then let's rush to the Immortal Palace and wait for the opportunity!"

Bai Feng's red lips opened slightly, and his breath was like blue.

Such a charming movement made Kuroyu's heart beat faster.

"Since it's rare to come out, why don't we do something interesting?"

Kuroba suggested.

After hearing Kuroyu's words, Bai Feng knew the implication of the other person's words.

Bai Feng smiled charmingly and said, "I listen to big brother!"

As he spoke, Black Feather hugged Bai Feng's waist and rushed towards a city in the distance.

Not long after the two left this place.

A beautiful figure also appeared here.

There was a biting ice aura surrounding this beautiful person.

The entire ground within a hundred feet radius was condensed into ice, as if the surrounding air was frozen.

"Changsheng, I will definitely find you!"

Yan Zhen's eyes showed determination.

No matter whether Lin Changsheng was really dead or not, she still wanted to see people alive and her body when she died.

However, after Yan Zhen searched for the scale for a while, she found nothing.

Not even a trace of the entrance to the secret realm was found.

"Could it be that the secret realm has collapsed? Impossible, maybe Changsheng has come out of the secret realm!"

Yanzhen secretly said that she could not accept this result.

She believed that Lin Changsheng must still be alive.

"If Changsheng is alive, he will definitely go to the Immortal Palace. I have to go to the Immortal Palace to find out!"

After Yanzhen's search was fruitless, she planned to go to the Immortal Palace to look for traces of Lin Changsheng.

With Yan Zhen's departure, the ice on the earth receded and everything revived again.


After Lin Changsheng accepted the task of escorting the caravan, he, Hou Shaojie, Zhao Shuang'er and three other people rushed to Yaochi City, three hundred miles away from the Immortal Palace.

Yaochi City is surrounded by mountains on three sides and faces water on one side. It is a good place that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Moreover, the canal trade developed here, making Yaochi City very wealthy.

The Mo family of Yaochi City is the one who issued the mission this time.

The Mo family is located in the south of Yaochi City, covering a vast area, with hundreds of clan members and over a thousand servants.

It is one of the largest households in Yaochi City.

Lin Changsheng and the others arrived in the sky above Yaochi City in a short time on the Lightning and Thunder Eagle.

Then the three of them jumped down and landed outside the gate of Mo's house.


When the Mo family guards saw Lin Changsheng and others, they immediately became alert.

They could sense that Lin Changsheng and others had extraordinary cultivation.

If they start fighting, they will definitely not be opponents.

"Tell Master Mo that we are disciples of the Immortal Palace and are here to escort the Mo family's caravan across Qingfeng Cliff!"

Lin Changsheng said.

Only then did the Mo family guards relax their guard.

If the other party comes with bad intentions, they really can't deal with it.

"It turns out it's an immortal master from the Immortal Palace. Please come inside. The master of the house has been waiting for a long time!"

The guard said politely, and then invited Lin Changsheng and the others into the mansion.

It has to be said that the Mo family is rich and has a large courtyard.

Lin Changsheng followed the guard through countless courtyards before arriving at a vast courtyard.

There are many people waiting in this courtyard, and judging from the aura of these people, it seems that their strength is extraordinary.

They all have cultivation levels around the late stage of virtual refining, and some have even reached the early stage of integration.

When Lin Changsheng was sizing up the other party, the other party was also sizing up the three of them.

"Disciple of Immortal Palace?"

The other party was obviously a little surprised after seeing the clothes on Lin Changsheng and others.

I didn’t expect that for such an escort mission, even people from the Immortal Palace would come to join in the fun?
Some monks left wisely after seeing the Immortal Palace disciples coming forward, because they knew that they could not take advantage of the Immortal Palace disciples.

This task will definitely fall into the hands of the Immortal Palace disciples in the end.

However, some sect disciples did not think so. After all, Lin Changsheng only had three people in total, and some sects had more than ten people coming.

"You are late, this mission belongs to our Tianlan Sect! Please come back!"

Just after Lin Changsheng and the others entered the courtyard, a disciple stood in front of Lin Changsheng and the others and said in a bad tone.

They arrived here three days in advance and had gathered more than ten people for this task. There was no way their trip would be in vain, right?

Moreover, Tianlan Sect also has a certain status in Xianhai Prefecture.

Although it cannot be compared with the Immortal Palace, the strength of the sect disciples cannot be underestimated.

Especially this time two disciples who were in the early stages of integration came.

"This is not your decision. If Patriarch Mo says we don't need our escort, we will leave of course! Who do you think you are?"

If the other party didn't give Lin Changsheng a good look, then Lin Changsheng would naturally not give him a good look either.

"That is, the owner still spoke, and the dog started biting?"

Hou Shaojie also mocked, which made the disciples of Tianlan Sect even more angry.

"Who do you call a dog?"

A group of Tianlan Sect disciples, relying on their large number, immediately surrounded them, with the intention of taking action if they disagreed.

However, Hou Shaojie did not panic at all, "Isn't it obvious? Whoever blocks the road or bites is a dog!"



A group of Tianlan Sect disciples were immediately angry with Hou Shaojie and planned to take action.

At this moment, the door in front opened and a middle-aged man came out with two young men.

The middle-aged man looks elegant and has a majestic aura in his body. He is also a monk in the integration stage.

The two young men behind him were a man and a woman.

The man is about twelve or fifteen years old, with a handsome face, and his cultivation is in the early stage of becoming a god.

The woman's appearance is sweet, her movements reveal a ladylike attitude, and her cultivation is in the late Nascent Soul stage.

"Everyone, be safe and don't be impatient!"

Just as Lin Changsheng and the others were at war with the Tianlan Sect disciples, a middle-aged man stepped forward to persuade them.

"Since everyone is a guest in my Mo family, my Mo family will definitely treat you as landlords and will not let everyone go in vain. How about this, how about you two sect disciples escorting you together? Who can kill the leader of Qingfengya village? Zhao Gang, even if you complete the escort mission, you can still get a hundred immortal crystals as a reward for those who haven't killed them, how about that?"

Mo Mingyuan suggested.If these two major sects are escorted together, it will naturally be safer.

After all, there are more people coming from Tianlan Sect, which is obviously safer.

But only three people came to the Immortal Palace, so he didn't have much confidence.

Although the Immortal Palace disciples are certainly stronger than the Tianlan Sect, their number is still too small.

"Please don't refuse the immortal masters of the two major sects! With your escort, we will be safe and sound along the way!"

Mo Mingyuan's son Mo Yiming also spoke to persuade.

"Excuse me, immortal masters!"

Mo Yao also gave a slight salute.

Seeing that the other party said this, the disciples of Tianlan Sect suddenly became uncomfortable.

Especially Mo Yao's figure made many Tianlan Sect disciples look askance. How could such a beauty live up to her good intentions?

And there are more of them, so it feels like they must complete the task.

"Since Patriarch Mo has said so, we can't refuse! There's no harm in letting them follow!"

A burly disciple headed by Tianlan Sect responded.

This man was tall and thick, his arm muscles were knotted, and there were many sword marks on his abdomen and waist, which showed that he fought fiercely.

This person is also the most powerful among the many disciples of Tianlan Sect.

But if he really wanted to take action, Lin Changsheng could defeat him with one move.

Hearing the words of the disciples of Tianlan Sect, Lin Changsheng wanted to laugh a little.

We won't know who is strong or weak until later. How can we show off our power of words now?

"We have no opinion either!"

Lin Changsheng looked at Patriarch Mo and responded immediately.

"That's great. I'll order people to prepare right now. We'll set off at noon! Everyone, please wait a moment!"

Mo Mingyuan said happily after the two sect members agreed.

With the escort of two major sects, it is naturally safer.

Later, Lin Changsheng, the three of them, and the disciples of the Tianlan Sect were invited into a room and took their seats.

The servant brought the best tea.

However, no one was in the mood to enjoy tea, and they all looked at each other with unhappy expressions.

"Boy, I advise you to go back as soon as possible! This bandit from Qingfeng Cliff is not an ordinary person. It will be useless to beg for mercy when the time comes!"

Zheng Yao said to Lin Changsheng and others with a sense of ridicule.

This person's strength is extraordinary in Tianlan Sect, and he is the best among the disciples.

Therefore, many disciples follow his lead.

"Begging for mercy? It's always been others who beg my boss for mercy. The person who asked my boss to beg for mercy hasn't been born yet!"

Hou Shaojie first said unhappily, "I see that your hall is dark today, and I'm afraid there will be a bloody disaster. If you are greedy for life and afraid of death, go back to the sect as soon as possible!"

"When is it your turn to speak?"

Zheng Yao had long been unhappy with Hou Shaojie. This man was even more arrogant than Lin Changsheng.

"What he means is what I mean! Do you have any objections?"

Lin Changsheng responded decisively.


Zheng Yao felt angry in his heart, and he immediately unleashed the powerful aura from the initial stage of the integration, wanting to give Lin Changsheng and others a showdown.

However, his powerful momentum fell on Lin Changsheng and others without any ripples.

ka ka ka-

I saw that the seat next to it could no longer bear it, making soft noises, and seemed to be breaking at any time.

"Starting to bite people again? This looks like a mad dog!"

Hou Shaojie sneered.

Although he was no match for the opponent, Lin Changsheng could beat ten of him.


Seeing that he was unable to do anything to the other party, Zheng Yao could only withdraw his breath and suddenly lost his temper.

"Wait and see!"

Zheng Yao knew that now was not the time to take action, so he planned to endure it for a while.

When they arrive at Qingfeng Cliff, the situation will be chaotic. Once they take action, I will take the opportunity to kill them.

Just when the two parties were getting angry, Mo Yao walked in with a group of musicians.

I saw that Mo Yao had changed her clothes and wore a green silk belt. She looked like a flying butterfly when she walked, light and moving.

"Everyone, please be patient. While you're waiting, I'll perform a dance to cheer you up. Please don't dislike it!"

Mo Yao spoke slowly, her every frown and smile showed everyone's ladylike attitude, making people's thoughts swirl.

"Miss Mo is worrying too much. It is an honor for us to see Miss Mo's dancing!"

When Zheng Yao saw Mo Yao's figure in full display, his eyes immediately lit up, and he had already forgotten the unhappiness he had just had with Lin Changsheng and others.

With a beautiful woman by their side at this moment, they are willing to wait even one more day.

"Thank you, please play music!"

Mo Yao ordered the musicians, and then the moving melody began to play. Mo Yao instantly danced like a fairy in a painting, spinning, raising her hands, and showing off her feminine charm.

The surrounding Tianlan Sect disciples could not take their eyes off it.

However, Lin Changsheng lost interest after just one glance.

Because he has seen a lot of women dancing.

He felt that Yu Lingfei's dance was the most satisfying to him.

After everything is settled, Lin Changsheng plans to go to Baiyue Villa to see Yu Lingfei and others. I wonder how they are doing now?

"Boss, this head of the Mo family is really planning! He probably wants his daughter to marry into a big sect so that he can get protection from the sect!"

Hou Shaojie saw the Mo family's plan at a glance.

If they get the protection of the sects, they don't have to spend a huge price every time to issue tasks from the major sects.

This can save a lot of expenses.

Moreover, if the genius of a large sect matched with his daughter, it would not be considered a marriage. It was simply killing two birds with one stone.

"Have you noticed all this? You are so smart!"

Lin Changsheng laughed.

Hou Shaojie could see it, but why couldn't Lin Changsheng see it?

But what does this have to do with them?Others dance for you for free, what else do you want?
It's not good to speak ill of others!
After all, Lin Changsheng didn't have any thoughts about Mo Yao.

However, Mo Yao, who was dancing, had a lot of affection for Lin Changsheng.

She felt that this man was extremely handsome and not much older than her.

He doesn't look as fierce as Zheng Yao.

Compared to Zheng Yao, Mo Yao liked Lin Changsheng, a young talent, more.

After the dance, Mo Yao started dancing with the sword again, which made Lin Changsheng take a second look. The swordsmanship was elegant and sharp. It was indeed a great enjoyment to watch the beautiful woman dance with the sword.

The sharp peaks move with the slender jade fingers, just like a pair of gentle jade hands caressing the heart, which is extremely comfortable.

After the sword dance, Mo Yao began to play the piano again. The strings of the piano struck people's hearts and made them mesmerized.

I have to say that Mo Yao is indeed a rare talented woman.

I guess he is also proficient in chess, calligraphy and painting.

Soon, noon has arrived.

The disciples of Tianlan Sect were still immersed in the sound of Mo Yao's piano and did not come back to their senses for a long time.

The head of the Mo family has prepared everything and is accompanied by more than a dozen family guards.

These guards are all good players in the family, and their cultivation levels are all in the middle stage of becoming gods.

However, it is a bit difficult to fight against the powerful bandits.

That’s why I asked the talented disciples from all major sects to help.

"Everyone, it's time to leave!"

Mo Mingyuan greeted everyone and said. (End of chapter)

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