fairy pot

Chapter 64

Chapter 64

Xianjia Beppu?

Han Ji was slightly startled.

However, he did not expect that this silk was actually a drawing from the Immortal Mansion.

This kind of opportunity may not be worse than directly obtaining some secret method.

Wang Jinchan has always wanted to establish a sect, but he is missing a place with strong inspiration, to be a mountain gate, so I won't talk about it.

It is hard to say that there will be any treasures in the cave left by such a powerful practice of Epilepsy Xuan Sanren for future generations.

For example, Han Ji's master, who is no longer alive, stepped into the Dao through the Chi Jing Qi Art that he obtained from an ancient cave repairman.

Now that I have obtained such a volume of illustrations, it is naturally worth looking forward to.

"Master, when I came from Manjiang, I heard a lot of rumors about practice. I only heard a lot of rumors about heretical practice. Among the sects, many seniors who only love to be carefree and do not want to be bound by all kinds of practices, after the success of the practice , or the act of establishing a sect. People like this, if they leave Liang State someday, before looking for opportunities to practice elsewhere, they will leave a line of inheritance in their own caves for future generations."

"This Crazy Mysterious Sanren disappeared without a trace hundreds of years ago. Maybe he went to another country to seek the way. Maybe he left some powerful objects in this other prefecture. Otherwise, I can't figure it out. Why did his old man take such painstaking efforts to leave such a picture with hidden secrets behind him?"

This chick, Hu Yue'er, also has some knowledge, but she couldn't help but say something.

Wang Jinchan smiled and said: "That's okay, as the saying goes, 'I gain my luck and lose my life'. It is very rare to have clues to this fairy mansion. I haven't seen the face of it, but I shouldn't have so many delusional thoughts. It should be noted that regardless of whether there are any powerful dharma artifacts you mentioned, if you have these illusions in your mind, it will only affect your own xinxing and disrupt your practice."

"The teacher speaks highly, and the disciples are taught." Han Ji listened to it, and felt that his teacher's self-sufficiency was really good, no wonder he was able to practice from a heretical way and cultivated his current ability.

Thinking about it again, after he obtained the Dharma of Buddhism, he went to Tianning Temple to practice and only regarded himself as an ordinary monk. It is not wise to act like this.

I can't help but feel admiration.

It's good for Han Ji not to speak, but when he opened his mouth, Wang Jinchan taught him a lesson: "Don't just talk about it, you should really write it down in your heart."

"The reason why I am willing to accept you is because I see that you are quick-witted and not lacking in courage. But with your temperament, sometimes you are too evasive, and you act recklessly. You can't stop thinking for a lifetime."

"If you are just a wealthy son of an ordinary family, that's fine. If you act like this, there will be some gossip in the streets and alleys. Now that you have entered the path, if you still behave like this, there will be more in the future." There are times when you suffer."

Han Ji was taken aback, but he didn't understand why the teacher taught him a lesson.

Seeing his appearance, Wang Jinchan shook his head and said, "Looking at your appearance, I don't even think about it. I won't go into details with you. I just said that if you are a person with a calm mind when you go down the mountain this time, how can you be like that?" You've caused so much trouble like this."

"It means that your luck is not bad, otherwise it would be difficult to speak in front of me today."

"Forget it. No matter how much others teach you, it's not as good as your own experience. I don't want you to correct a few points right now. I only hope that you will think more about things in the future, so that you can think about what I have done today. That's it for words."

Listening to Wang Jinchan's words, Han Ji understood somewhat in his heart, and he probably understood why his teacher gave such a lesson.

It's just that the truth is so, there is no time to calm down and sort it out, but it is difficult for him to make any changes in a short while.

So I had to write down these words and call it 'yes'.

But thinking about it, Han Ji thought about what Wang Jinchan said about founding a sect and couldn't help asking: "Teacher, you said that you want to find this fairy mansion as the gate of my sect. Is it possible that you intend to establish a sect right now?"

"But I heard from Miss Hu earlier that although you have cultivated your Consolidated Body cultivation, you have used secret techniques to forcibly break through it. It must have had a great impact. Would it be a bit hasty to do this now?"

Wang Jinchan glanced at him and said: "To establish a sect is not to find a spiritual peak and open a few caves. Finding the address of the mountain gate is just one of them."

"Furthermore, you have said it yourself. As a teacher, your current cultivation level is still lacking, and your condensing body skills are not yet stable, so how can you do this directly? Establishing a sect, let alone doing this, disciples, skills The accumulation of Taoism foundation is also indispensable."

"In addition to this, you and I, master and apprentice, have to gain some reputation. All these things can't be missed by half a point."

"Otherwise, you won't be recognized by your colleagues, and you will establish a sect indiscriminately. It will only make you laugh and not talk about it, and it will cause unspeakable troubles."

"If you want to establish a lineage of Taoism, you and I still have things to do in the future. The reason why I am happy about the news of this Immortal Mansion. I just think that with this place, I can save a lot of trouble in the future. In addition, I can Go to that Beppu early and make some arrangements to facilitate the opening of the mansion in the future."

"You don't have to think too much. I have some plans for these things. What you have to do now is to temper your cultivation well. If you can cultivate the Qi refining state earlier, you can share some of it with me. "

Refining Qi?

Han Ji shook his head inwardly, he is just about to achieve a small level of refinement, but the true energy in his dantian is complete, and he hasn't even penetrated the big and small circles.

If one wants to cultivate to the state of refining qi, one does not know how many years it will take.

However, after hearing Wang Jinchan's words, he knew that his teacher was not in a hurry about the establishment of a sect, and he didn't say much.

Wang Jinchan didn't say much about it, he just said: "Now that we have got the place to go to Befu, you and I don't need to go back to Tianning Temple. I practiced in Tianning Temple, and I was only using the place of the Buddhist temple to practice the scroll. The secret of Buddhism, now the results are successful, although there are still gaps, there is no need to stay in the temple to practice hard."

"I just went to find the location of this fairy mansion, and borrowed the inspiration from the cave mansion to make up some of my accumulation."

Then, he glanced at Han Ji again, and pondered: "You have been active in Pingyin Ridge for the past few days, and you have experienced several battles, but you haven't had a good rest. Jinliang Mountain is not too close to this place, so it’s really not good for you to strain your energy and damage your own foundation in order to hurry.”

"That's it, you and I will rest in this deserted village for the whole night, and it will not be too late to start tomorrow."

Han Ji knew that Wang Jinchan was thinking of his disciple, and his heart warmed slightly.

However, he has experienced a lot this time, and he is indeed a little tired.

This way down the mountain, the reason why I didn't say anything bad was because I tried my best to rest in Tianning Temple.

Now that I don't need to go back to Tianning Temple, I can't help feeling overwhelmed.

So he nodded, very sensible to find a fairly complete private house in the deserted village, and cleaned it up with some of the non-traditional rivers and lakes Sanju recorded in the Mingshanshu.

So he took Hu Yue'er and lived in with Wang Jinchan.

The mind was exhausted, and Han Ji had no intention of cultivating, so he adjusted his breath roughly and recovered some of his true energy.

So he found a corner, grabbed Hu Yue'er to make a pillow, and fell asleep like this.

With Wang Jinchan, a master teacher with great abilities, his mind is peaceful and he sleeps deeply.

I don't know that I haven't slept well yet.

Wang Jinchan's deep voice came next to his ear, which woke him up again.

"Don't go to sleep, someone is here."

(End of this chapter)

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