Chapter 65
A magic trick is a spell that is very suitable for making money.

Zhang Qing can now confirm this.

Whether it is to be a magician, or he is making cartoons, or now making sweet-scented osmanthus syrup.

They can all be very explosive.

Just by looking at the flow of people queuing in front of the stall, you can know how much money this couple has made.

In the end, Zhang Qing chose to take Irene and Ella away without disturbing them.

He didn't want to reveal his identity, nor was he prepared to reveal the identities of others.

Originally, he thought that the players who had obtained the game qualification would secretly hide and develop slowly, but he never thought that they would come out to make money carelessly.

Perhaps the players have already integrated into the world with a new look before others know it.

With a little emotion, Zhang Qing took Irene Aila to continue shopping in the night market until it was almost early in the morning, and then Shi Shiran returned home.

Run water for a bath, then go to bed.

I didn't rush to brush the dungeon, but slept until the sun rose.

When Irene Ella's life level has been raised to the current level, the difficulty of the dungeon has been reduced to an extremely low level.

Except that the hell mode is a little bit difficult, and occasionally you will open the secret of integration, you can basically push all the way and win the evaluation reward of SSS level.

The atmosphere in the forum is pretty good now, and dungeon guides are basically published by themselves.

Zhang Qing will follow some strategies to complete the SSS-level evaluation, and then backhand send the SSS-level dungeon strategies he completed to maintain the current atmosphere.

With the help of the Raiders, all three dungeons can be resolved quickly, and the whole morning is almost spent here.

With 54 SSS-level treasure chests in hand, the experience points that can be obtained are as high as 12, which is enough to fill the upper limit of his and Irene's storage.

——A player can store up to 10 times the experience value of their own level.

Zhang Qing is now level 10, and the current upgrade requirement is 5000 experience points, which means that he can store up to 5 experience points.

If it is allocated to Irene and the others according to needs, the sum of the two is [-].

This number is almost a bottomless pit for other players, but for Zhang Qing, it is just a day's work.

Zhang Qing doesn't want to increase his life level now, because as his level increases, the monsters he faces when he enters the dungeon will also have a corresponding increase.

He is now at the first level of black iron, and the boss in hell mode has reached the third level of bronze, or even the fourth level of bronze.

If he increases another level or two, it may cause the boss in hell mode to break through the bronze level, bringing a lot of attribute bonuses and making it more difficult for Irene and the others to attack.

Therefore, Zhang Qing cannot upgrade again before Irene and the others have advanced to a higher life level.

However, although it cannot be upgraded, it does not mean that these experience points will be wasted.

It can even be said that now is exactly the time for these experience points to play a role.

His various first-level spells need these experience points to improve.

So what if you can get 54 SSS-level treasure chests in one day, but it is only enough to upgrade two level 1 spells to blue quality.

Even if the demand for magic skills is full, Zhang Qing can not open the treasure chest, and wait for the future when he has accumulated enough to use it directly.

"It's not too late to upgrade after all the copies of the black iron level have been brushed."

Zhang Qing was paying attention to this.

Only 100 copies, three per day, is just one month.

In such a short time, he could bear his temper.

So in the following time, the lives of Zhang Qing and Irene Aila began to become more regular.

Generally, after waking up in the morning and having breakfast, the copy of the day will start directly.

By looking at the strategies on the forum, and then get SSS level rewards according to your own needs.

Finally, pick a copy of the Raiders and pass it on the forum.

Usually at this time, the morning will be over, and after lunch, it will be Zhang Qing's working time.

Writing books with code words, making animations with magic tricks, watching the number of broadcasts gradually increase day by day, and the income has almost doubled, his mood is extremely happy.

Although sometimes some people would contact me, wanting to buy the copyright of this animated version of Journey to the West, but Zhang Qing didn't care about it at all, and never got a reply.

Because he suddenly thought of a problem, it is impossible for Gemini to live in this world without any identity forever.

Then we have to find a way to open an account for Irene and the others.

But wanting to have an identity in Daming is actually quite difficult.

But in Songjiang City, there is still a loophole that can be exploited.

One can imagine the difficulty for Heihu to obtain an identity that can walk in the sun in Daming Songjiang City.

However, the imperial court does have a relatively harsh way to achieve it.

First of all, black households need a sufficiently clean background - no crime.

Secondly, black households need a high-paying job that can support themselves.

Only when the above two points are met can we proceed to the next step.

Letting a "beloved" with sufficient status as a guarantee can make the black household clean up and become a citizen of Ming Dynasty.

No criminal record and a high-paying job, these two points are actually not difficult.

It is even possible to carry out an industrial chain and manufacture in batches.

But the last point, getting a "beloved" of sufficient status to guarantee, is the reason for the harshness of this path.

What is sufficient status?
What is a "beautiful person"?
The former refers to people who have a lot of assets and own companies, factories or other business-like industries.

In short, the "capitalist" category of characters.

And a good person refers to a person who has no bad record and is innocent.

Those who can meet these two points are eligible for guarantee.

The word guarantee means that if the black household commits a crime in the future, the person who guarantees it will be deemed to have committed the same crime.

Under what circumstances would a capitalist with a large amount of assets guarantee a black household without fearing that the other party would implicate him?

So, it's a harsh path.

This rule has been promulgated for decades, and there are very few black households who have obtained their identity through this rule.

But Zhang Qing can.

His current animated version of Journey to the West is so popular that he can set up a studio by himself and treat Irene Ella as an employee of the studio.

In the future, he will operate or sell this animated version of Journey to the West, and the capital obtained will allow him to meet all the conditions.

When the time comes, he will go to the government to vouch for Irene Aila, and then they will be able to confirm their identities easily.

And it's not just the twins. If more people are called to come in the future, they can also be given a safe identity in this way.

So after thinking about this point, Zhang Qing has been running on this matter in addition to brushing dungeons during this period of time.

It is not very difficult to create a studio, but the key point is that now that the Spring Festival is approaching, many yamen are already in a state of herding sheep, and it is very difficult to do things.

This made Zhang Qing wish he could master a spell to charm humans, so that they could do things for him honestly!
(End of this chapter)

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