Rebirth Interstellar Meow Meow.

Chapter 172 Special Energy

Chapter 172 Special Energy
After finding her cousin in the hospital, Ruan Shu bid farewell to her eldest brother, and then handed him the mooncakes she brought.

"Brother Qingran, it's for you."

In the next second, Ruan Shu's soft little head was rubbed.

"Thank you Shushu."

Ruan Qingran's voice has a unique coolness, like the sound of emerald knocking, which makes people feel a little enjoyment.

Ruan Qingran had eaten this mooncake before, so he shared some with his colleagues after consulting Ruan Shu's opinion.

In the end, Ruan Shu got a lot of snacks.

Holding some snacks in Qingran's brother's office, she quietly and obediently ate and watched today's online class, even if it was boring content, she still enjoyed it.

Ruan Qingran looked at her, with a slight smile in her cold eyes, but soon, the smile subsided a lot, and turned into worry.

Yesterday, he used more sophisticated instruments to test Ruan Shu's blood and the mental power samples left behind, but still found nothing.

But he didn't believe that there would be such a coincidence in this world.



Ruan Shu, who was stuffing her mouth full with a big lychee, raised her head, her left cheek bulged out quite a bit, like a little hamster secretly hiding food in the cheek with great force.

Ruan Shu's beautiful blue eyes were somewhat ignorant.

"Let's go for another mental test with my brother."

He knelt down and looked at the soft glutinous rice dumpling, rubbing her soft snow-white hair with his fingers.


Ruan Shu nodded obediently without even hesitating.

Ruan Qingran couldn't help but flicked her small forehead lightly, "Why don't you have any vigilance at all."

Ruan Shu looked at him with clear eyes, "Because you are an older brother.

There was sincerity in her eyes and seriousness in her tone.

Being trusted so wholeheartedly by someone is a satisfying and soft-hearted thing, and Ruan Qingran's eyes are even more doting.

"Let's go."

The inspection site this time is much larger than the previous one. Ruan Shu only needs to lie quietly in a cabin instrument. When her brother releases her mental power, she tries to hold her face and release her little waste. Mental strength.

Well, a little waste like her, because she worked so hard, her mental power was only active in the spiritual sea.

Ruan Shu didn't worry about her mental strength being too weak at all, because she felt that it was a very happy thing to have this life, and her mentality was still very good.

Here, Ruan Qingran captured the active spiritual body in her mental sea with an instrument, and after careful observation, he didn't find anything at all. When he was at a loss, he suddenly thought why the pollution value on Ruan Shu's body was 0?

Then he had a bold idea, but he was also hesitant, so he called Ruan Shu up and briefly explained the situation to her.

Ruan Shu's expression became even more confused, "Huh? There are no pollutants in my body?"

Ruan Qingran nodded, "So I want to try, what happens when your body touches pollutants, but it's very..."

"Then try it."

Ruan Shu looked at him with crooked eyebrows, "I also want to know why, it would be even better if, if I could help my father and brothers in the future."

"Brother, tell me what you are going to do!"

Ruan Qingran was speechless, but she didn't need to do anything, just let her hold an object with pollutants.

X pollutants are very domineering, whether it is surface contact or breathing or eating, it will penetrate into the body, and then attach to their spiritual sea.

So even if Ruan Shu simply held something with X pollutants, they would aggressively penetrate her skin and penetrate into her body.

Ruan Qingran has been observing nervously, he admits that he is not as nervous as he is at this moment in any previous operation.

In the instrument, small black dots representing X pollutants appeared, and at the same time, Ruan Shu's spiritual pollution value also changed, from 0 to 0.1, 0.2...

Then he finally discovered the difference. When her spiritual pollution value rose to 0.5, something miraculous happened.

A group of small white dots popped up suddenly, few at first, but they were able to run after the pollutants without being polluted at all.

He suddenly opened his eyes wide, staring at the display device without daring to blink.

With the appearance of the first batch of small white dots, more and more small white dots appeared later, like streams converging together, and finally turned into rivers, aggressively chasing the X substance and devouring them .

As for why he used the description of chasing and beating, it was mainly because the X pollutants that were scattered by the collision after the small white dots appeared rolled around, and then these overbearing pollutants were chased and ran around, and finally swallowed .

Ruan Qingran, who was clearly observing the state of mental strength, seemed to be watching a war, "..."

He was a bit dumbfounded, but at this moment his heart was relieved instead. It really had something to do with Shushu, but the strange energy would only appear when he came into contact with X pollutants.

This also explains why Ruan Shu's mental power pollution value is 0.

She didn't shield the pollutants, but she would be swallowed by that strange energy as soon as she appeared.

After that, he used himself to do experiments, and found that when he was in contact with Shushu, that energy would creep into his body little by little along the places where they touched.

Although there is only a small amount, it has the aura of single-handedly challenging thousands of troops, chasing and beating the pollutants in his body before devouring them.

Much slower than on her own.

But this does not prevent the pollutants in his spiritual sea from really decreasing.

And when these little white dots approached his mental body, he could clearly notice that his own mental body seemed to be a little more active.

Then those little white dots near the spiritual body submerged into his spiritual body.

Ruan Qingran "!!!"

He felt it seriously, and found that after those little white spots merged into his spiritual body, his mental body became more active, and his own feeling was relaxation, a very familiar feeling of relaxation.

Ruan Qingran's heart was even more complicated. It turned out that every time he came into contact with him, the energy in the little guy's body would unconsciously heal his spiritual power.

But they didn't find out, and even Ruan Shu didn't know what was going on.

Ruan Qingran wanted to see if this energy could be controlled by Ruan Shu herself.

But he also didn't know anything about this kind of energy, so Ruan Shu tried a few times to no avail.

"Shushu, try to touch me with your spiritual power."

This is his guess.

Spiritual power is a kind of energy with a lethal nature, and powerful people can materialize spiritual power.

But to Ruan Shu, her little trash mental power is invisible.

So under the guidance of her brother, she tried to use her spiritual power for the first time.

Like a small tentacle, it popped out little by little, and shrank back timidly when it came into contact with the outside air.

Ruan Shu could feel some of it herself, and then blushed slightly in embarrassment, Ruan Qingran could also capture it with a machine.

Because of this, he wanted to laugh a little.

Because Ruan Shu's mental strength seems to have inherited her character, soft and cowardly, he has never seen anyone with such mental strength.


(End of this chapter)

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