Chapter 259 Lessons

After all the students arrived, Ruan Shu took a sneak peek and counted. There were twelve people in the whole class including her.

Except for her, they basically maintain the form of star beasts.

But their star beast form is much bigger than her.

But although they are all big, you can still see that everyone is round and cute.

It's like most of the ground is shaking when they walk.

During class, the teacher probably knew her personality, so she didn't get her up to introduce herself, but she introduced it on the podium.

Then I felt that the eleven students in the class except her all looked at me in unison.

Ruan Shu was sitting upright, her ears hidden in her hair were slightly red, and she pursed her mouth to try not to look so nervous.

"Okay, let's go to class."

Fortunately, the teacher quickly attracted everyone's attention. Ruan Shu let out a slight breath and listened carefully to the teacher above.

She had already learned what was said, but she still listened carefully.

But other students in the classroom are obviously not so peaceful.

They are the most active age, so it is a bit embarrassing for them to sit in the classroom and listen to the lectures honestly.


Some directly rolled themselves into a ball and slept, lying on the ground.

For example, there is a big black and white dumpling in the corner that Ruan Shu is paying close attention to.

That's right, it's a panda!

Super big, but round and as cute as rice balls!
Compared with the quietness of that giant panda, some are very restless.

Like the moa on her front desk.

I don't know how many times I made a noise and was called by the teacher.

The teacher is obviously used to it, and quickly suppressed these extraordinarily noisy children.

But by the second half of the class, the classroom was completely in chaos, and some began to gnaw on their own desks, or use their claws to scratch a few times.

But this is obviously made of a special material, and it hasn't been gnawed.

Some began to eat in private, and the sound of "clicking" could be heard endlessly.

And Ruan Shu who was sitting obediently: ...

I feel like I am a bit out of place in this classroom.

"Just be quiet for me!"

However, if the children are obedient and obedient, they will not be brats.

In the end, Ruan Shu watched the teacher look at her students with a gentle smile, and made a big transformation on the spot.

One... a super-large dinosaur, also, the carnivorous one!
Ruan Shu "!!!"


Now, those 'little cuties' who were still all kinds of skinny were completely quiet, and obediently returned to their positions shivering.

Ruan Shu was also trembling.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but I always feel that the teacher looked at me for a while, and even grinned to show two rows of pointed teeth.

Ruan Shu: ...does she want to eat me QAQ
But in fact, the teacher just showed her a smile. Who made this child so good, so worry-free.

The teacher wanted to learn from Marshal Ruan, how did this child teach.

After seeing that the children were all quiet, the teacher unhurriedly transformed into a human form, tidied his hair and continued to attend class calmly.

Ruan Shu felt that she couldn't even look directly at the teacher.

A class ended in a trance, and she was in a daze when the get out of class was over.

Then when I came back to my senses, I found myself surrounded by my classmates.




Ruan Shu surrounded by: weak, pitiful and helpless.

"How can she understand you like this?"

It was Dora who stood up and blocked Ruan Shu behind her and stared at the other students in the form of star beasts.

"You have to be like me."

The others grumbled, a little reluctantly, but they changed in the end.

But they all became incomplete, some ears did not go back, some tails were exposed, and some faces were not complete.

It's really hot on the eyes.

But they themselves don't mind at all.

"What's your name? Why have you maintained this weak appearance?"

In their eyes, the human form is very weak, so they don't like changing very much.

Only when you grow up later will you discover the convenience of the human form.

"Her name is Ruan Shu, and she is four years old."

"Dora, we're not asking you."

"Go away and don't face her, we are asking her."

Dora is upright and confident, and her taller body than Ruan Shu completely blocks her.

"You'll scare her like this!"

"How is it possible, we all eat grass."

"That's right, why are you scared by herbivores?"

Dora wanted to say something, but suddenly felt her hand was grabbed by a super soft little hand.

She squeezed subconsciously, ah, so cute!

She turned her head and met Shushu's beautiful eyes like glass balls.

Dora immediately patted her small chest loudly: "Don't be afraid, I will protect you!"

Ruan Shu rolled her eyes and revealed a good-natured smile.

"Well, I'm not afraid, thank you Dora."

He spoke softly and softly, which made people's hearts soften.

The students around are all solid, where have you seen such a thing.

For a moment, his eyes were fixed on her, and his eyes were a little bright.

Ruan Shu: "Hello."

She was still a little nervous, and her voice was trembling slightly, but if you didn't listen carefully, these children wouldn't be able to hear it.

"My name is Ruan Shu. The reason why I don't change into the star beast form is because my star beast form is also very weak."

After a pause, she said slowly, "You're smaller than me, I'm afraid, I'm afraid you will step on me."

The students suddenly opened their eyes wide: "Smaller than you?"

Ruan Shu nodded: "Yes."

Then I found that everyone looked at her with sympathy.

"You, are you sick?"

Dora scratched her head, then suddenly returned to her seat, took out the snacks in the small schoolbag and brought them to Ruan Shu.

"These are the snacks I like to eat, you eat more, eat more so you don't get sick and grow strong!"

Ruan Shu blinked her eyes, looked at the snacks on the table, and then raised her head to say thank you to Dora.

"I can't eat that much."

Dora: "It's okay, you can keep it and eat slowly!"

The other students also seemed to be inspired, and they took the food they brought and put it on her table.

"Ours is also for you."

Ruan Shu: ...

Although she was touched and grateful, she really couldn't eat so much.

"What do you like to eat, Dora?"

Ruan Shu took the initiative to talk to them.

"Me? I like to eat tree leaves, the fresh ones are the best, and bananas and apples..."

Then when she was talking, she found that Ruan Shu picked out some things on the table and put them in her hands.

"What about you, Narnia?"

Moa classmate: "I like to eat a lot..."

As he talked, he also had a lot of food in his hand.

Then Ruan Shu looked at the other students eagerly, her delicate face flushed slightly.

"I, I don't know your names yet."

(End of this chapter)

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