Rebirth Interstellar Meow Meow.

Chapter 293 The Living Egg

Rong Fu's eyes lit up the moment he saw the little guy.

In his eyes at this moment, Ruan Shu is simply the little angel who came to save him. Didn't the expression on the face of the cold marshal soften?
Ruan Shu held the egg in her arms with some difficulty and poked her head downwards.

The egg in her arms was a bit big, and Ruan Shu was holding it a bit heavy.

"Dad, are you done with your work?"

The following Rongsu waved wildly at Ruan Shu when he saw Ruan Shu.

Ruan Shu also saw him, and then smiled obediently at him.

Rong told his father that he felt his heart was hit.

This is the obedient daughter he imagined. When his wife was pregnant with the youngest, he had seen so many pictures of beautiful little girls to his wife, and all he wanted was to have another daughter.

Who knew that things would backfire in the end, and she was born with a handle, not to mention rebellious since she was a child.

"Come down."

Ruan Shu went downstairs with the eggs in her arms, and greeted them politely and well-behaved, and Rongsu's father was even more jealous.

"Dad, look at this egg, it has grown up."

Ruan Shu put the egg in her arms on the table with a tangled expression.

This egg has been placed on the head of her bed and covered with a mattress, and Miss Pink has already regarded it as its nest, resting on it almost every day.

In addition to seeing it every day, Ruan Shu didn't find anything wrong when she grew up a little bit.

But today, when she finished her homework and went to tidy up Miss Pink's little bed, she realized that the egg seemed to have grown bigger!

Compared with the appearance when I first took it out in memory, it is indeed a circle bigger. Miss Fen's small cushion is unstoppably round, and it is much larger than the Ye Mingzhu next to it.

Ruan Shu was a little frightened, so she came to find her father with this egg.

After she started using it, she found that it was quite heavy, and she had to use both hands to cover it.

"This is a beast egg?"

Rong Xu's father asked in surprise.

Ruan Xiao hummed and brought the egg over.

"Housekeeper, go get the transmission light."

The butler moved quickly. After the transmission light was brought, he hit the egg under the gaze of several pairs of eyes. The contents of the egg were clearly visible under the transmission light.

A small snake that has been formed is curled up inside the egg. If you look carefully, you can see the small snake's weak movements inside the egg, as if it is breathing, shallow, and you can't feel anything at all just by touching the eggshell. .

Although they can easily see the little snake inside the egg under the transmitted light, the eggshell is actually very thick, and ordinary light cannot penetrate it at all.

"Still alive!"

Rong Fu stared at the contents of the egg with interest, and he was just a boy who hadn't graduated from school yet.

When he was in school before, he only heard about alien beasts from the teacher, or the alien beast meat eaten at home. He had never really seen a live alien beast, because he was not a military student.

He likes racing cars, and his mental strength is not outstanding at B level, so he chose his favorite major.

At this moment, he was surprised to see a living strange beast.

In fact, not only he was surprised, Rong Su's father was also surprised.

Because as far as he knew, no one had been able to feed alien beast eggs or cubs.

One is because they themselves, as star beasts, are not even interested in alien beasts, and their own cubs are disgusted by trouble. Who would be so boring to raise alien cubs?

The second is because the cubs of the alien beasts are quite stubborn, and after being caught away from their parents, they will have a will to die, not to mention this kind of egg-laying alien beasts. Become a dead egg.

Now that their technology is so advanced, they can't hatch the oviparous beasts.

On the contrary, there are places where ferocious beasts are caught for profit, such as the underground Colosseum. There is no such industry on the main planet, but such industries are very active on some remote planets.

Now the strange beast in the egg is obviously still alive, and just looking at the thickness of the eggshell, one can tell that the level of the strange beast inside must not be low.

Rong Fu still wanted to see clearly, even wanted to touch the strange beast egg, but his father took it away.

"Marshal Ruan, it's getting late, then we won't bother you and your daughter."

Rong Xu's father is very good at winking. This is the time when the father and daughter get together, and it's getting late. He brought his son to thank him, so it would be shameful to stay there all the time.

Ruan Xiao: "I'll ask the housekeeper to send you off."

After the Rong family father and son left, Ruan Xiao ordered the egg.

"The beast inside is still alive and growing."

Although she had already guessed, Ruan Shu was still a little frightened.

"Then, what shall we do then?"

Ruan Xiao said: "It depends on whether you want to stay or not, but this egg may become a dead egg after leaving you."

Ruan Shu:? ? ?
While Ruan Shu looked puzzled, Ruan Xiao told her about the situation of the alien beast eggs.

"Only the alien beast itself can hatch its own child. Some people have experimented with using technology to simulate a suitable temperature environment, or letting the star beast hatch the alien beast's eggs. The final result is that they all turn into dead eggs."

"Then why is it still alive?"

"It should be because of your ability. You are a rare person in this world with the ability to heal. Both your talent and spiritual power are rare. It may be related to you that it can survive."

Therefore, whether to stay or not depends on Ruan Shu.

"If you don't want to stay, just ask the housekeeper to throw it out."

Ruan Xiao was very indifferent to this strange beast egg.

In fact, it's the same for any person. It's a miracle that the damn beast egg can survive till now.

Except for those who have novel ideas and do weird research, no star beast is interested in hatching a strange beast egg.

Even if the star beast has human nature, it still has the blood of a beast in essence.

Who would have nothing to do to hatch the cubs of other beasts?

Ruan Shu looked at the egg with a tangled expression for a few seconds, and finally hugged the egg.

"Then I, I'll keep it."

Dad said that the egg survived because of her. It has worked so hard to survive, and it has already formed in the egg. If it is thrown away now, it will die. Ruan Shu always feels a little guilty.

Ruan Xiao was not surprised by her decision at all, the little guy was still too soft-hearted.

"Is this the egg of the Frost Flood Dragon?"

Ruan Shu nodded. She had told her father about the Frost Flood Dragon after returning from Luoxuexing.

"The cub of the Frost Flood Dragon is not poisonous, and even if its shell breaks, it won't be too big. If you are afraid that you don't want to raise it after it breaks its shell, then we will put it back to Luoxuexing. Even the Frost Flood Dragon's cubs will hunt outside. ability."

Hearing what her father said, Ruan Shu was relieved, so let's release it after it breaks its shell. Whether it can grow up or not depends on itself.

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