Rebirth Interstellar Meow Meow.

Chapter 359 Graveyard, Flowers of the Past

Chapter 359 Graveyard, Flowers of the Past
Ruan Xiao punched him again, and Bross wouldn't be beaten standing up this time, so he returned it directly.

"Marshal Ruan Xiao must pay attention to evidence when speaking. The environment of the magnetic planet zone is complex and changeable. After my people entered, they were disturbed by the magnetic field and did not receive their distress signal and coordinates. How could they be the first if they didn't rush over there immediately?" Legion's fault!"


Ruan Xiao beat him fiercely and kicked him out of the office.

"I won't talk about the evidence today, you can sue if you have the ability!"

It was the first time Ruan Shu saw such a father, but she was not afraid, only worried that he would get hurt.

Ruan He comforted her: "Don't be afraid, your father is better than Bross who can only play tricks all day long."

There was also a look of disgust in his eyes when he looked at Bros. The people of the Aita family were still annoying to him.

Bros Aita, his father was also the previous marshal, and he was also a conspirator. When he came to his son, he didn't do any good at all, but he became more and more fond of calculating and gaining profit.

Although they are both marshals, Bros and Ruan Xiao are not the same in strength.

Borrows was built entirely by relying on the identity of the Aita family and the means of gaining fame, and many military achievements were earned by the family.

Ruan Xiao was trained by his father, Ruan He, on the frontier star battlefield.

In a real fight, Bross is not Ruan Xiao's opponent at all.

Quickly defeated, only to be beaten and unable to rage.

In the end, Ruan Xiao broke a few bones and lost all face.

He vomited blood and said harsh words.

"Ruan Xiao, the military court will definitely not let you go!"

Ruan Xiao raised his eyelids calmly: "What's the matter with the court-martial? It's just a personal grievance between us. Marshal Borrows asked me in private to ask for more spiritual potions. Don't get angry if you can't agree."


Ruan Xiao took out a recording pen: "I have evidence here."

Bross did come to him to talk about this issue before, and even other marshals came to talk to him secretly.

Because Ruan Xiao's counseling medicine here is provided directly from the little kumquats at home, and the quantity is more than that of other legions, so they want to negotiate whether they can buy some from him.

Bross didn't expect that he would use this to make a game for himself.

If they fight each other in private because of the conflicts between the legions, Boros can indeed sue Ruan Xiao. Although he can't be severely punished, even if he is locked up for a few days, he can make Ruan Xiao work a little bit online. reputation fell a bit.

But if it was just a personal grievance, the military court would not care about it at all, and Ruan Xiao even blamed him for the first move.

This is the territory of the Third Legion, and he has the final say on everything.

And now Ruan Xiao is still pinching the recording in his hand, this kind of thing is not clear at all.

"You're doing great!"

Bross' words were almost squeezed through his teeth.

Ruan Xiao ordered the soldiers: "Marshal Bros was seriously injured, please send him to the hospital. After all, the accident occurred in the Third Army, and I paid for his medical expenses."


The soldiers of the Third Legion answered sonorously and forcefully, and they had long disliked the First Legion.

They killed so many comrades-in-arms, this beating is considered cheap for them, and the matter is not over yet!
After Boros left in a mess, Ruan Xiao wiped off the blood on his hands.

He was in a bad mood for the hundreds of soldiers who died.

Casualties are inevitable in war, and he is not a person who cannot accept failure.

What he can't accept is the loss caused by personal grievances and personal feelings, which are his soldiers.

In the rescue operation a month ago, the fourth unit of his legion led a team to rescue a hijacked civilian starship, accompanied by people from the first and fifth legions.

Originally, all the battle plans were arranged, but at the critical moment, the people of the First Legion did not arrive, and the delay of the fighter finally resulted in the death of hundreds of his men.

All this could have been avoided.

Ruan Shu cautiously approached her father, grabbing his broad palm with her two small hands.


Ruan Xiao knelt down and hugged her.

"Scared you?"

Ruan Shu shook her head, took out a handkerchief from her pocket, and wiped off the blood on his face little by little with her toes.

"Dad, don't be sad."

The little Ruan Shu got into her father's arms, stretched out her small arms and patted his back with a baby voice to comfort her.

Ruan Xiao put his chin on the top of his daughter's furry head.

"Feel sorry."

He apologized softly: "I have one more thing to do."

Ruan Shu shook her head: "Dad doesn't need to apologize to Shu Shu, Dad is right."

Ruan Xiao chuckled, picked up her daughter, and led her to a place.

There is a cemetery where the dead soldiers are buried.

Before entering, the soldiers at the gate will give everyone a white flower, which is a real flower, but it is not a flower for appreciation, but picked from a mutated plant called the past life.

This mutated plant is born from countless bones, eats carrion, and finally blooms snow-white flowers. Its shape is very similar to that of the other shore flower. The difference is that the flowers of the past are all grown on the same mutated plant.

Many people believe that this is the flower that appeases the soul of the deceased, so some conditional people will find the flower of the past life flower after the death of their loved ones.

Even if you don't have the conditions to find real flowers, you will still make some fake past life flowers.

The flowers of the past life of the Third Legion Army were provided by the Lin family.

Ruan Shu followed her father with a flower of the past in her hand, and solemnly entered the soldier's cemetery.

Inside, there are already many family members of soldiers.

No one cried, but some people's eyes were red, and they all held the flowers of the past life, with sad and sad expressions.

No one spoke either.

The sky was gloomy, and it was raining lightly.

"Dong dong..."

A team wearing the official uniforms of the Third Legion walked in neatly, holding an urn made of special crystals in their hands. The urn was covered with the imperial flag, the emblem of the Empire and the emblem of the Third Legion.

They held the urn and put it in front of the prepared cemetery, and placed it carefully and securely.

The drizzle fell on her hair like icing sugar, and Ruan Shu's eyelashes seemed to be covered with a layer of frost.

But she held the flowers of the past life in both hands, and looked at those small urns without blinking.

At this moment, she suddenly understood the hatred in her father's heart. Those outstanding and fresh ones, who had worked hard to grow up to be good enough, graduated from the military academy and joined the army to protect the country and the people, just because of some selfish thoughts, finally Turned into a small handful of ashes.

(End of this chapter)

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