Chapter 395
After waking up, Ruan Shu was at a loss for a moment, then turned around and arched herself on the pillow.

The strange room and the strange smell on the pillow soon made Ruan Shu fully awake.

The room had a faint scent of grass and trees. Ruan Shu lifted the quilt, and just about to get up, she heard the knocking sound from the balcony.

She got out of bed with bare feet, the weather in Long Island is not cold, on the contrary it is still warm.

Ruan Shu's snow-white feet stepped on the wooden floor, and she walked to the balcony with a small skirt.

The whole room was decorated in a Chinese style. Through the arched partition door that separated the balcony, she walked out barefoot, but was amazed by everything she saw.

A gust of wind blew up her snow-white hair and skirt, and the peach blossom petals fell in front of her with the wind, and even landed on her head.

At a glance, there are thousands of ravines in front of the cliff, and patches of peach blossoms are blooming on the cliff, and the wind blows with some petals flying in the air.

Among the misty cliffs, Ruan Shu even faintly saw the waterfall in the distant mountain stream.

When he was in a trance, a big white snake poked its head out from under the balcony and saw Ruan Shu. Xiaoyin slowly climbed up the railing, and finally came to Ruan Shu's side.

Ruan Shu placed her hand on Xiaoyin's head and touched it lightly.

Sitting on Xiaoyin's body, he was in a good mood at the moment, and took pictures of the scenery here and sent them to the group.

Shushu: [picture]

Shushu: I've arrived at Aunt Shen's house~
Shushu: I fell asleep before, so I didn’t tell you immediately (猫猫rolling.jpg)

She looked at the terminal, wondering if her father and brother were busy at this time, and if they had seen the news.

She was too sleepy before, and Ruan Shu vaguely remembered asking Aunt Shen to notify her before she fell asleep.

Grandpa Ruan: We all know, your Aunt Shen told us.

Grandpa Ruan: The scenery here is really nice. Shushu is playing on Long Island as a vacation, and we will pick you up soon.

Ruan Shu was about to reply to the message, but the third brother's video call came over.

This kind of thing happened frequently recently. As long as the brothers had time, they would always rush to make video calls before others.

However, Mr. Ruan only reacted a little slowly after replying to the message, and found that the line of his good granddaughter was already busy.

Grandpa: ………

What a brat again! ! !
Ruan Shu talked a lot with the third brother, and seeing that his eyes had dark circles, he was so distressed that he told him to go to bed quickly.

I just hung up the third brother's video, and the eldest brother called again...

There are grandpa's, second brother's, and even two cousins ​​behind, but there is no father's phone number.

Her first reaction was that her father must be very busy now, and then she felt distressed.

It's all because of her business that Dad is so busy.

Ruan Shu took a selfie and sent it to her father alone.

Shushu: Dad, remember to eat and sleep, and protect your body, Shushu is fine, don't worry.

After sending the message, Ruan Shu let out a sigh of relief and watched the news on the main star.

#X District found a large number of Zerg invasion, the Third Army Legion, the Marshal of the Ninth Army Corps is about to lead troops out#
# Frontier Star Zerg has another change, whether the Zerg has a conspiracy#
#The Marshal of the Third Army and the Ninth Army will go to war soon#
The star network is full of news about the Zerg, the Third Army Corps and the Ninth Army Corps going on an expedition, and the two marshals personally lead the troops.

Ruan Shu suddenly became nervous.

Why is the Zerg here at this time, Dad will be fine.


There was a knock on the door outside, Ruan Shu turned her head, turned off the terminal and opened the door.

"Aunt Shen."

"I knew it was almost time to wake up, let Aunt Shen take you out to play."

Shen Rushi hugged Ruan Shu up.

"Aunt Shen, do you know the news about the main star?"

Ruan Shu hugged her neck and asked quickly, the worry and concern in her tone couldn't be hidden at all.

"Don't worry, you underestimate your father too much, is it for nothing that he is a Marshal?"

In order to divert Ruan Shu's attention, Shen Ru specially asked her what she wanted to do.

Ruan Shu thought for a while: "I want to plant some flowers."

She also took out the flowers she had brought from the star thief and put them in the small yard.

A pot of roses, and a pot of plants with small blue flowers. Ruan Shu checked on the Internet. This flower is called Snow Spotted Star. It is very delicate and difficult to maintain. It is not easy to bloom after it is maintained, but it will be very beautiful after blooming. The whole pot is full of beautiful blue-purple flowers, like a bouquet.

These two pots of flowers were not taken care of by Star Pirates before. When I first got them, a large area of ​​Snow Spotted Stars had withered, and several roses had rotten roots.

But after being raised by Ruan Shu, the situation gradually improved, and Fan Xing even started to sprout.

"What do you want to grow?"

Seeing Ruan Shu squatting on the ground and tinkering with the two potted flowers, Shen Ru asked with her chin propped up.

"Anything is fine."

"Then let's go to the mountain to look for it? But this kind of flower should not be found, peach blossom is very good, how about I dig some for you?"

Ruan Shu shook her head quickly: "No need."

Her eyes were bent: "I saw it on the balcony, there are many beautiful peach blossoms, very beautiful."

"The peaches over there are also delicious, but it's a pity that they haven't reached the ripe season yet."

Shen Rushi smacked his mouth: "Let's take you around."

There are quite a lot of forests and mountains in Long Island, but there are also many mutated plants.

Only a powerful species like the Dragon Clan will be fearless, and other people would not dare to live here.

When Ruan Shu was taken to wander around in the forest, looking for all kinds of food and plant seeds, on the main star's side, Bross also found that the target they were staring at was missing!

"It's gone, what does it mean to be gone!"

Bross roared angrily, and finally joined forces with the Zerg to get Ruan Xiao out of the main star, but in the end he found that the little girl from the Ruan family was missing.

Ruan Shu was originally a very quiet child, even though she stayed at home most of the time when she was on the main star, so she hadn't seen the Ruan family taking her out for almost a month, so no one doubted her much.

And Ruan Shu didn't go to school because of the kidnapping last time, everyone knows this.

The Ruan family's monitoring and defense system is strong, and they don't even dare to send people to search and check in private.

Who knew that the news came again, but the little girl had disappeared.

Bross exploded with anger.

So why did they go to such great lengths to get people away?
Oh, besides that little girl, I also want to kill Ruan Xiao.

Bross had a gloomy face: "Find it for me, I don't believe that Ruan Xiao can completely erase her traces in such a short period of time, and try my best to find evidence that Ruan Xiao's daughter is the one who can grow mutated plants."

Even if the person can't be found, when they reveal the news, they don't believe that the Ruan family can withstand such great pressure and hide him well.

(End of this chapter)

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