Rebirth Interstellar Meow Meow.

Chapter 404 Birthday on Dragon Island

Chapter 404 Birthday on Dragon Island
While Shen Rushi was taking Ruan Shu to make wine, Ao Ze was designing and building hidden weapons for her.

By the time her peach blossom wine is brewed, her birthday will also arrive.

Another year passed before I knew it, but this time I couldn't be with my loved ones on my birthday.

Although I received birthday wishes and pocket money from my grandfather, father and brother early in the morning.

Also chatted with them for a morning video.

But still a bit regretful.

Of course it's a pity that Ruan Shu doesn't complain, but Shen Rushi dresses her up as a festive little fairy boy when she wakes up.

"Today is Shushu's birthday, let's just play around!"

Up to now, the sleeping dragons on Long Island basically know of her existence, have basically visited her, and even sent many gifts to her.

Although she can't say that she is the richest, she is definitely the richest among most of her peers!
On this birthday, Ruan Shu was taken by the seniors of Longdao to see the sea of ​​flowers, ate all kinds of delicious food, and was also taken to travel the mountains, rivers, sky and ocean, and saw that she had only described it in words in the book in her previous life. , but never seen the scenery.

But for the rest of the Ruan family, today is a happy and unhappy day.

Happy is Ruan Shu's birthday, and their baby is one year older.

The unhappy thing was that they couldn't stay by Ruan Shu's side, and they didn't even dare to go to her, because the people from Bros and the bug thief had been watching them secretly, waiting for them to move.

At this time, on the battlefield in Area X, several planets were attacked by Zerg.

Ruan Xiao looked at those greedy and ugly Zerg that wreak havoc on various buildings with a condensed expression.

The reproduction speed of the Zerg is unmatched by any race.

Because two-thirds of their race have no IQ, only obey orders unconditionally, greedy and destructive low-level Zerg.

This is also the biggest disadvantage caused by too fast reproduction.

But for the higher Zerg, this is not a disadvantage or even an advantage at all.

Because the low-level Zerg are killing weapons without emotion, they can't think and only obey the orders of the high-level Zerg.

They don't create resources, and they have to constantly plunder the resources of other races if they want to multiply and become stronger, and the Zergs are greedy and plundering by nature, which makes the Zergs basically unable to live in peace with other races.

They are a rather selfish, domineering and greedy race.

Except for those greedy for profit, no race would choose to live with them, otherwise it would be self-destruction.

Now there are several wormholes in the X area. The destructive power of the Zerg is strong. Air-raid shelters have been established on various planets. As long as the alarm is sounded, everyone will run to the nearest air-raid shelter at the fastest speed.

But the air-raid shelter cannot always withstand the destruction of the Zerg.

At this moment, tens of thousands of people were staying in an air-raid shelter. Some of them brought nutrients, but some of them didn't bring anything because they were too anxious to escape.

The government had to temporarily distribute some low-level nutritional supplements.

"How could the Zerg choose our place? It's too bad luck."

"When will the government send someone to fight those bedbugs back!"

"Mom, I want to go home."

Some children also showed a rare vulnerability at this time.

They have little energy after spending long periods of time in noisy and unsafe environments.

"Wait a little longer, we can go back when the danger alert is lifted."

"I heard that the Third Army and the Ninth Army have come to support."

Faced with such a catastrophe, although everyone is a little depressed, they are not in despair.

As long as the Imperial Legion comes to support and rescue them, then they have hope of surviving.

Can live, who wants to die.

Suddenly, there was a slight vibration on the ground.

But many people didn't care, and only a few people became vigilant.

Several of them had dignified expressions, and instantly lay on the ground and turned into half-star beasts, listening to the movement underground.

In the next second, their faces changed drastically: "No, it should be the Zerg who are good at drilling the ground. Everyone, get out of the air-raid shelter!"

Once the Zerg who are good at digging into the ground find them, then this air-raid shelter is not used to protect them, but to trap them in a life-threatening cage!

For a moment, everyone panicked because of their words.

Fortunately, although not all people in the Star Beast Empire are soldiers, everyone attaches great importance to military affairs. Many people have studied related courses when they were in school.

So under the calm organization and mobilization of some people, everyone in the air-raid shelter began to leave quickly.

The sound of the vibration became louder, and after ten minutes, a huge, high-speed rotating horn like an electric drill pierced the ground of the air-raid shelter.

"It's the one-horned earth-boring worm, hurry up... get away quickly before it comes up completely!"

As the ground split apart like a spider's web, a brown meat worm emerged from the ground.

Its body is segmented like an earthworm, with a huge horn on top of its head, its mouth is open and there are densely packed teeth everywhere in its mouth, it can swallow prey at high speed without any hindrance.

Those who ran slowly could not escape, they directly turned into the form of star beasts, since they could not escape, they should fight to the death, leaving more opportunities for the people in front to escape!



They are often indifferent and independent, but at the same time, star beasts are also the race with the strongest sense of responsibility and the least fear of death.

Several star beasts fought hard against the Zerg, the ground was stained red with blood, and there were also many strangers, who turned and left holding the cubs left behind by those people.

But the outside is not peaceful, and other insects have discovered this group of people.

Countless people spontaneously turned into star beasts to resist, protecting the elderly and children to evacuate first.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the reinforcements of the Third Army to arrive.

It just so happened that this was the team led by Ruan Xiao himself.

Already in a bad mood, he jumped directly from the starship, and his body turned into a huge unicorn tiger in mid-air. At the same time, he activated the rack to attach himself, and a pair of super cool mechanical wings grew out of his back.

It doesn't just look cool, it's functional too.

The mechanism at the base of the wings rotated, and the energy cannon was revealed just following Ruan Xiao's thought.

Before the Qilin Tiger flew down, the energy cannon fired precisely hit the weak spots of the two Zergs.

Accompanied by their screams, the huge body of the Zerg fell down.

"It's the Marshal, it's the Third Army Corps!"

The people below cheered, and the star beasts who almost died in the mouth of the Zerg felt like they had survived a catastrophe.

The moment the Qilin Tiger fell, it directly tore a medium-sized Zerg into pieces, spraying blood mist in the air, making the exhausted star beasts join the battle like chicken blood.

The Third Legion also has many elites attached to racks, turning into star beasts and coming down to confront the Zerg head-on. There are also those who are not good at individual combat, driving starship fighters to assist in combat.

(End of this chapter)

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