Rebirth Interstellar Meow Meow.

Chapter 75 Ruan Shu: Blame Her Short Legs

Chapter 75 Ruan Shu: Blame Her Short Legs


Ruan Shu sat up, and yelled again cautiously with some uncertainty.

Ruan Xiao looked at her cautiously probing, a smile flashed in her eyes.

Finally, he responded, "Well, I'm back."

Ruan Shu "!!!"

The excited glutinous rice dumpling threw herself directly into his arms. At this time, she was very courageous.

However, she really missed her father too much.


Ruan Shu hugged his neck, buried her small face in her father's neck and rubbed it affectionately, her eyes were bent into small crescents, as if there were sparkling stars hidden inside.

Ruan Xiao was still wearing a very formal military uniform. It was obvious that he had just returned, and he came to look for his daughter before he had time to change.

He held his little daughter who didn't weigh much in his arms, but he felt an unprecedented satisfaction in his heart.

No matter where he went before, he never felt that time was so difficult, and he never cared about anyone so much.

This was the first time he tasted the feeling of caring, and he was not completely relieved until now when he was holding someone.

"Dad, I miss you so much."

Ruan Shu hugged her father's neck tightly, and leaned against him, sucking her little nose and wanting to cry.

It turns out that sometimes you really cry when you are happy.

The father and daughter hugged each other for a long time before Ruan Shu let go of her father's neck in embarrassment, but she looked at him with bright eyes, and she couldn't bear to look away, as if her father would disappear in the next second .

"what are you doing here?"

The corners of Ruan Xiao's mouth raised slightly, and he raised his hand to rub her little furry head.

It was only then that Ruan Shu remembered that she was still holding the Chinese knot she wanted to give to her father.

He quickly raised his small hand and brought the red Chinese knot in front of him.

"Dad, look, this is the Chinese knot I made, and it's for Dad."

As the breeze blows, the tassels under the Chinese knot sway, carrying a different kind of beauty.

"Chinese knot?"

Ruan Shu: ...forgot, there is no such country in this world.

She squeezed the Chinese knot and said in a waxy voice, "It is a wish that represents blessings and peace."

She handed it to him, and looked into his eyes sincerely, "I hope Dad will be safe in the future."

At that moment, Ruan Xiao felt his heart was full.

Why is his daughter so obedient?

"it is good."

Ruan Xiao rubbed her head, who's heart could be completely chilled by such a soft little guy.

He took it "Thank you."

Ruan Shu's beautiful eyes turned into crescent moons, and she could see that she was very happy.

After her father came back, she temporarily put down those handicrafts, and followed him step by step throughout the day.

It's just a sticky glutinous rice cake.

But who would dislike such a cute and sticky glutinous rice cake.

When Ruan Fengsi came back, he didn't see that little thing coming to pick him up at the first time, and suddenly he was not used to it.

The little guy had been waiting for him almost every afternoon, and he immediately fell in love with him as soon as he came back.

what is it today?
When I was muttering in my heart, the butler came over.

"Master is back."

Ruan Fengsi hummed, pretending not to care.

"What about the little guy?"

Butler, "The owner is back. Miss and the owner are in the study."

Ruan Fengsi paused, "My dad is back?"

In the end, he waved his hand to show that he knew about it, but he had no intention of going up to find someone.

That little guy should know that he is off work and will come to him, right?
However, until the end of the meal, Ruan Fengsi didn't wait for Ruan Shu to come to him.

Ruan Fengsi: Heh... I really forgot my brother when I had a father!
But at this moment in the study, Ruan Shu had indeed forgotten her brother.

A small, snow-white puppet cat lay in Dad's arms like a boneless cat, with its tail pointed up and down, squinting its eyes so comfortably.

Then he was pinched by a big hand.

The puppet cat rolled into the palm of the father, a small ball of milk whistling, and the snow-white fur on its body was still a little blown.


With a soft cry, Maomao hugged Dad's thumb with its two soft little paws, and its little head leaned over to rub against it.

The touch in the palm of his hand was too fragile and soft, Ruan Xiao lowered his eyes, the cold and ruthless ice blue eyes were full of tenderness.

"It's time to eat."

Ruan Shu meowed. Although Mao Mao knew about it, Mao Mao didn't want to wake up.

Lying in the palm of the father makes the cat feel the most secure.

She looked at Dad with watery eyes, and her tail wagged happily.

Today's cat dumplings are super clingy.

Ruan Xiao raised the corner of his mouth and led him out.

As soon as I arrived in the corridor, I saw my son sitting downstairs who seemed to be out of breath.

Of course Ruan Fengsi also found him.

Both of them are powerful high-level star beasts, and the higher the level, the stronger the territorial consciousness of the star beasts.

In fact, Ruan Fengsi also has his own house outside, and often lives in other places when he comes back.

But now, when he gets off work, he runs this way uncontrollably.

Two days ago, Ruan Fengsi deliberately controlled himself to go back to his villa, but after the little thing made a pitiful voice asking him why he didn't go home, he came back again.

Ruan Fengsi: I hate myself for having legs with my own thoughts!
Now he's thinking hehe, that little thing has crossed rivers and demolished bridges, he'll throw it away when he's done using it...

Mao Mao, who was lying on her father's palm, also saw her brother downstairs. She immediately stood up and stretched her little neck to look down.


Big brother, she forgot about big brother.

At this moment, the cat's four jiojio are too short, and when the small body moves forward enough, the center of gravity is unstable and it almost falls out of the palm of the father.

Fortunately, he was caught in the next moment.

Ruan Shu was so frightened that her little heart thumped.

"Stay honest."

Ruan Shu nodded her head, and obediently put her little hands in her father's palms, not daring to move.

After Ruan Xiao took her down, she continued to stand up.

After being put on the table, the snow-white kitten stepped on the four chubby jiojio and ran to the big brother.

While running, she meowed in a milky voice, it was so cute that people's faces were bleeding.

The three people present, including the butler, were all trembling at the cuteness of the little soft puppet cat.

Originally, Ruan Fengsi was still thinking about not using this little thing, but seeing her running too fast, stepping on her left paw and stepping on her right paw, she rolled and fell in front of him. He reached out and caught her.

Ruan Shu turned over headfirst, "..."

The furry face was full of bewilderment, and finally reacted and buried his head in his neck.

It was so embarrassing, even if her brother hugged her, she would cover her face with her paws.

If it is in human form at this moment, I am afraid that my face will be red like a cloud of fire.

It's all because of her short legs!
(End of this chapter)

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