Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 101 101. Primary Agility Potion

They are like dominoes, as long as Lake disturbs one of them, the remaining twenty or so will also regard him as the target of attack and 'fall' towards him one after another.

If he failed to escape in time, he would be gone if each of the twenty or so ghost skeletons hit him a few times. After all, the ghost skeleton's attack power was not low, with a full 20 points.

Although Lake also has equipment, he can't stand the large number of opponents. Having equipment can only guarantee that he will not die so easily, but it cannot guarantee that he will not die.

"You take this. If you find that you can't outrun them, just drink it. Don't be reluctant to drink it. Life is more important than anything else." Saying that, Su You gave Lake the primary agility potion that she kept on her body for life-saving.

Seeing Lake's curious look while holding the potion, Su You briefly introduced: "It can increase your speed, and it can last for 5 minutes."

[Primary Agility Potion] (Consumption: Wind Grass*1, Green Heart Grass*5, Water, Container)
Category: Potion

quality: green
Attribute: Movement Speed ​​+100 after use (Duration: 5 minutes)
Introduction: The main material of the primary agility potion is windgrass. After taking it, it can stimulate the human body's potential in a short time and increase its movement speed.Because the medicine effect is too strong, please do not use it continuously. It takes about an hour after each dose to discharge the remaining medicine effect (translation: use cooling time for one hour), if you use it when the medicine effect is not fully discharged, you will be responsible for the consequences .

What is the concept of a moving speed of one hundred?

Here, the walking speed of normal people is about [-], and the running speed is about [-] to [-]. Some people with special potential or learned skills may reach [-]. If they can reach [-]... this speed It is even possible to avoid the attacks of some non-human creatures with high combat effectiveness.

Therefore, this [-]-point movement speed bonus is actually quite a lot. As long as there are no other accidents, as long as Lake can drink it in time, he will definitely be able to come back safely.

Feng Hecao mentioned the material of the agility potion before. Suyou only kept one plant as a seed, and the other three plants only made such a bottle of agility potion.

As for the green heart grass, this is a special plant that has no medicinal effect, but can stimulate the medicinal properties of other herbs.

Not only agility potions, but also strength potions, healing potions, magic potions, etc. These potions can use green heart grass to enhance the efficacy of the medicine and reduce the amount of main materials used.

Otherwise, the basic formula for making the primary agility potion should have been: [Windgrass*3, water, container].

But because of the special function of the green heart grass, Su You was able to make the agility potion by replacing the 'wind grass' with 'green heart grass'.

"Understood, don't worry, my lord." Lake took the potion carefully. In order to be able to use it in time, he didn't even put the potion in his pocket, but held it tightly in his hand.

After arranging Lake's work, Su You turned to look at Duoya: "How?"

Duoya, who had already climbed to the top of the arrow tower, nodded towards Su You, and then proved her strength with an arrow that perfectly pierced through three fallen leaves.

Lake, who was already about to leave, saw this scene, and subconsciously let out a very uneducated compliment——

Lake: "Awesome!"

Su You: "..." Did the execution system accidentally mix in some other things when importing the data template?


Although Lake has always admired Duoya's strength because of the black-striped tiger, but after all, he has never really seen her strength, so the admiration here is not deep.

But Duoya's arrow not only let Suyou know that Duoya can perfectly control the arrow tower, but also gave Lake a very real understanding of her strength, which made Lake more aware of his actions later. confident.

After watching Duo Ya's performance, Lake didn't waste any time. Holding the potion tightly, he rushed directly behind the stone gate, and then led a group of ghost skeletons around the stone gate for about three times——

This is the way Su You taught him to pull monsters.

Under normal circumstances, if you want to pull monsters, you will definitely choose to rush directly to attract the attention of these ghost skeletons, and then bring these ghost skeletons back... In fact, it is not impossible to do this, but the problem is that this way of attracting monsters will lead to These monsters are too dense, and all the monsters will be pulled over at once, which will bring a lot of pressure to Su You and Duoya.

It’s best to kill monsters one by one, you can’t hit one in the east and one in the west, but if the monsters are too dense, even if the aiming technique is good, there will be some special situations—for example, some monsters will help their companions when they are crowded Blocked the 'knife'.

No matter how good Duoya's archery skills are, it is impossible to avoid this from happening.

But if you can take these ghost skeletons for a few laps, then these monsters will become less and less due to various factors.

There are many factors here, such as the speed of movement, such as environmental factors, and for example, they squeeze themselves and squeeze their companions down...

In short, there is only one purpose for doing this, and that is to turn the originally dense monster group into a batch of scattered monsters.

Although it is very simple to say, it is very difficult to implement, especially the ghost skeleton is a monster with a 'physical invisibility' buff, which requires Lake to be more careful, more careful in attracting monsters, and more careful in deciding his escape route.

Otherwise, if he was running and suddenly tripped over by a phantom skeleton lying on the ground, he would be dead.

Fortunately, no accidents happened. After running about three laps, Lake came to the arrow tower with five or six sporadic ghost skeletons behind him.

In order to avoid accidental injury, Su You didn't do anything, but Duoya was different. She was confident enough, so she took the lead in attacking one of the ghost skeletons.

Although it was Lake who attracted the hatred at the beginning, no matter how great the hatred was, it was not as great as the hatred that caused the attack. Therefore, the ghost skeleton attacked by Duoya should have escaped from the team chasing and killing Lake and came to the In front of the solid wooden fence that Su You arranged, she began to attack the wooden fence frantically, trying to break through it, attacking the innermost arrow tower and the people on the arrow tower.

Next came the second arrow. Doya did not aim at the ghost skeleton attacking the wooden fence, but aimed at the remaining ghost skeletons that were still chasing and killing Lake. Like the first ghost skeleton, she also used the attack Attracts the aggro of the remaining Ghost Skeletons, leading them to the fence.

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