Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 108 108. Stop Pretending

After playing hide-and-seek with the remaining three long-tailed alligators for a while, there was not a single alive and kicking long-tailed alligator left, and all of them turned into drops on the ground.

Afterwards, Su You was not in a hurry to collect these dropped items, but took Duoya into the pool where these long-tailed crocodiles lived——

What Su You needs is in that position!
Not to mention what treasures they got after they went in, in short, after they came out, they found that many of the long-tailed crocodiles had disappeared.

Especially money, not a single copper coin is left.

You must know that although the corpse of the leader of the fire demon had a time limit and would disappear after the time expired, these dropped objects were different, they would not disappear for no reason...unless they were stolen by others.

Originally, Su You also thought that there was no one around here, and it would be fine to collect the dropped things later. The most important thing now is to quickly put away the things guarded by the long-tailed crocodile... But she never thought that, Just in this wilderness, someone actually happened to pass by here, and even stole their spoils!
And this person was Bu Guo who was brought to the tavern by Su You and Duo Ya.



Going back to the current timeline, after Buguo was released, the first thing he did was to subconsciously want to leave... But it’s fine if it’s outside, it’s all in Su You’s territory, and she can still let Buguo If you run away?

So it turned out that Bugo didn't even open the door of the tavern.

Perhaps she had already guessed the result, so neither Duo Ya nor Su You stopped her.

"You...what are you going to do to me?" After realizing that his efforts were ineffective, Bugo pursed his lips, and turned his head to show his aggrieved and pitiful look, trying to win the sympathy of the two people in front of him.

If Su You hadn't known that this was a 'little liar' long ago, and Duoya also knew that she was the one who stole those dropped items, otherwise she might have been fooled by the little girl's aggrieved appearance.

After all, Bu Guo's current appearance is still very deceptive.

She was just 12 years old when the grandmother who adopted her passed away, and now she has been homeless for more than two years, which means she is not yet 15 years old.

Not yet 15 years old!
In a normal society, I haven't even started high school yet!
Even if the two of them knew that she had stolen the things, it was impossible for them to do anything excessive to a child of this age.

But even if he didn't do anything to her, Su You would still let her hand over everything she took.

"It's useless to pretend to be in front of me. I won't accept that." Facing Bu Guo's pitiful expression, Su You's mood didn't fluctuate at all.

Although she knew Bugo's story and knew that the child was indeed pitiful, she would not let her steal their things just because of sympathy.

What's more, she pointed to let her join.

Originally, I was thinking that after Bugo came to the territory, she would be able to 'sincerely influence', but since the beginning of the encounter between the two parties was so bad, then if she let Bugo go, she would just run away, and even more thought about recruiting. Don't even think about it.

So Su You had no choice but to think of another way...but why is this so easy to think about?
Although Su You sighed and felt embarrassed in her heart, she didn't show anything on her face.

She looked up at Bu Guo, who had changed his face faster than turning the pages of a book since she said what she just said—a second ago she was pitifully wronged, but now her face was full of vigilance and indifference that could not be concealed.

"Since you all know, I won't pretend anymore." After speaking, Bu Guo became cruel and opened his small cloth bag.

Her speed was so fast that the other two people present did not have time to see what was in the small cloth bag, so she took out a large handful of copper coins and some other things from it, and put them all Put it on the table.

After taking out all these things, Bu Guo immediately closed the package again: "I admit that I took the things, but it can't be my fault, right? After all, in that kind of place, who would have thought that these things were dropped by the owner?" What about things?"

Originally, Su You was still looking at the things she took out, but after hearing her words, she raised her eyelids, and while taking out something, she looked at her with a half-smile.

"You also said, in that kind of place, how can there be unowned drops?"

Bu Guo choked, looked at the things in Su You's hands, and remained silent for a long while.

In fact, she naturally knew that it belonged to the owner. After all, in this wilderness, how could there be a lot of dropped objects suddenly?

This must be the one that was not picked up after someone killed it!
Of course, there is also a possibility that wild beasts kill each other... But it is obviously unreasonable to put them in this situation, because the weapons used by Duoya are bows and arrows.

And what Su You took out was also a stone arrow.

Su You didn't even pick up the dropped objects, so how could she have time to recover those arrows?

In other words, at that time, besides the drops of long-tailed crocodiles, there were also arrows all over the ground... Arrows prove that there are people. Could it be that the beast became a spirit and suddenly learned to use bows and arrows? no?
After being stripped of the mask of "unawareness", Bu Guo simply smashed the jar, looking like he was not ready to continue explaining.

Because she found out that although the female lord in front of her was not going to let her go, she didn't seem to be going to harm her either... In that case, she didn't care.

After Su You counted the dropped things, she said something to Duoya, and then Duoya left the tavern, closing the door of the tavern again before leaving.

After Duoya left, Su You's eyes fell on Bu Guo.

Feeling the gaze falling on him, Bu Guo lowered his head, pursed his lips, and grasped the wrapped hand tightly.

...Should...not be discovered, right?
Because Bu Guo kept her head down all the time, she didn't see what Su You did. She only knew that the woman who caught her before had left, and now only she and the female lord were left here.

Just when she couldn't bear the curiosity and wanted to raise her head to see what kind of bad trick Su You was holding back, a hand with the palm facing up suddenly appeared in her line of sight.

"What are you doing?" Bu Guo's eyes flickered, and he looked up to meet the eyes of Su You who had approached her at some point.

Bu Guo was startled, and then hurriedly took a few steps back holding his small package, his whole body tensed up like a frightened cub.

"No reason, I just hope you hand over all the things you took." Su You observed her expression, and then looked at the package she had been holding tightly in her hand...

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