Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 126 126. Do we know each other?

Chapter 126 126. Do we know each other?

Without hesitation, Su You took the black snake and took two steps forward, intending to hand it over to Meke.

Although she admitted that what Black Snake said was absolutely true, it didn't affect her choice to side with Meke.

This is not only because she wants to recruit Meke, the most important thing is that she really can't afford Meke now.

Although Meke would definitely not do anything to her now, but if she showed any thought or thought of wanting to speak for the snake, then this matter would not be that simple.

What's more, Su You was not interested in lowering Meke's initial favor/loyalty to herself and the territory just to save a snake.

Black Snake seemed to have sensed her intentions, and the Black Snake, who was still looking dead, suddenly began to struggle hard.

When it was struggling, the wound on its body that was not very obvious and tended to heal opened directly, and drops of blood dripped from the open wound.

'I can die, but I want this human to kill me, and I want her to cook the barbecue! '

Su You: "???"

Su You was stunned for a moment, and glanced at the black snake knowingly, not quite understanding why this matter suddenly involved her, and made up her mind

Meke sneered: "Don't think I don't know what tricks you are playing, don't you just want to take the opportunity to escape?"

Black Snake rolled his eyes, the kind that really rolled his eyes, Su You saw it with his own eyes.

"You can put it down, as if I can run, I just hope that I can die in the hands of this human being, at least her cooking skills are not bad, so that I won't bury my body, anyway, I am also a century-old snake spirit, If this body of flesh is wasted by you, I will die with regret! '

There are too many slots in what Black Snake said, and Su You didn't know what to complain about for a while, but her focus now is the same as that of Meke——

"We know each other?"

"Do you know?"

Hei Snake snorted, and it sounded quite imposing, but the next sentence always felt a bit wronged.

'Why don't we know each other?I gave you those stones!And that pig! '

Su You froze for a moment, then realized something instantly.

It turns out that this black snake is the 'mysterious creature' who traded stones with her for roasted berries before and then threw her a wild boar?

Su You saw that the black snake was not as thick as her own arm, and not as long as her own arm. No matter what, she couldn't make as much noise as before. It was killing stone monsters and wild boars again. 'mysterious creatures' linked together.

Sensing Su You's suspicious gaze, the black snake frowned instantly... Oh, no, it has no hair.

That is, the scales of this black snake exploded in an instant, and the scales on its body stood up because of Su You's suspicious gaze.

'What's your look?If I hadn't eaten... If I hadn't been seriously injured, would I have become like this? 'From a certain point of view, Black Snake is actually quite aware of current affairs.

It's just that it didn't expect that the magician, that is, Meke, didn't expect that Meke cared so much about his cooking skills.

The reason why it has been ridiculing before is because it knows that it probably won't survive, so even if it dies, it will be a snake that has had enough scolding!
But it was different now, it vaguely sensed that things might be turning around, so it wisely didn't continue to stimulate Meke.

Su You didn't know what the black snake was thinking, but she did have a little more thought about keeping the black snake.

But the prerequisite is that it does not affect Meke's favor.

Compared with Meck, Black Snake must have the highest priority, and the reason why she wants to keep Black Snake is related to a refresh mechanism.

The refresh mechanism of creatures like Black Snake is similar to the previous mines. The number of resource points refreshed in each area is limited. This includes not only resources such as ores, but also biological resources.

If the black snake is a mysterious creature, they are actually called 'leader beasts', which belong to special biological resources. After killing them, they will get a lot of supplies, and judging from her previous killing of the leader of the fire demon, there are even There may also be treasure chest rewards.

But this kind of creature is not easy to provoke. The reason why the Black Snake is so miserable now is because it fought with another leader beast before, and when both sides were hurt, it provoked Meke, so it ended up like this.

If it is a Black Snake with full blood and health, Meke really may not be able to beat it, at most it will be a loser, and even the Black Snake will have a slightly higher winning rate. It was six, Meck was four.

A creature that no senior magician can easily deal with, which is enough to show the fighting power of the black snake.

The refresh mechanism of the leader beast is that there is a fixed number of leader beasts in an area. As long as it does not die, it will always be the boss of this area. Unless it dies, a new leader beast will be refreshed to replace it. Location.

Although Black Snake is not friendly to her now, at least it is definitely neutral. It is better to have a leader beast with a neutral attitude than to refresh a leader beast who has a bad temper and likes to attack humans at every turn.

Su You thought about the pros and cons, then handed the black snake to Meke, and at the same time, she opened her mouth to invite Meke.

"Magician, I am the lord of this territory, and I want to invite you to join the territory." After sending out the invitation, Su You didn't wait for him to respond, and said again: "I know the current situation of the territory, and I want you to join me in this territory." It is impossible for a senior magician to join, but I may have something you need here."

After Meke got the black snake, he originally wanted to take the black snake out of the territory and kill it, but after hearing what Su You said, he turned his head to look at Su You, motioning her to continue.

He didn't think that Su You's invitation to join the territory was whimsical, because he had heard this kind of invitation countless times, and Meke was already used to it.

If it was before, when he heard someone invite him to join the territory, he might ignore it and leave directly.

But maybe it was because what Black Snake said just now that the lord's cooking skills were good had affected him, so Meke was willing to stay and listen to Su You's finish.

This may be understood as Meck's preference for people with good cooking skills.

"You seem to like cooking very much? I have a book about cooking here." With that said, Su You took out the advanced cooking skills book.

Because the back of the book was facing Meck, he couldn't see the name of the book, but he could guess what it might be.

(End of this chapter)

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