Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 159 159. The Secret of Numbering

Chapter 159 159. The Secret of Numbering

The second piece of information was about this dark creature attack. Su You extracted a bit of information, and it was probably 'Because I resisted the attack without injury, I got a territorial aura'.

This is actually something she expected, because the previous game also had this halo, and it was obtained in the same way, and it was also 'no damage' to resist the attack of dark creatures.

There must be no injuries, and any casualties are not counted.

Seeing this, Su You opened the information panel of the territory to take a look at the effect and duration of this halo——

[Fame I]: During the duration of the aura, the prestige of the territory will continue to grow, and many people will come here attracted by it. In addition to improving the success rate of all related social systems, including but not limited to recruitment, trading, rewards, commerce, and territorial diplomacy, etc. (Duration: 71 hours 55 minutes 8 seconds)
To put it simply, this is a 'publicity aura' and a 'social aura' that lasts for three days. The former continues to increase the prestige of the territory, allowing more people to know the existence of the sunset territory and thus come here, while the latter will increase the reputation of the territory. The probability of success of a series of social activities.

All in all, this is an aura that is very helpful to the development of the territory in the early stage.

It is precisely because of the existence of this aura that Su You gave a bow and arrow made of black-striped tiger tendons, just to let Yunli help promote the territory.

Propaganda without content is indeed useless, but after this dark creature attack is over, there will be something to promote in the Sunset Territory.

And because of the existence of this halo, the efficiency of Yunli's promotion will be greatly increased.


After reading the halo alone, Su You also looked at some other information about the territory.

【Sunset Territory】

Lord: Su You

Territory level: advanced camp (with a population of 50 and a prosperity of 500, it can be upgraded to a small village)

Territory Status: Open Territory (Open Territory can attract everyone to visit)
Territory security: 98 (full value is 100, the lower the value, the worse the security, which is likely to cause riots. The stronger the combat and defense capabilities of the territory, the higher the loyalty value of the residents, the higher the security; the more strange visitors, the higher the loyalty value of the residents of the territory Low, the lower the law and order.)
Territory social: none
Territory happiness: good (from bad to good: bad → poor → average → good → satisfied → excellent)

Territory Prosperity: 91
Territory reputation: 23
Territory population: 11/13
Territory Halo: [Fame I]
Territory events:

I: [They are aware of the strength of this place, and the fear of power makes them shrink back. The record of this place will deter them. In a short time, they will no longer bother here because they are afraid of power, but they will never give up. They will only be stronger next time...]

II: [The plants are restless, the beasts are restless, and the whole forest is plunged into an inexplicable gloomy and weird atmosphere. Every night, an inexplicable energy will be emitted from a high tower, and it will be enveloped by this energy The area seems to be affected by some...]


Obviously, there are now three more information on this panel, namely [Territory Status], [Territory Security], [Territory Social] and [Territory Happiness].

Not to mention the status of the territory. As mentioned earlier, it is nothing more than two types of 'open territory' and 'closed territory'.

Territory law and order will only appear when the status of the territory becomes 'open territory', and the same is true for the social interaction in the territory.

As for the happiness of the territory, this is a relatively special value. Its judgment basis is related to the average happiness index of the residents in the territory, and it will also seriously affect the residents' actions.

When the happiness is too low, the residents will be unhappy every day, and the whole territory will fall into a state of low pressure. In this state, the efficiency of all productivity actions will be reduced.

Similarly, if the happiness level is high enough, the residents of the territory will be happy all day long, and everyone will get along with each other in a friendly and harmonious way. They will be in a warm and pleasant environment every day, and the productivity and efficiency will naturally increase.

From a certain point of view, this is also to prevent players from recruiting a large number of people at one time, ignoring the basic development, and only thinking about solving problems with crowd tactics.

The larger the population, the more difficult it is to increase happiness. Therefore, in order to develop steadily, the population must be gradually increased. While increasing the population, everyone will have a sense of happiness and belonging, instead of being unrestrained and recruiting more than a dozen at a time. Twenty, or even dozens or hundreds of people.

Doing so will only cause the happiness of the territory to collapse directly, and then...then the territory will no longer exist.

There are a total of six levels of happiness. Usually, most of the territory is in a 'normal' or 'good' state. These two levels will not have any positive or negative effects. They belong to the most balanced state .

If the happiness of the territory is 'bad' or 'bad', the efficiency will decrease as mentioned before, and if it is 'satisfied' and 'excellent', the efficiency will increase.


Because the information was the same as before, Su You accepted it well, and quickly read all the information, and then focused on the last more important information - the ranking list.

Before looking at the leaderboard, Su You read the number 'A1-16' several times.

This is not the first time she has seen this number, and she can also guess that this number should belong to her. The executive system has numbered every human being who enters the digital world.

As for the basis for the numbering and whether this number has a special meaning, it is temporarily unknown.

However, Su You believes that she will know one day...

"Time leaderboard, kill leaderboard, battle damage leaderboard, comprehensive leaderboard." Su You wanted to click on this leaderboard, but she found that besides her own ranking and information, other people's rankings and All the information is invisible, she can only see the number... a number that is very similar to her 'A1-16'.

such as--

【Kill leaderboard】

1. B1-11
2. B2-13

8. No. A1-16


Su You couldn't understand these numbers, but she also found some patterns in them. For example, she only saw the four letters A, B, C, and D at the front of the number.

Also, the numbers separated by '-' are not repeated... At least Su You looked at the entire ranking list, and she didn't see two of them that were the same among a full hundred rankings.

And she also found that Su You couldn't find a number less than ten for the number behind '-'.

In other words, there are -11, -12, -13...even all the way to -100, Su You almost saw it, but she didn't find -10, -9, -8...

She always felt that this was not a coincidence, but intentional.

(End of this chapter)

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