Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 161. 161. Regional Rewards

Chapter 161. 161. Regional Rewards
Where there are traces of darkness, in addition to the fact that the soil will become pitch black as if soaked in ink, the surrounding plants will gradually wither, not only that, but all the creatures living around will become weaker and weaker... These are traces of darkness the resulting negative effects.

If you don't take the time to eliminate this trace, it will spread to the surrounding area.

The wider the spread, the greater the impact, and over time, this place will become a 'dead land'!
That's why they knew that it would cost a lot of money to hire someone to deal with these traces, but no one would be stingy with the money-some money can't be saved!

But having said that, this kind of matter is also related to the entire continent, not a matter of a territory, so the people in the church will also consider the price according to the actual situation of the territory, and will not ask for the price. After all, this is also one of their kind of responsibility.


Conversations like this have happened in almost all nearby territories, and the fastest publicity is the territory where Yun Fence is located.

Originally, she was still doubting whether what Su You said 'she can lead the people in the territory to repel the dark creatures without injury' was true, so she brought the caravan back to the In my own territory, I heard several people discussing this matter along the way.

Yun Li, who didn't understand what happened, originally wanted to send someone to inquire, but before he could do so, he heard a new piece of news——

"The territory that repelled the dark creatures without injury yesterday has issued a regional reward!"

Yunli: ...Lord Su, your movements are really fast.

She hurried back home, but the news came one by one before the city gate had even entered.

Yun Li sighed, and for the sake of the bow and arrow which cost at least one gold coin, he talked to a few people in his caravan.

"...You guys go and do it."

Although the caravan members who received the order didn't know why they did this, they always obeyed their captain's orders very much, so they didn't ask any more questions.

They came to the mission hall according to Yunli's instructions, and then began to look for the area rewards issued by the sunset territory.

【Regional Reward List】

[Task number: 74165]

Task entrusting party: Sunset Territory
Task introduction: The new territory recruits people from all parties to join the territory. There are no conditions, but loyalty to the territory is required. Elders with skills can enjoy higher treatment.In addition, the Land of the Setting Sun also welcomes the arrival of merchants and caravans...

Mission props: map*1 (the map of the setting sun territory)

Mission reward: none
Reward time: three days


One of the members of the caravan saw the bounty that had just been refreshed at a glance, he squeezed out of the crowd, and then whispered what he saw to the others.

"Lord Su wants to recruit people?" Member A recalled the situation in the Sunset Territory, and then said: "Actually, the planning of the Sunset Territory is quite good, and the master is also good. If my family is not here, I guess I would also like to live there.”

Short-sighted people may think that a territory has just started, there is nothing, and it will be a hard life to go there, but anyone with a little idea or ambition actually doesn't mind joining a new territory.

Because the new territory lacks people, the more capable people will be valued more and will make greater contributions to the territory. After the territory develops, even if someone more capable than him comes, it will be a latecomer.

He already has a foundation in this territory, and the latecomers only have a gap in ability, which cannot offset this credit.

Of course, the prerequisite for this is to have a good vision and find a territory with potential. If the territory has no potential, then it is a waste of your time.

"Who isn't..."

Member B caught a glimpse of a few figures who thought they hadn't been noticed gradually approaching, and did not expose their eavesdropping behavior, and even made his voice slightly louder: "Think about it, this is a territory that has not been developed for a long time. Killed a wild boar, and also killed a tiger, and it was a black-striped tiger with great fighting power... They even recruited magicians!"

"Magician?" Member C looked at them in a daze, as if he didn't know there was such a thing as a magician.

"It's just that I heard an explosion two days ago, it was a fight between magicians, and I don't know what happened later, this magician actually joined the territory... I told you to go out more often, haven't you seen it before?" Has the magician many times?"

"Have I... seen it?" Member C was even more at a loss, because he didn't have a magician in his memory.

However, he still remembered the explosion. After all, he was the only one who fell off the chair because he was so frightened by the movement.

"It's the owner of the tavern!" Member B said in a helpless tone, "You know how to eat when you say you, and you didn't even realize that the owner is a magician?"

Member C: "...not really."

Member A: "Then do you know that the barbecue you ate a few days ago was roasted by the fire magician with fire magic?"


"real or fake?"

"Grilling meat with fire magic? This is too extravagant!"


After member A's words came out of his mouth, many surprised voices sounded from the surroundings... and the owners of these voices were unknown to them.

After hearing their conversation, these people quietly came over to eavesdrop.

It's just that what member A said was so shocking that they all forgot that they were eavesdropping, and couldn't help but exclaim.

The eavesdropping was caught, and the scene was a bit embarrassing for a while.

These eavesdroppers were a little embarrassed, but fortunately, the other party didn't intend to care about it.

"I'm sorry, we don't want to eavesdrop, but I'm really curious about this territory, and I was fascinated by it for a while..." Several people who eavesdropped apologized one after another, and the people in the caravan shook their heads. It doesn't matter.

They don't mind being overheard anyway, even...

Member A: "It's okay, it's not a secret anyway."

Hearing what he said, the few people who were about to leave after apologizing stopped in their tracks.

One of the middle-aged men took out a handful of copper coins from his pocket: "It's the money I bought for my brothers to drink as an apology."

Several members of the caravan looked at each other, pretended to refuse, and then accepted the money directly.

The other party obviously wanted something from them, and the purpose was obviously related to the sunset territory. If they didn't accept it, the other party would be embarrassed to continue asking.

"Since you invited us to drink, then we are not polite..."

(End of this chapter)

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