Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 163 163. Space Package

Chapter 163 163. Space Package

In the copper treasure chest, Suyou found some copper ore, marble, cotton, and some copper ore waste.

Two iron treasure chests, Su You opened some iron ore, glass, clay, wood, slate, cloth and some iron ore ore waste.

As Su You expected, all the first three treasure chests were opened were basic materials, and there was nothing worth mentioning at all.

Because there were a lot of materials, Su You could only take these materials and the remaining three boxes to the warehouse.

She wants to open the last two silver treasure chests and one gold treasure chest in the warehouse.

The silver treasure chest was the second best treasure chest after all. When Su You opened the first silver treasure chest, she finally saw something that was not a basic material.

[Intermediate Blacksmith Skill Book]

Category: Skill Book
Quality: blue
Introduction: After learning, the blacksmith skill can be upgraded to the intermediate level immediately.

Looking at the skill book, Su You nodded in satisfaction, then she flipped through the opened silver treasure chest, and found that there was nothing else in it except a pile of basic materials.

"...So what's the point of allocating so many treasure chests? Isn't everything the same?" Su You was really speechless.

She thought that the silver treasure chest could contain something good, but it turned out to be just a skill book, an intermediate skill book, and then... gone?
After confirming that there was nothing else in the box, Su You also opened the second silver treasure box.

The luck of the second silver treasure chest was better than the previous one. It was also a skill book, but Su You opened two copies.

One is an intermediate planting book, which can be used by You Sen at that time; the second is a basic fishing skill book, which is not very useful, but better than nothing.

In addition to these two skill books, Su You also obtained an unrepeated building card, which was from the quarry.

[quarry] (completely recyclable)
Category: Resource Building
Consumption: Unknown (you need to learn the 'quarry' blueprint to unlock the building)
Introduction: The quarry can be automatically bound to the territory warehouse, and the stones (including ordinary stone, marble, sandstone, etc.), ore and other resources stored in the quarry will automatically enter the territory warehouse. This function can be enabled or not, if If there is not enough space in the territorial warehouse, it will be temporarily stored in the quarry warehouse.The storage space of the quarry is [-] grids, and the stacking limit is [-]. Only stone resources can be stored.


There was a lumberyard before, and now there is a quarry. With these two buildings, the territory will only collect resources faster and faster in the future... Su You is even more satisfied with this quarry than The previous intermediate planting skill book.

With the comparison of the previous boxes, Su You can score 85 points for this box.

"The last... golden treasure chest." Before opening the treasure chest, Su You hesitated, because she looked at the golden treasure chest as if... a bit valuable.

Let's put it this way, the wooden treasure chest is made of pure wood, the copper treasure chest is made of pure copper, and the gold treasure chest is naturally made of pure gold.

But the treasure box will disappear immediately after opening, and she will not be given a chance to do anything, so Su You is now thinking whether to melt the gold box and use it to make gold coins, or to try her luck.

You must know that although the box is not big, the gold coins are also not big. A gold coin is only the size of a dollar coin before. This gold box can melt hundreds of gold coins at least!
If an NPC with a higher blacksmith level is allowed to smelt, maybe even more gold can be smelted!
In other words, it is a game with a high degree of freedom. There are only operations you can't think of, and there are no operations you can't do.

Although the gold box can also open good things, and the value may even be much higher than a few hundred gold coins, but Su You really doesn't believe in her luck...

Just when Su You was in a tangle, there was a person standing at the door of the warehouse. She was holding something in her hand, and then she raised her hand and knocked on the door.

"Is the lord lady there? I want to show you something."

Dolly is the only one who can call Su You "Miss Lord".

Su You didn't know what she wanted to do, but she put the box aside, then got up and opened the door for her.

The moment she opened the door, Su You saw that Dolly was holding a lot of things that looked like pockets. If she guessed right, this should be what Dolly wanted to show her.

Before she had time to see what it was, Dolly began to explain to her: "This is a package that can hold things, but it's not the ordinary kind, it's similar to a wooden cart..."

wooden cart?
Su You immediately realized what this meant, then picked up a package and began to check the information.

[Level [-] space package] (consumable material upgrade)
Category: Props

quality: green
Introduction: A kind of backpack made of space stones that can be used by everyone. The space size is three grids. Except for tools and special items, the stacking limit of all items is unified to 10 (Note: there is no limit to the carrying limit, But only one space bag can enjoy the weight-free mechanism, and the items in the extra space bag will seriously affect the weight of the space bag. This weight is not a one-to-one increase, please use it with caution)

Everyone can use it... Doesn't that mean that even npcs can use it?

Although the space size is only three, although it is a little smaller, it still does not affect the power of this space bag, not to mention that it can be upgraded!

The only flaw is that basically everyone can only bring one, because if you bring too much, you can't carry it.

The extra space bag can only put items into the bag, but the weight still exists, and it is not even a one-to-one increase... This means that you may just put a stone in it, but it will be as heavy as a mountain when you pick it up .

This [-]% is also to prevent someone from exploiting any loopholes, but Su You can understand this setting.

However, what she is most concerned about now is where the space bag came from.

"Did you make this?" Apart from this, Su You couldn't think of any other possibility.

But she had never heard of such a space bag before, and it was probably a newly added prop.

Hearing Su You's words, Dolly nodded: "Yes...that's how it is, you asked me to help tidy up the box. When I was tidying up yesterday, I found a few more recipes pressed by stones in the corner."

And this formula is the production formula of 'space package'.

The recipes for special props like this must be very rare, but such rare things are left in a corner. If Dolly is not careful enough, they will probably be thrown away as garbage.

(End of this chapter)

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