This bread was made by Meck with ground flour after the upgrade of the tavern last night.

The bread was very fluffy, the size of an adult's fist, and it was basically a delicious snack for two or three bites, but Su You only took one bite, and she regretted it a little.

Because she realized that she had made a serious mistake - she forgot how detailed the skills of Sunset Continent were.

Although Maker has advanced cooking skills, making bread is not a cooking skill but a pastry skill, so his advanced cooking skills are invalid for this bread.

But having said that, in fact, cooking skills and pastry skills are both food-making skills, so under normal circumstances, as long as one skill level is high, the other skill can be understood by analogy even if it is not superficial.

In other words, a person with advanced cooking skills, even if there is no pastry skill on his information panel, the pastry he makes is at least at the level of a junior pastry chef.

But Meke is not a normal person.

He is a man with dark cooking qualities.

The advanced cooking skill book can only save his cooking skills in cooking dishes, but it can't fundamentally change the fact that he doesn't know any cooking.

After talking so much nonsense, what Su You wants to express is very simple - this bread is terrible!

And it's not generally unpalatable, but unpalatable to the point of explosion!
Thanks to her fluffy and cute appearance, she finally bit into it... This taste, Su You didn't want to experience it a second time.

The only good thing is that, probably because of the existence of advanced cooking skills, no matter how unpalatable this bread is, it is just an ordinary bread, without any negative status or negative attributes, and it can even increase satiety.

This is also why Su You was deceived, because the appearance and information of this bread is actually exactly the same as that of ordinary bread. If you don't eat it yourself, you can't tell the difference at all.

Then she believed, so tragedy came.

In the end, among the choices of cherishing food and caring for taste buds, Su You chose the latter.

Please don't blame her, because people who have not tasted the dark buns made by Maker will not understand this feeling.

Because she was a little worried that Meck would continue to harm the remaining flour, Su You randomly grabbed a passerby A resident who had just applied to join the territory, and asked him to help Meke with a word to let him spare the flour.

The resident of Passerby A didn't understand why, but the AI ​​of ordinary npcs prevented him from thinking too much, and Su You was the lord, even though he didn't know Su You's identity, something in the dark still made him He obeyed Su You's order.

Seeing the back of passerby A leaving, Su You gave up eating bread and lost her appetite for food.

In this way, Su You came to the trading area, and then saw a scene that seemed a little different from what she expected.

First of all, there are a lot of people in the trading area, which is expected by Su You. After all, the territory is not big, and there are not many open buildings. The only places where you can visit and interact are taverns, sewing shops, trading areas, and announcements. There is also a reward board in the column.

But what she thought was a lot of people in the trading area meant that they were all attracted by the things on the cloth fruit booth, and then began to bid for the things on the booth.

But what did she see?
She saw that the floor of the trading area was full of various things, including weapons and equipment, special props, various materials, and food books... In short, it can be described in various ways.

In order to find out what happened, Su You pretended to be curious and asked a random person about the situation.

"These people, they all want to buy things and have no money, so they set up a stall on the spot to trade, and they are going to save money to buy things." After seeing Su You, the girl who was approached by Su You smiled at her, and then said softly Explain to her what's going on here.

Su You: "So what are they buying to save money? Is it expensive?"

Based on what this girl said, Su You could already guess what they wanted to save money to buy, but she still pretended to be a little puzzled and continued to ask.

This girl is also patient. When Su You asks, she answers without any impatience.

"Hey, look over there, the innermost booth is where a little girl is sitting." The girl pointed to Bugo's booth, with a bit of unspeakable emotion in her tone: "The one in her booth Although there are not many things, but everything is good... such as the beast core of the long-tailed crocodile, the skill book... I even heard that there is a magical backpack!"

Speaking of this miraculous backpack, Su You didn't even need to ask, she talked excitedly by herself.

"According to these people, that backpack seems to carry the space magic of a senior magician, it's amazing! It can hold a lot of things!"

Su You: "..." What did this little girl, Bu Guo, just say?
Because I only saw the experience of bargaining for Buguo once, Su You can roughly guess how Buguo sells space bags.

The so-called 'spatial magic carrying advanced magicians' should be a kind of marketing rhetoric, in order to improve the quality of the space package, and to be able to sell it at a better price.

As for whether it will be dismantled... The space bag is so rare that it may even be unique in this world. Instead of thinking about whether it will be dismantled, it is better to think about how to organize your own language and prevent others from listening to your words. There is a flaw.

And 'being able to speak well' is a very prominent feature of Bu Guo, and it is also the reason why Su You arranged for her to do this.

"37 gold coins!" A man sold the last and most valuable item on his booth, and before he even had time to sort out the rest of the goods, he rushed to Bu Guo with money.

Bu Guo looked at the handful of gold coins in his hand, then shook his head slightly.

"Sorry, someone has already bid forty gold coins just now." In other words, he was already late.

"Damn it!" I don't know if it was because someone took the first step, or because the other party offered a price that he couldn't reach at all, so the expression of the man who quoted 37 gold coins became a little irritable.

Lyle and Lake, who looked like two door gods on the left and right, took a slight step forward after seeing this scene, like two knights guarding the princess, earnestly carrying out their tasks.

The furious man didn't notice this at first, but when he found out, he quickly apologized and backed away, for fear that these two people would throw him out, just like the two strong men before.

This person had actually watched the farce in front of the sewing shop, so he also recognized Lyle and Lake.

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