Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 246 Chapter 246 Exploring the Underwater Maze 6

After all, the meaning of the existence of the ruins is not to eliminate outsiders, but to protect treasures.

Combat power can be improved. If you can beat it, you can beat it. If you can't beat it, you can't beat it. This is the simplest and rude way to clear the level, but the way to crack the relic is not something that everyone can think of at any time and in any situation. .

No matter how powerful the mechanism master is, even the ancestor god of mechanism dare not guarantee that he can crack all the mechanisms in the world.

"Hey... Listening to Lord Su's words, it seems to be true. When I looked at the area next to it, it looked a bit... like..."

The mechanism engineer scratched his hair, pointed to a recessed spot, and racked his brains to figure out what it was.

"What the hell is it like?! I suddenly can't remember it!" Sometimes people are like this. They know things they know, but they will suddenly 'short circuit' after certain things, and then they can't remember anything.

"It's like a spinning top." Su You saw that he was really troubled, so she helped him answer this question directly.

"Yes! That's right! It's the gyro array!" The characteristic of the gyro array is that the connection lines of the mechanism will form a circle like a mosquito coil, and the recessed position and the labyrinth path outside can be used as the main gate of the mechanism and the labyrinth path. Set the position of the organ points!
The role of the gyro mechanism array is to 'disguise', it also has no attack power, but it can disguise itself as the object it wants to disguise.

For example, the main gate of the organ with eight fixed pillars in a row.

If it is a careless or incompetent mechanism engineer, even if he finds out that it is a mechanism array with a series of eight fixed columns, but does not find the top mechanism array, then he will mistake the position of the top mechanism array as the former mechanism gate.

As for the consequences... the better ones are at most a waste of time, returning in vain. After all, they broke the wrong mechanism, and it is definitely impossible to get the treasure.

But if it is the worst result, it must be fatal, because the consequence of wrongly cracking the mechanism array is generally to die with the mechanism array.

"Lord Su! You must be a mechanism master, right? Do you have any idea of ​​recruiting apprentices?" After being inspired by Su You twice, this mechanism master was extremely excited. If it wasn't for the hindrance of gender, he would have liked to hug Su You directly. The thigh forcefully shouted a master.

Because his yelling was a little louder, the people behind him who were holding maps and discussing where they hadn't found and what they were going to do next turned their heads and looked over.

The people on Su You's side were fine, but the people on the caravan side were all stunned when they heard that their mechanism engineer was going to worship the lord as their teacher for no reason.

Everyone in the caravan: Captain Tang, help, our mechanism engineer is going to be kidnapped! ! !

Exploring a maze, let alone two of my family members, but now I have to catch up with a mechanism engineer?

To be honest, if it wasn't for the mechanism engineer who said he had found a way to lose the three people, they would all want to beat them up.

Lost everyone, still thinking about apprenticeship?Bye bye bye bye bye hammer, brotherhood is over? !
But in any case, everyone was very excited after having clues to find someone.

Holding the map brought from Su You, the mechanism engineer first babbled a bunch of terms they didn't understand. After talking for a while, he found that they couldn't understand, so he gave up and told them the conclusion directly.

He pointed to the three points on the first map, and then pointed to the two points on the second map and said, "If I'm not mistaken, these five places are these two... or the three institutions." The main gate of the formation."

"As long as we close all the main gates of the mechanism array in these five places, then we can go to the place hidden by the maze." The mechanism teacher explained everything in great detail.

But because of what happened just now, he knew that Su You's attainments in the mechanism array were higher than his. In addition, he wanted to be a teacher and deliberately wanted to please Su You, so after the mechanism master finished speaking, he still didn't forget to turn around and ask: "Lord Su, what I just said is correct?"

Everyone in the caravan: ... Are you a mechanism engineer or someone else?What a shame!
Su You didn't know what these people were thinking, but she didn't care either. After hearing the organist's question, she nodded slightly, and then added some information.

"I told you before that to crack the mirror maze, you must find the entrance and exit, or defeat the guardian. I suspect that this place hidden by the mechanism array should be the place where the guardian is." Originally, Su You had only said two times before. A way to crack it, but I didn't tell them my decision, because people hadn't found it yet.

She wanted to wait for everyone to make a decision, but now the three people are likely to be in the hidden room, that is to say, even if it's just to save people, they have to go there.

That being the case, since it's all here, wouldn't it just be possible to kill the guardians and go straight home after clearing the level?

Why bother looking for entrances and exits?
"So Lord Su wants to merge the labyrinth." Someone directly expressed her thoughts.

Su You nodded: "Yes, because we don't have time."

They have wasted a lot of time looking for someone, and now they have explored the two mazes, but they haven't found the exit, which only means that the exit is also hidden.

Unless they are not going to save people, go find the exit now, so that they may have time to find the exit.

The three people on Su You's side naturally listened to her, and they did what she said. The people on the caravan side seemed to discuss it, but in fact they had no choice.

Really let them give up two teammates?

How can it be!

So they have only one choice - listen to Su You's words, defeat the guardian, merge the maze, save/find people, and clear the ruins by the way!


"The main gate of the third point has been opened."

"The main gate of the first point has been opened."


Repeated words like this five times, and after everyone divided into groups and opened all the main gates of the five points of the mechanism, they came to the center of the gyro mechanism array to gather.

Here, there is another mechanism gate. The difference between this mechanism gate and the previous five mechanism gates is that it is not only the mechanism gate, but also the activation gate.

If the function of the main gate of the mechanism is the wire, then the main switch of the start-up is the switch of the power supply. If you want to use electricity, you must first connect the wires, and then turn on the switch. If the order is reversed, there will be no power supply without the wire. Will be 'electric shock'.

When all the lines are connected, they can turn on the switch.

"How to do how to do……"

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