Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 249 Chapter 249 Exploring the Underwater Maze 9

Here, three strong men...two and a half strong men (Yuai Buzhuang) hugged each other and cried.

Over there, they ran all the way with the beads, and almost couldn't keep up, so that everyone who drank the agility potion found themselves in a place similar to the 'Water Curtain Cave'.

Zhuzhu stopped, and they almost crashed into a ball due to the inertia of braking. After finally standing still, they heard crying from outside the cave.

Mechanism engineer: "This seems to be Lao Li's voice?"

A caravan member: "Then the other scolding is Xiaohu?"

Lyle: "My lord, I seem to have heard Yuai's voice."


It seems that they are indeed here... It just seems that life is not easy?
"They still have the energy to cry... they shouldn't be dead yet, right?" A caravan member touched his nose, always feeling that things were different from what they had imagined.

Even Su You, who had thought about countless possibilities, was silent... Because she could see the data panel, she knew that the three people were always full of blood and had not received any damage, but what happened to them now?

Did they suffer such 'inhumane' torture that they would cry without being injured?

I'm afraid this isn't mental torture!

"Speaking of which, I seem to hear the sound of snoring." The person who spoke was a guy nicknamed "Shunfeng Ear" in the caravan,

He has good ears, and he can hear things that others can't hear. That's why he was selected by Tang Lu to participate in the exploration. Some small talents that usually don't seem to be useful may come in handy in the ruins.

Otherwise, it is not uncommon that there are people who have a better temper and higher combat effectiveness than him.

"It wasn't the snoring of the three of them. There should be a fourth creature. The three of them should have been caught by the other party, but they were not injured, and they have enough confidence to speak." Shunfeng Er listened to the movement for a while, then turned back Summarized this for everyone.

"It's good that nothing the snoring that Shunfenger just said is the guardian?" The person who spoke should be asking Su You, but Su You didn't know.

"I don't care who the owner of the snoring is, but since Yuai and the others are fine, it means that the other party's desire to attack is not strong." If this is the case, why are you still hiding here?Just go out and have a look!
Anyway, they will go out sooner or later, why not go out and have a look while the other party is sleeping!

Hearing what Su You said, everyone stopped discussing and followed her out of the cave.

Because the three of Youai turned their backs to the entrance of the cave, they naturally didn't see that their teammates had come, but they were not deaf, and the sound of their footsteps deliberately did not lighten, which made the crying trio startled at first, and then turned their heads in surprise— —


Because they were worried about waking up the big guy next to them, everyone stared at each other, and no one said a word.

Someone made a gesture of beckoning, signaling Yuai and the others to run over quickly, but then they realized that it wasn't that they didn't want to run, but that they couldn't.

Looking at the heavy iron chains on the three of them, everyone was a little confused, not because they were tied up... What's so strange about being caught and tied up, maybe because they were afraid that others would not run away, so they chose to free them. ?

The focus of their confusion lies in the material of this 'iron chain'.

"This... this, this is Xuantie..." A person couldn't hold back any longer, he lowered his voice as much as possible, and almost communicated with the people next to him with an air tone that was softer than a mosquito.

Although the person being asked did not speak, he nodded solemnly.

When everyone was struggling with how to get rid of the black iron chains on the three of them's feet, Su You stared at a 'black mountain' in front of her, and the more she looked at it, the more she felt that something was not quite right.

Suddenly, her face changed, and she pulled back a person who was brave enough to help untie the chain.

"Don't go there, this is the guardian." Su You's sudden words stunned everyone.

Where did the guardian come from?
Su You didn't let them guess, and pointed directly at the 'Black Mountain' in front of her: "This is it."

Everyone looked in the direction of her finger, and were even more confused. Why did they point to a mountain and say it was the guardian?
Is it possible that the Guardian can still be a 'dead thing'?
As if guessing what they were thinking, Su You signaled everyone to observe the mountain carefully.

It happened that there was a 'shunfeng ear' and a sharp-eyed 'clairvoyant' in the caravan. He just took a serious look, and his face changed drastically like Su You.

"This is not a mountain! This is a living creature! I saw a lot of scales!" Before, his attention was on his teammates, so he didn't observe the 'Black Mountain' seriously. Scared half my life.

Not only him, but everyone else was also dumbfounded.

It's fine if it's a normal guardian, but this body is comparable to the guardian of a mountain...or they should leave a last word first.

The weeping trio over there were originally happy and touched that someone finally came to save them, but seeing this scene, their hearts were already half cold.

Because they also know that it is unrealistic to ask their teammates to save them. This is not a question of whether they are willing to save them, but that they cannot be saved at all. Forcibly saving people will only cost their lives.

"Why don't you go away." Youai was ruthless, and he gritted his teeth and said the words.

The two people beside him opened their mouths as if they wanted to say something, but in the end they just sighed and nodded.

Everyone is afraid of death, but if they can't be saved, they can't be saved, and they can't have to let others 'buy' them to feel at ease.

What's more, they don't necessarily die. As long as they practice the technique of brushing the scales hard, the guardian should also see them struggling to bathe it, and spare their lives, right?

It's a pity that without freedom, I can only stay in this place for the rest of my life. I can't eat good food, wear good clothes, and live in a good house... When I die, there will be no one to help bury it, so I can only do whatever I want. The flesh rots and eventually turns into bones.

The only 'lucky' thing is that they are not alone, at least they can have two companions.

Although this kind of thinking is a bit unreasonable, isn't it also a joy in bitterness...

After Su You had reminded everyone, she began to rummage through the contents of her backpack, but as soon as the backpack was opened and closed, she found that the people on her side and the people on the opposite side had already started to cry at each other in advance. A scene of 'holding hands and looking at tears'.

Su You: You don't have to...

"... Put your emotions back, calm down, think of a way, maybe you can't leave."

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