Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 306 Chapter 306 Acid Rain 12

But this can only prove that Brother Huang and them are indeed members of the same team, it does not mean that Brother Huang has been greedy for their money, nor does it prove that Brother Huang underpaid their task money.

Hearing this, Brother Huang couldn't help being a little proud.

He knew that these people must have no evidence!

As long as there is no evidence, they can't do anything to him in the setting sun territory!
"Yes, you used to be members of the collection team, but I now declare that you are no longer! Because when you were doing the collection tasks, you were not serious at all, and you just know how to be lazy every day!" Brother Huang looked at these people who were half dead because of his words, but dared not do anything, and couldn't help being even more embarrassing.

As soon as he was stunned, he couldn't help but continue to prod: "I've been very tolerant of you. You're lazy, and I just pretended not to see it. As long as the amount of fiber debris collected is not too big, it's fine. But I didn't expect that the amount of fiber debris you collected today is less than one-third of the usual amount!"

"And you want money, what do you want? Didn't I already give you all the money for your mission? I don't owe you any money!"

What does it mean to fight back?
What is the concept of stealing?
What is a dead skin?
Brother Huang's words and deeds can be said to express these words vividly.

"You're lying! You didn't pay us for the mission at all! You owed us a week's worth of mission money before, and you said you needed to count the amount, but in fact it dragged on day by day. If it wasn't for all of us asking you for money collectively, you still don't know how long you will be in arrears!"

"That's right! What qualifications do you have to say that we collect less fibrous debris? There is a problem with the collection area you arranged yourself. Every time you ask us to collect fibrous debris in areas that have been collected the day before, what can we collect? When it's your own gang of scumbags' turn, you let them go to places that no one has collected!"


You and I on both sides, the positions of the onlookers and the patrol team are also vacillating.

However, although there are many people on Aqi's side, everyone is reasonable, and their tempers are relatively soft, otherwise they wouldn't be bullied by Huang Ge so much and keep silent.

This also led to the fact that although Brother Huang was alone, he was not inferior to them in terms of momentum... This person's face is really too thick!
Just when the patrol team had some headaches and was about to drag them all out to make a noise so as not to disturb the rest of the station, a person patted one of the patrol guards on the shoulder.

The patrol guard asked 'Who is that', then turned his head, only to see a girl who looked like a fairy...

It is no exaggeration to say that this patrol guard dares to swear that this is the most beautiful person he has ever seen in his life, even in his entire life!
"Um... does this girl need help with anything?" The patrol guard blushed, and his eyes couldn't help but drift towards her face.

Although he knew that this move was impolite, but because it was so beautiful, he couldn't help it.

However, he also knows how to measure. At least the distance between the two people is still two or three meters away. He has not and will not do other things.

"I don't need your help, I'm just here to deliver something." As she said that, she took out something like a ledger: "Let me introduce, I'm Zenyue, the administrator of the task hall, and I just took office yesterday. This is the ledger for the task of [collecting fiber debris] during this period of time."

The patrol guard froze for a moment, then quickly thanked him for taking the ledger, and then handed it over to their patrol captain.

After the patrol captain saw the account book, he also looked back, and then saw Chanyue, his eyes lit up, then he nodded, and then began to look through the account book.

After flipping through it a few times, the patrol captain understood why Chanyue sent this thing over, so he looked at Brother Huang and said, "What's your name?"

Brother Huang didn't understand why he asked for his name, but he didn't dare not answer. After all, he also knew that the reason why he was able to stand here well now was because of the patrol guards. If he offended the patrol captain and they left, leaving him alone, then he would really be finished!
"My name is Huang Wu. Is there something wrong with this big brother?" Huang Wu smiled attentively at the patrol captain.

After the patrol captain knew the name, he didn't even look at Huang Wu, nor did he answer his question, but looked down at the ledger.

After a while, he asked again: "How many people are there in your collection team?"

Huang Wu hesitated for a moment, vaguely feeling that something was wrong, because he also saw the action of the patrol captain, he seemed to be looking at something, but because of the distance, and there were so many people in front of him, he didn't know what the patrol captain was looking at, let alone how to answer this question.

But it doesn't matter if he doesn't answer, someone will answer for him.

"In addition to Huang Wu and the nine of us, there are eight people in the collection team. I know all eight people and their names, but I don't know where they live." After all, they are just a team member, and they are not relatives or friends. Just knowing each other is enough.

What's more, they are flattering Huang Wu on the one hand, and on the other hand they just want to work honestly and make money. If they don't agree with each other, they won't have close contact.

"Huang Wu, is what he said true?" Although the patrol captain didn't think this person would lie, he still asked one more question out of fairness.

Huang Wu frowned, and finally nodded: "That's right, the collection team used to have eighteen members, but now nine of them are no longer members of our collection team, and they themselves said they would leave the collection team..."

"Just answer the questions carefully, I don't have time to listen to your grievances!" The patrol captain glared at him with a serious expression, so frightened that Huang Wu repeatedly nodded and said yes, not daring to say any more nonsense.

About 5 minutes later, the patrol captain finished reading the ledger in his hand, and then stared at Huang Wu intently: "I just heard from you that these nine people were often lazy when they were in your collection team?"

Although Huang Wu is shameless and not a good person, he is not a fool either. All the behaviors of the patrol captain now make him feel a lot of uneasiness, but he has already said what he said, so many people have heard it, and he has no ability to regret or retract what he said.

So he could only bite the bullet and answer the patrol captain's question: "That's right! They admitted it themselves, didn't they?"

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