Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 317 Chapter 317 Acid Rain 23

Chapter 317 317. Acid Rain 23
"With your current strength, after becoming a Guardian Beast, this territory will only become your burden."

Long Diao tilted his head, he didn't know whether he understood it or not. Anyway, Su You received another repeated message——

['Treasure Hunting·Dragon Sable' has already reached the level of 'intimacy' for the territory. Do you want to use it as the guardian beast of the territory? 】


Su You: "..."

Su You was speechless for a moment.

The language barrier is not good, neither side knows what the other is talking about.

But having said that, the dragon sable's repeated requests to become a guardian beast can actually show its determination, so...

[Congratulations to the Sunset Territory for being protected by the Guardian Beast 'Treasure Hunt·Dragon Sable'. 】

[The territory can build a guardian beast shrine to enshrine the guardian beast. The offering will provide the guardian beast with a favorable impression of the territory, thereby increasing the buff status of the guardian beast's blessing to the territory. 】

'Heck! 'Dragon Mink seemed to feel something. It jumped happily, as if it was about to jump back to Suyou. Unfortunately, the jumping ability of Dragon Mink is limited. Jumping from Suyou to the bed is from high to low. It's not that hard to do it, but it's impossible to do it the other way around.

So Long Diao could only watch helplessly as he started to do free fall...but just as he was about to hit the ground, a pair of hands stretched out to catch it.

"Be quiet, it's so late, go to bed early, and I will build you a guardian beast's ancestral hall tomorrow." Although there is an extra guardian beast, it may be because it has been with Long Diao for a long time, and it is stupid like Su You I've seen it before, so Su You didn't think there was anything special about it.

It's late today, and the guardian beast's buff state can only be refreshed by building the guardian beast shrine, so even if she is a little curious about the buff that the dragon sable provides to the territory as a guardian beast, she has no way of knowing.

Maybe Long Diao understood, so he settled down.

This made Su You feel a little strange... This little guy is really, always able to be extraordinarily obedient at certain times, as if he really understands.

But most of the time, he always looks stupid.

Just when Su You thought she could sleep, another message popped up——

[Please ask the lord of the sunset territory to name the guardian beast 'Treasure Hunt·Dragon Sable'. 】

Su You: ...and keep people from sleeping! ! !


On a new day, Su You got up with Long Diao, who had stayed up late yesterday to choose the name 'Lingbao', and headed towards the square.

Although the weather is not going to be any better because of the acid rain, but today's rain is not heavy, so it can barely be regarded as a "good weather" in the midst of natural disasters.

In order to prevent the lively Lingbao from being exposed to acid rain, Su You stuffed it into the inner pocket of her clothes and warned it repeatedly not to come out.

Before going to the square, Su You also went to Ai En's house first, and stuffed the note about 'Building the Guardian Beast Ancestral Hall' into the mini mailbox at the door, and then went to the square where the three combat teams assembled yesterday.

The assembly time was seven o'clock in the morning, and it was only six forty when Su You arrived at the square, but there were already seven or eight scattered people here.

The square is not entirely open-air, and Su You arranged for Ai En to build a canopy that can protect the sun from the rain, so these people took off their rain gear and stood under the canopy to avoid the rain.

Because they were tightly wrapped, they didn't know Su You's identity, and it wasn't surprising to see Su You coming, as long as she was also a member of the combat team and they all came to gather.

And because it was early and there were not enough people, Su You didn't choose to reveal her identity immediately.

In this way, Su You blended in perfectly among these people, and also heard the speculation and discussion of these people about her gathering them here today——

"Hey, you said what kind of combat team was suddenly formed in the territory to do?"

"It's not easy? Fighting team, fighting team... Isn't this just fighting? Could it be that we are going to farm?"

"No, what kind of battle requires a special team, and it's still a disaster season, and it's difficult to go out. What special battle activities need a combat team?"

"Damn, why do you think so much? Anyway, as long as you have money, it will be a disaster season for a long time in the future. You can't make much money in the first place. If you can have a little bit..."


Su You heard their questions, and also knew what everyone was thinking... In fact, she didn't have any ideas, she just wanted to make money.

As long as participating in this combat team can make money, they must be happy, otherwise, if they can't, they will definitely turn around and leave.

After waiting for a while, when the time was almost up, Su You counted the number of people, and found that the three combat teams had a total of 26 people, and only [-] people had come so far.

Among them, combat team 1 and combat team 2 are missing one person, and combat team 3 is missing two people.

To be honest, it is not surprising that there are few people in the battle team 3, because the battle team 3 was only full yesterday evening, and the instructions were not issued in a timely manner. If these people had already made arrangements, it would be understandable if they didn't come today.

But it's a little strange that the combat team 1 and combat team 2 have few people. After all, she notified the assembly of these two combat teams early in the morning.

But since there are fewer, there will be fewer, and it is impossible for Su You to hang out with more than [-] people just to wait for these four people, so when the time came to seven o'clock, she took off her rain gear and walked to the front, and introduced her identity .

The few people who came early were a little surprised to see her walking to the front. After she finished introducing herself, the expressions on their faces became even weirder, because they all knew that when they came early, they were all chatting. What.

They were afraid of saying something that shouldn't be said, or something that was not nice, and then being heard by the lord of this territory. Isn't this waiting to be put on little shoes!

But fortunately, they all found out that Su You didn't mention anything just now, and the content of her speech was also very concise, without being muddled at all.

After the introduction, she directly told everyone the purpose of calling them today——

"The main reason for asking everyone to come today is to organize a combat team and clean up the mutated plants."

"This period is the disaster season, and everyone should know it, but many people may think that the natural disaster this time is acid rain..." Su You deliberately paused when she said this, and then looked at everyone. They all showed timely doubts and incomprehensions.

It's normal to have doubts, because none of them knew about the double natural disasters, so when they heard Su You say that, they were naturally full of doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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