Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 323 Chapter 323 Double Natural Disasters 6

Chapter 323 323. Double Natural Disasters 6
Even if the other party is Chanyue, it is impossible for Su You to use this thing to win her favor.

Therefore, Su You put these three gift boxes into the 'safe box' of the City Lord's Mansion, and only considered whether to use them when they encountered other races later.

As for this intermediate-level all-round job transfer book, it is actually quite powerful. Its function is to replace any second-stage job transfer props for job transfer.

There are generally three grades of job-changing props. The first stage is similar to the rune book for Yuai to become a water magician, and it is used to 'acquire' a certain skill.

The second stage is when the skill level reaches the advanced bottleneck, you can further transfer to a powerful profession.

The occupations that can be transferred are generally only combat or special occupations. Other types of skills cannot be transferred. Therefore, although there are owners of advanced skills in the territory, there are currently no advanced skill owners who can transfer jobs in the territory. .

Therefore, this mid-level all-around job transfer letter was also received by Su You in the safe.

This safe is full of useful props that Su You has collected so far, but they are currently unusable.

The matter of Zenyue is over for the time being, Su You is most concerned about the result of the first operation of the combat team...



Meanwhile, Battleteam 2 seems to be having some conflicts with the gatherers they need to protect.

"This is obviously the plant I collected, what's the matter with you, why are you robbing me of the things I collected!" Collector A glared at a member of the combat team angrily, and his voice was so loud that it attracted other people's shouts. attention.

The female swordsman targeted by Collector A was puzzled at first, and then stared back angrily: "This is the plant you collected? This is obviously what the mutated plant I killed dropped! You ask Why should I, I still want to ask why you robbed me of my battle results!"

"What's the matter, what happened?" The other combat members and collectors who heard the sound put down their work and came over.

As soon as they came over, they saw a few plants with strange growth piled up under the feet of Collector A and the female swordsman.

Because they had already seen many mutated plants along the way, they would not be surprised to see mutated plants at this time. Compared with this, they still cared more about what happened.

"This man robbed me of what I collected!" Gatherer A preemptively pointed at the female swordsman and started yelling.

The female swordsman was not to be outdone, after all, she knew she was right in this matter, if she showed weakness, wouldn't she be blamed for no reason?
"You're talking nonsense! This is obviously a plant dropped by the mutated plant I just killed. You said it was collected by you? What evidence do you have?"

Collector A was taken aback, he didn't expect the other party to react so quickly, but he quickly recovered and replied: "There is no one else here, and this is just a plant I collected, and my name is not written on it. Of course I have no proof... But do you have evidence to prove that you killed the mutated plant?"

Now it was the female swordsman's turn to be silent.

Because just like gatherer A said, after they came here, the gatherers were all busy collecting things, and the combat members were also busy killing mutated plants to pick up loot, so apart from the two of them, there was no one at all. A third person saw what had just happened.

If no one saw it, there would be no evidence, and mutated plants couldn't speak.

Seeing that the two of them were arguing endlessly, no matter how much everyone tried to persuade them, it didn't work. The hand of the only musketeer in Combat Team 2 raised his weapon——

'Bang——' A musket was fired at the sky, making a huge roar.

"..." Everyone was taken aback, even the two who had already quarreled stopped.

"Arguing can't lead to results. If you really feel that you are the right party, then you should calm down and take turns explaining what happened just now, instead of letting everyone watch your quarrel performance here. , Listen to your useless nonsense."

The person who spoke was the female musketeer who fired the gun, and she was also the one who had 'intermediate musketeer skills' who chose to join the sunset territory after participating in the operation to clean up the sea area.

Her name is Ankana.

Ankana is the most powerful in Battle Team 2. In the previous battles, she showed her strength. Although everyone didn't say anything, they still regarded her as the best captain candidate for Battle Team 2 people.

After all, in the Sunset Continent, strength is the most important thing. Whoever has big fists and strong abilities has the right to speak.

"Don't talk anymore? If you don't talk, you all agree." Ankana put the coolant on her musket, stroked the hot muzzle with her fingers, and then looked at collector A: "Don't say that our combat team Bullying, I will give you a chance to explain first."

Ankana didn't know if other people saw it or not. Anyway, she saw it. The plants on the ground were all mutant plants, not ordinary plants at all.

And most of the collectors have no fighting power, so it is impossible for them to kill mutant plants.

Of course, this collector A didn't say that he killed it, and he also knew that he had no fighting power, so he said it was the plant he collected.

It is actually difficult to tell the difference between the plants dropped by the mutated plants and the collected plants from the appearance, so it is normal for everyone to be unable to tell right from wrong for a while.

But unfortunately, Ankana discovered the flaw, but she also knew that this matter was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

This is not just a conflict between Gatherer A and the female swordsman, but also a conflict that may arise in all combat teams and collectors in the future. If it is not handled properly, the reputation of the combat members will be ruined.

"I'll say it first, so I'll say it first..." It's a good thing to have the opportunity to speak first. After all, everyone is prone to preconceptions. As long as what he said is good enough to leave an impression on these people's subconscious, then the person who speaks later Unless you perform supernormally, or directly show evidence, it will be impossible for everyone to believe it.


But Collector A felt a little uneasy in his heart, because he seemed to hear Ankana's implication, and he always felt that the woman in front of him seemed to have discovered something... But so what?

It is impossible for him to suddenly change his rhetoric now, saying that all this is just a misunderstanding, right?

Originally, he was planning to cause a conflict between the collectors and the combat team later, and then take advantage of the large number of collectors to make the opponent suffer, but he didn't expect Ankana to appear suddenly and control the situation up.

(End of this chapter)

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