Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 329 Chapter 329 Double Natural Disasters 12

Seeing that Qiu He wanted to decline, Su You said, "Don't refuse, this is my reward for doing something extra for you. If you refuse, I won't be able to ask you for help in the future."

No matter where, there will be all kinds of gossip. Instead of letting gossip spread about unimportant or harmful things, it is better to be used by her to further accomplish her goals and achieve what she wants faster. Effect.

Qiuhe saw that the lord had already said so, and it was hard to refuse, and...

This is money!
Although she had already received three silver coins as a reward for spreading the news, she also traveled two more places today, which took more time, and she was able to pay attention not to be discovered by the collectors she talked to before... This day It can be said that it was exhausting, and she really didn't feel guilty holding these five silver coins!
"Thank you, Lord Lord." Qiu He thanked him sincerely, and then hesitantly asked his own doubts: "Actually, I shouldn't have asked about this kind of thing, but I'm really curious, why did Lord Lord do this?"

In fact, Su You doesn't need to answer, but after reading Qiuhe's information panel, she still gave a short answer——

"In order to make other people work harder." Although it is only one of the reasons, it is also the most important reason.

Qiu He: "...?" If Qiu He knew about emoticons, she would definitely swipe the screen and send out black question marks.

Although Qiu He was still puzzled, she was very self-aware and didn't continue to ask this question, but chose to slowly ponder the meaning of Su You's words after she left.

In fact, the reason is very simple. After the news is released, in order to earn more money, the collectors will definitely choose to join a powerful combat team. Once the collectors prefer to join the same combat team, as the number of collectors decreases, other The number of gatherers that the combat team can recruit will be reduced.

If they want to improve their competitiveness, they can only constantly improve themselves.

Of course, this competition was not obvious in the early stage, because the number of collectors was not so large that after a certain battle team was selected first, no one else could recruit other battle teams.

However, since Su You asked Qiu He to do this, she will definitely continue to improve the competitiveness of a certain combat team in the future, which will make other combat team members feel the pressure.

Doing so is actually risky. Su You must control it to a certain degree. If it goes too far, other combat teams can also choose not to recruit collectors, and go out directly to kill mutant plants to obtain income.

This is equivalent to teaming up to kill monsters, and abandoning the process of protecting the collectors.

Anyway, even if they recruited all the collectors, it was only ten copper coins. Compared with their income from fighting, ten copper coins were nothing at all, and it was not particularly distressing to have them.

This is definitely something Su You doesn't want to see, so she will continue to increase the benefits that protect the collectors in the future.

For example, according to the real-time combat effectiveness of the combat team, a certain amount of protection fee will be raised, and more benefits can only be obtained by protecting the collectors, so as to achieve the purpose of making these combat members pay attention.

But this is all for the future. Su You has to make follow-up arrangements for everything according to the actual development, so these plans may not be fully implemented.



When the time came to seven o'clock that night, Su You received a new message.

[The tavern has been refreshed, you can go to the tavern recruitment point to choose the residents you want to recruit. 】

For her, this must be good news, because she can recruit new people again.

And because she only recruited Zenyue last time, she reserved one chance to recruit, so she can recruit up to three people this time!

With anticipation, Su You came to the tavern.

The tavern at this time has been greatly changed because of Lin Chen's management. Even if you just stand at the door of the tavern, you can smell a strong aroma of wine.

Although Lin Chen and Lin Mu only officially started running the tavern and flower shop yesterday, they are indeed professionals. However, within a day or two, the smell of wine was overflowing near the tavern, and the flowers that were just planted by the flower shop were also gone. Green buds have sprouted.

Although there was already a scent of wine, the tavern was still closed because it hadn't been brewed yet, but this instead attracted many people to wander around the tavern all day long.

Those who don't know may think that these people are plotting something wrong, but only they know that this is just the pursuit of their group of old alcoholics.

During this period of time, Su You thought that there was no one in the tavern, so she pushed the door open and walked in. Who knew that after opening the door, she saw a figure squatting in a corner not far away, as if she was messing with something.

The other party seemed to have heard the sound of the door opening, so the owner of the figure subconsciously turned his head and looked over.

Seeing Su You, Lin Chen relaxed a lot. She continued to work on the work at hand - evenly sprinkled the wine powder (koji) in her hand into the wine jar.

And beside her, there are about a dozen wine jars, large and small, all of which are filled with the freshly made fermented rice she just made with the freshest materials.

In addition to these twenty jars of wine, the newly dug wine cellar is also full of wine jars, there are hundreds of jars in total!

After finishing the work in hand, Lin Chen showed an apologetic smile, greeted him first, and then asked, "Why are you here, Lord Lord?"

Naturally, Su You couldn't talk about the recruitment, so she just said that she came to have a look.

Lin Chen didn't doubt it either. She really thought that Su You was just here to take a look, so she reported all her achievements in the past two days.

"According to your instructions, I brewed fruit wine, barley wine, and medicinal wine. These wines currently have a total of 140 jars, all of which are placed in the wine cellar." Lin Chen said slowly, and then glanced at Suyou's expression, to make a more detailed report.

Lin Chen: "Among them, fruit wine has the most ingredients, so there are 23 jars, followed by barley wine, with [-] jars. There are not enough ingredients for medicinal wine, so we barely made [-] jars."

Su You knew that brewing wine was not difficult for skilled people, but she never expected that Lin Chen's efficiency was so high!
One must know that she used to be an intermediate brewer with the trait of brewing speed bonus, and he could only brew fifty altars at most a day.

But what about Lin Chen?
Less than two days, 140 three altars, equivalent to two days to complete the workload of other winemakers for three days!
Not only that, according to her, the number of 140 is the number in the wine cellar, but there are more than a dozen wine jars here!

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