Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 335 Chapter 335 Double Natural Disasters 18

'Heck! 'It takes flowers!

'Milo! 'Be fragrant!

'Heck! 'Be soft!

'Heck! 'Climb!


Su You closed her eyes, with a painful expression on her face, and then struggled to translate Lingbao's needs.

Lingbao wants flowers, scented flowers, soft cushions, and a 'sable climbing frame' for it to jump up and down...

It's easy to get fragrant flowers. Lin Mu's place has already started to cultivate flowers. It is estimated that a batch will grow in a few days, so just pick them when the time comes.

The upholstery is also simple, and there are a lot of sewing shops.

The mink climbing frame can be customized by a carpenter. The carpenter in the original territory originally belonged to Lyle, but he is a combatant after all. It is okay to help make some things when he is not busy, but he has no time when he is busy.

So when Su You recruited the residents of the territory, he also picked a person with carpenter skills and stuffed him into the craftsman's shop.


In addition, Lingbao also made some small and scattered requests, all of which were simple ones. While Su You lamented that this guardian beast is really easy to feed, she recorded all these requests and handed them over to Ain helped set it up.

After finishing all this, Su You was about to leave the ancestral hall, and before she left, she asked Lingbao if she wanted to go with her, but before she finished speaking, a snow-white ball of hair fell from the air, and it was just right fell into her arms.

All right, she got it.

Leaving the guardian beast ancestral hall with Lingbao, Su You ran into a hurried person head-on.

"Sorry, I bumped into you."

"It's okay." Everyone was wearing rain gear when they went out, and they were tightly wrapped from head to toe, so Su You didn't recognize who the other party was for a while.

But the other party had a good attitude and apologized, but Su You didn't care.

However, although she didn't recognize the other party, the other party raised his head with joy after hearing her voice - it was Sit!

Sit: "My lord, the last three cub eggs you gave me have hatched!"



After hearing the news that the cub eggs had hatched, Su You planned to follow Sit to the pasture to see what cubs hatched.

But before going, Su You followed Xi Te to the restaurant.

Because newborn cubs need food, there is no suitable one at Sit, so they can only go to the restaurant to find Meke to see if they can get some food that animal cubs can eat.

After getting the food, the two hurried to the pasture.

Under the careful care of Sit and the two young apprentices, the ranch is well-maintained.

Even if the place where animals are kept is not stinky, there will inevitably be some special smells.

But after Suyou entered the ranch, instead of smelling anything bad, she found a fragrance in the air.

Sit was busy feeding the cubs, and Su You didn't bother her. After releasing the suffocating Lingbao, she looked around the pasture by herself, and then saw the flower box by the bed, the incense burner in the corner, and the hanging A fan-like device on a beam.

After feeding the cubs, Sit breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and saw her looking at the layout here, and introduced Su You with a smile.

"The flower box was made by Xiaowu (craftsman). The flowers in it were picked casually in the forest. The incense burner was made by Cang Lan. The incense inside was made with herbs from Miss Vivienne. Deodorizing and deodorizing incense."

"...By the way, there is also that little device on your head. It was made with the help of the owner of the machinery shop in the territory. The wind is strong and the heat dissipation effect is good." Facts have proved that Sitter's popularity in the territory is really good.

Xiao Wu, Cang Lan, Vivienne, An Jie... She basically searched for everyone.

Not only that, the cushions used by the cubs are also made by Dolly, and when Sit went to see Meck today, Meck seemed to be no stranger to her, and it was not the first time she went to him to help make the cubs. of food.

It's good that Seth can have her own ideas, otherwise, if everything needs to be handled through her, then the workload on her will be too great.

Su You didn't have any objection to this, and was even happy to see the results. Originally, these were all her properties, and everyone belonged to the same territory. It was actually a good thing to be able to help each other get what they needed.

These people provide help for Seat and the ranch, and the wool, eggs, and milk produced by the ranch are also raw materials for the production of other shops.

"You can have your own ideas, you did a good job..." Su You praised Sit, and when she saw her bowing her head in embarrassment, she didn't say anything, but shifted her attention On to the three cubs that were placed on the cushion by Seat.

Should I say it or not, when Su You saw the three cubs for the first time, her eyelids couldn't help but twitch.

Because these three cubs all have wings, and because they are cubs, they haven't fully grown yet, so if you don't pay attention, it's not surprising to think of them as chicks.

But it is obviously not the little chicks who can make Sit go to Meck to make food, so the three cubs still have different identities.

Su You took a serious look, and then told her what kind of creatures these three were under Sit's puzzled eyes.

"This one is just a guide bird, and the other two are green peacocks."

Sit nodded knowingly, she recognized these two creatures.

But it's just that she recognizes it. After all, she has only raised ordinary poultry such as pigs, cattle, sheep, and chickens, and has never raised such creatures as guide birds and green peacocks, which are very precious at first sight.

"Lord, can you introduce these two kinds of birds?" Sit has only heard the names of these two kinds of creatures, and he doesn't know the specific situation at all. If you want to raise them well, you have to pay attention and specialize To learn about them, just like raising those two ponies.

"Of course you can if you want to." Su You began to introduce these two creatures to Sit.

The role of the guide bird is similar to that of the elf bird given by the elves. They are all creatures with the characteristics of knowing the way and can be used to transmit information and so on.

But the guide bird is just an ordinary bird after all, it cannot be bound to its owner like the elf bird, and it also has the special ability to easily evade attacks.

The role of the green peacock is to produce one food and two materials.

The ingredients are peacock eggs, which are high-quality ingredients. The two materials are peacock feathers (feathers) and malachite.

Peacock feathers are actually peacock feathers. Blue peacocks will drop feathers every once in a while, so you can just pick them up when the time comes.

Malachite is a pearl-like existence.

The production of pearls is that foreign matter enters the pearl oyster, the pearl oyster secretes nacre, and then gradually forms pearls.

The same is true for malachite. As the peacock eats, certain substances will accumulate in the body of the peacock.

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