Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 338 Chapter 338 Double Natural Disasters 21

Although Su You has learned part of the situation from Combat Team 2, the Combat Team and the collector are two different identities after all. They have different identities and experienced different things, so they naturally understand the situation differently.

It's not that someone in Combat Team 2 lied, but that what they know may only be one-sided, far less than what these collectors know.

Just like just now, if the woman hadn't exposed it, it would be absolutely impossible for them to know that someone had brought living mutated plants into the territory in a short period of time.

This delay of time, I don't know what other incidents will eventually arise.

However, even though Su You said so, these people obviously had no intention of cooperating, and even the aggressive woman with the sickle before did not choose to stand out at this time.

Because they all know that this matter is in trouble!

It was stated in the announcement that anyone who finds live mutated plants entering the territory will be severely punished even if they are unintentional. As for those who intend to, they will be kicked out of the territory directly!
Looking at the non-stop acid rain, and there are mutated plants outside, if they are really driven out, what is the difference from going to die?
These people looked at each other, but none of them dared to look at Su You until Su You chose the woman before.

"You and I go to the tavern and talk." Su You pointed to the woman who spoke before.

The woman froze for a moment, but still nodded, and then prepared to follow Su You to the tavern—although she didn't want to stand out, it didn't matter if she was really pointed out.

Anyway, she didn't do anything bad, and the lord was also a woman, so she wasn't afraid.

Just when the rest of the people thought they were fine and were about to breathe a sigh of relief, Su You suddenly stopped and turned to look at them.

"You are not allowed to leave either. I will come to you later. If you are thirsty or hungry, I will send someone to the restaurant to buy something for you. I will pay for it." After saying that, Su You didn't even look back. Went to the tavern.

And the faces of the remaining people turned blue and purple. Some wanted to leave, or everyone wanted to leave, but because of Su You's words, no one dared to leave.

"Aren't you leaving?" a man asked tentatively.

The man beside him sneered and said, "You ask us if we can go, why don't you go?"

"Isn't it, are you so timid? Anyway, no one is watching here, and no one knows that we left... If the combat team members come back, then we really can't leave!" Another short man The man spoke a little excitedly and nervously.

He looked at the others eagerly, hoping that one of them would take the lead and leave.

Unfortunately, none.

Some people even pushed him impatiently: "If you want to go, you can go by yourself. We haven't done anything wrong."

The short man was pushed and staggered a few steps, but he didn't dare to get angry, instead his face turned pale, and he tightened his clothes with both hands.

"If you don't leave, don't leave. Anyway, didn't the lord say that we can find someone to buy food, or does she pay for it?" A woman wearing a hat suddenly spoke, and the content of her speech made everyone deviate from the topic for a while.

"A free lunch, if you don't eat it for nothing, I just want to try the taste of the restaurant's new products." After these words came out, other people who didn't do extra things like the lady in the hat were also a little moved.

That's right, anyway, they didn't do anything against the rules. Although they were wasting time by staying here, they can eat from the restaurant for free!

You must know that in order to rush back, many of them didn't even have time to eat lunch!
With the temptation of a free lunch, most of the people settled down, except for two or three people, sweating on their nervous foreheads.

They thought they were concealed and wiped their sweat, then with a forced smile, they blended into these people...



Su You didn't know what happened in the square, she had brought people to the tavern now.

Today's tavern is different from the deserted one before. Because the fruit wine and ale have been brewed, the tavern has officially opened and has welcomed many guests.

Lin Chen smiled and served wine to every guest who came to drink. When she saw Su You at the door, she was slightly startled, and then saw the people around her.

Su You smiled at her, shook her head to signal that she was busy with her own affairs and didn't need to take care of her.

"Boss, where's the wine?" A bearded man had been waiting for a long time. Although he wasn't impatient yet, he was still a little unhappy to see Lin Chen 'in a daze'.

"Here we are, sorry to keep the guest waiting for so long." Lin Chen looked away and gave the guest the ale he wanted.

The bearded man didn't say much when he saw this. After taking the wine, he directly hugged the wine jar and began to drink it with pride.

As for the wine glasses on the table?

It's just a decoration!

Among the people who came to drink in the past two days, Lin Chen didn't see a few drinking from wine glasses. Basically, like this big man, they all held the wine jar and drank directly.

Fortunately, the brewing time of ale is not long, and the alcohol content is low, so as long as you are not a person who pours a glass, you can basically not get drunk.

Lin Chen was busy there, so Su You randomly found a corner of the tavern and sat down with the woman.

"Don't be nervous, I just want to know what happened and how much do you know, as long as you don't do anything against the rules, nothing will happen." Su You first gave the other party a guarantee, and when she saw the nervous expression on the other party's face After her expression relaxed for a while, she poured her a glass of the fruit wine that Lin Chen had brought up.

After a glass of wine, the woman has already started to introduce herself.

Her name is Xi Lan, and her identity is nothing special, just an ordinary collector.

When Su You said this, she opened Xi Lan's information interface without changing her expression.

While she was talking, Su You watched, and then the topic gradually turned to today's affairs.

"I heard from the combat team that during the collection process, you discovered a large amount of wind dew grass in a certain place, so you chose to collect wind dew grass, and then accidentally encountered a mutant plant, that's why something happened, right? "

Su You asked calmly, as if what she said was not something that could almost kill someone, but just an ordinary and trivial thing.

Today's matter is easy to say. According to the members of the battle team 2, they followed the path at first, but because some collectors discovered the wind dew grass, they insisted on changing the path.

Fenglucao, this is a kind of herbal medicine with high value.

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