Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 345 Chapter 345 Double Natural Disasters 28

Until the days when the natural disaster is about to end, there is a high probability that it will take the initiative to attack the territory, or it will cause other dangerous events.

At first, Su You had a buddhist attitude towards the leader of the natural disaster, but now that the text of the event has clearly reminded this information, Su You must find and kill the leader of the natural disaster as soon as possible.

This is also the reason why she established a combat team 5, assembled the strongest combat power in the territory, and explored the forest step by step... in order to find the leader of the natural disaster!
The leader of the natural disaster must be in the depths of the forest, because she has sent people to look for it many times around the territory. Unless it can go to the sky and enter the ground, it is absolutely impossible to be outside the forest.

The last incident happened just last night. If the incident was more specific, it would be when Jing Que promised to tell her everything and the system prompts to trigger a special plot.

As expected, as long as Jing Que was left behind, he would definitely be implicated. However, after seeing this incident, Su You discovered some details and felt a little weird.

But she is not sure yet, and she can only verify her guess after going to the medical clinic and knowing everything about Jing Que.



After reading the territory information, Su You got up and packed herself up to go to the medical center.

Whether it's to satisfy her own curiosity or for the safety of the territory, she must solve the shocking matter as soon as possible.

Before that, she took the spirit treasure that was also about to go out, and first sent it to the guardian beast ancestral hall that had been completely renovated, so that it could absorb the energy from the enshrined territory, and then went to the medical hall.

Before reaching the entrance of the medical hall, Su You saw a few people kneeling in front of the medical hall from a distance.

But at a glance, Su You recognized who they were, not because of how familiar they were, but because the large black marks on the hands of these people were too impressive.

That's right, these people kneeling in front of the medical hall are the ones who claimed that they were soaked in acid rain, and their arms were corroded and blackened!

They didn't believe Vivian's words before, and felt that Vivian was bluffing them, but seeing that they were already kneeling here, it was obvious that they had already suffered, so they came to Vivian for help.

However, with Vivian's character, they will definitely not help, so they have to kneel here, whether it is to make Vivian sympathize, or to make other people around them sympathize, so as to arouse everyone's sympathy and achieve moral kidnapping The purpose of Vivienne's help.

Unfortunately, they miscalculated.

Because there are not many people in the territory, most of them went out to collect or clean up the mutated plants.

And the small number of people who did not leave the territory just looked at them as if they were watching a show, and there might be no pity or sympathy, but they would definitely not show it clearly, let alone offer to help them.

They don't want to offend a healing magician even more than helping a stranger who offended the medical hall because of what he did.

Su You knew what happened back then, and also knew that these people were purely self-inflicted, so she didn't want to care about them for the time being, so she chose to bypass these people and enter the medical clinic.

It's just that although she wanted to avoid it, she couldn't bear the initiative of these people to find them.

They had obviously been tortured to the brink of collapse, so after seeing Su You, they kept saying that they hoped that she could help.

The person closest to him was even going to hug Su You's calf to prevent her from leaving, but just as he was about to do so, an arrow flew over suddenly and pierced him hard. feet.

He was startled, he hesitated in the movements of his hands, but he didn't have time to grab Su You.

After entering the medical center, Su You saw Vivienne dispensing and boiling medicine with a gloomy face, and the person in front of her was Jing Que who had just met last night.

"My lord, can you have someone throw those people out at the door? It's annoying to watch." Although it's annoying, Vivienne will not drive people out of the territory without Su You's permission. With this kind of decision, she could only hold her breath and watch those unsightly guys knelt at the door for most of the morning.

Su You knew that Vivian's words were definitely not a joke, as long as she agreed, then Vivian would definitely be able to throw people directly at the gate of the territory in the next second, she could definitely do it.

"You don't want to punish them?" Su You raised her eyebrows, thinking about how to solve those people's affairs.

First of all, they must have clues about something, and this incident is likely to be related to natural disasters. She needs this clue, but she doesn't have to.

However, if you can get clues, it's better than exploring aimlessly by yourself... The prerequisite is that Vivienne is willing to treat them.

When it is not necessary, Su You is a lord who is extremely tolerant to her own people. She rarely forces her people to do things she doesn't want to do.

"Lord, if you ask me what I mean, then of course you don't want to~" Although Vivienne still had a coquettish ending, the disgust in her tone was very obvious.

She didn't like to treat people who were hiding the truth, even if they 'knew they were wrong' now.

There is only one life, and it is their own. They are willing to give it up, and Vivian never forces it.

"If you don't want to, forget it, but it's not necessary to drive them out. I'll let someone take them away." It's really unnecessary to drive them out. After all, they did not violate any territorial regulations. If you don't leave, you have to be kicked out of the territory, which is somewhat too strict.

Vivienne didn't care, anyway, she didn't have to ask these people to leave the territory, all she wanted was for these people not to come to the clinic to disturb her.

"Whatever you want, as long as they don't bother me." Then, Vivian suddenly glanced at her lord, and then changed the subject: "If the lord wants to know their information, Vivian can't help them……"

Su You raised her eyebrows and said, "Okay, then you can save them."

Vivian's face froze, and there was a look of disbelief on her face.

Vivian: "...???"

Duoya, who was watching from the sidelines, felt familiar when he heard these words. After thinking for a few seconds, he looked at the startled magpie beside him.

Jing Que: "...what's the matter?" What are you looking at me for?
Doya shook his head: "No."

Jing Que: "..." The people in this territory are all weird.

Su You, who didn't even know that her territory had been labeled as "weird and weird", looked at Vivian's reluctant expression and added with a smile——

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