Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 351 Chapter 351 Double Natural Disasters 34

Similarly, because magicians are very capable and have strengths beyond the reach of ordinary people, they also pay great attention to the correction and education of magicians' character and morality while cultivating them.

There are not too many magicians in history who have done anything harmful to the world, and the Magician Guild must definitely take a large part of the credit.

Of course, black mages were excluded, because black mages were not trained by the guild, and what they did had nothing to do with the mages guild.

However, there are also self-taught magicians. Because they are self-taught and have not taken any moral lessons in the Magicians Guild, it is not surprising that they do certain things.

"The world is so big, there must be self-taught magicians, but there is a difference between learning and making achievements. It is considered pretty good to have a self-taught junior magician in ten years." Vivian said It could almost be said that Su You's conjecture was denied.

Because the premise of learning a magician is knowing that you have this talent, and more than [-]% of the magicians on the Sunset Continent didn't know that they had the talent at the beginning, and they were all discovered by the guild.

If you don't even know you have talent, how can you learn it?
Moreover, magicians need to be guided by other magicians, but ordinary people have no access to magicians, just like Yuai before... If everyone can learn magic by themselves, then neither will the magicians in this continent So precious.

"My lord, if you are really worried about making a wrong judgment, you can go to the guy who cooks in the restaurant. Psychic magicians will leave traces of magic when they perform mental hypnosis. High-level magicians or experienced magicians can see it. .” She has never seen or experienced it, and she is still a healing magician, so she can’t tell.

But Meke is different. Although he is still stuck in the mid-level bottleneck, after all, he used to be a high-level magician and has a lot of experience.

If you let him come, you can definitely see any problems.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Su You had already planned to ask Meke to come and have a look when the restaurant closed at night.

As long as he confirmed that it wasn't hypnotized by a spiritual magician, Su You immediately tried to find a way to talk and relieve Jing Que's mental hypnosis by himself.

Vivienne waved her hand: "Did these three people cooperate just now? If they don't cooperate, I will give them some trouble."

Chen Yisan, who was still whispering to each other about what Su You and Vivian were talking about just now, was taken aback when they heard this sentence, and then looked at it earnestly.

Su You: "..." Looking at the hopeless appearance of the three of them, Su You twitched the corner of her mouth speechlessly.

However, since they let themselves know of the existence of a treasure cave and helped find the leader of the natural disaster, Su You still helped to say a good word.

Su You: "Cooperate, I also got good news. After the shocking matter is resolved, you need to go out again."

After she finished speaking, a trace of regret appeared on Vivienne's face. This somewhat inappropriate emotion made the three of them huddle together and tremble.

Vivian: "Okay, I see."

Chen Yi, Chen Er, Chen San: "..." What do you know! ?


After leaving the medical hall, Su You went directly to Zenyue with the badge in her hand.

A magician has stayed in the territory for so long and has not joined the territory. Su You said that it is absolutely impossible to be in no hurry.

Although it has been agreed that she will stay after the natural disaster, no one can say when the accident will come, so it is best to let her join the territory earlier.

Su You found Chanyue in the mission hall. Since she promised Su You to help manage the mission hall, she has come here every day, even though Chanyue knows that managing the mission hall is just an excuse for Su You to keep her.

When she came to the mission hall, Su You didn't say much nonsense, and asked Chanyue directly if she knew what happened last night.

Chanyue didn't know why she asked this suddenly, but she nodded: "Yes, I was woken up in the middle of the night."

Although she was woken up, Chanyue didn't like to join in the fun, so she didn't go out and lay on the bed with her eyes closed.

Because she didn't join the territory, Su You didn't assign her a place to live, so Chanyue still lived in the inn, but she asked Su You to change to a quieter place with fewer people.

Even so, Zenyue heard the voices of other people discussing outside the door last night.

"I heard from them that people seemed to be dead in the square last night?" That's all Chanyue knew, after all, she didn't go out to look at it last night.

"Well, there are indeed dead people, and there are quite a few people..." Su You nodded in response, then directly took out a coin-sized object from her pocket, and handed it to Zenyue: "Look, do you know him? "

Almost at the moment when Su You took out the badge, Chanyue's eyes suddenly widened. This was the first time Su You saw her showing such obvious emotions.

However, this also showed that Su You's guess was correct.

Chanyue squeezed her fingers, and without looking up, she asked Su You if she could show her this. Naturally, Su You would not disagree, and put the thing in her hand directly.

Then, Su You saw Chanyue take out a rope with something hanging from her neck, and the thing hanging on the rope was exactly the same as the badge that Su You had just given her.

In fact, it is not quite correct to say that it is exactly the same, because the badge hanging on Chanyue's neck has a hole for threading a rope, and it is obviously older, and the color of the metal on it is much lighter. It's something from a long time ago.

It is worn close to the body and hung around the neck. Although the badge is faded and a bit old, it is so clean that it can almost reflect the figure... This is an important thing that is well protected by the owner, and may even be taken out from time to time. .

But it just happened to be such an important thing, how could it be the same as the things on those who came to hunt and kill her?

This can't be a coincidence, can it?
Anyway, Su You didn't believe it was a coincidence.

Facing the outrageous amount of information, Su You fell silent.

"...This is..." Chanyue suddenly felt that her throat was a little dry, she stopped after saying two words, and continued after waiting for a while: "Where did this come from?"

In fact, Chanyue already has the answer in her heart, Su You's foreshadowing just now is already obvious, but she is a little reluctant to admit it.

Su You had guessed the story behind it pretty well, and after sighing inwardly, she told Zenyue the source of this thing.

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