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Chapter 353 Chapter 353 Double Natural Disasters 36

Chapter 353 353. Double Natural Disasters 36

That was when Jing Magpie No. 13 came back from her mission, the person in charge of the Dark Star Organization arranged for her to meet someone—a young man who looked a few years younger than her.

The person in charge of the Dark Star organization told her that this person was a traitor to the organization and asked her to kill him.

At that time, Jing Que didn't know everything, so she naturally thought that what the person in charge said was true. More than ten years of brainwashing education made her obey the Dark Star Organization, so she took out her weapon and cut off the opponent's throat without hesitation. Tube……

Although cruel, Jing Magpie's greatest tenderness was probably killing him with one blow, and did not cause this 'traitor' to suffer too much.

This incident did not leave too many traces in Jing Que's heart, until one day, she overheard a conversation——

"No, no, this person is not good. The relationship with 'Feihe' is too far away, and the stimulation is not enough."

"...Since this is the case, then we can only find a way to capture her sister, fellow sisters, blood relatives, is the relationship close enough?"

"If you have this ability, it must be the best..."


Jing Magpie didn't understand what this endless conversation meant, but it didn't affect her knowing who 'Feihe' was.

Because this person and her are raised by the same batch of 'Gu', there is no real name in the Dark Star Organization, and her code name in the Dark Star Organization is 'Feihe'.

In fact, Jing Que didn't have her own name at the beginning. They all called her 'Qing Que', so she was Qing Que. It wasn't until after she left the organization that she took the name 'Jing Que' for herself.

After listening to that conversation that day, Jing Que felt a little uneasy in her heart. She felt as if a beast that had been restrained for many years was about to break out of its cage and roared to the sky.

However, her trust and obedience to the Dark Star Organization still prevailed. After all, Jing Que did not tell Feihe about it, because she could not guarantee whether Feihe would believe it, nor could she guarantee whether what she had heard was a true story. 'Misunderstand'.

However, for some time to come, she still chose to slow down the frequency of taking on tasks so that she could have more time to stay in the organization, in order to be able to observe Feihe all the time.

It took less than two months for her to wait until the day when the person in charge took Feihe to the cage, and the person who was led away was very much like her former self.

She followed them all the way, saw their destination, and heard what the person in charge said to Feihe——

"This person is a traitor to the organization, and the mission given to you by the organization is to kill her."

For some reason, it was obvious that she was only looking through a gap, and her vision was not clear, but Jing Que always felt that the only eyebrows and eyes of the masked woman were very similar to Feihe.

Jing Magpie did a bold thing.

She found an excuse to dismiss the person in charge, and then told Feihe the truth. Like her, Feihe must have been unwilling to believe it at first.

She even suspected that Jing Que was with this traitor. The reason why Jing Que appeared here and told her these things was to excuse this traitor!
But when Jing Que took off the mask of the unconscious woman and revealed the face that was almost the same as Fei He's, the hearts of the two people present were chilled.

Feihe felt cold because he had doubts about the organization and everything he trusted, while Jing Que didn't dare to think about who the person he killed was...



"So it was Feihe who helped you leave the Dark Star Organization?" Su You tried her best to piece together her broken views, and asked this question in a not-so-calm tone.

Jing Que said before that it is very difficult for assassins like them to leave the organization, because just like in TV dramas or novels, the organization has a means of controlling them, whether it is poison or something.

If it wasn't for someone to help her, then she would never have left the Dark Star organization so smoothly, and even stole the list.

"It was her. She saved the life of a person in the organization. Although she didn't say who that person was, that person's status is not low." Get the antidote to their poison.

"That person shouldn't know that you already know all this, right?" Unless this person is an undercover agent arranged by another organization in the Dark Star Organization, it is impossible to let two people who know the organization's secrets go away.

Especially after knowing this secret, any individual will harbor hatred towards the organization, and it is even more impossible for the Dark Star organization to let someone who might threaten their own existence leave.

Jing Que nodded: "Well, Feihe cut off his tendons and hamstrings, pretending that the mission failed. The organization will not want a useless person, so Feihe used this excuse to find that person to leave the organization."

My tendons and hamstrings were all broken. Although it was healed later, it couldn't be the same as before. It didn't affect my daily life, but I definitely couldn't carry out the mission of stealth and assassination.

Jing Que actually didn't expect that she would be so cruel to him, but there was no other way, this was the best way Feihe could think of to break away from the organization, other methods were too dangerous and could easily arouse suspicion.

It is impossible for the Dark Star Organization to raise disabled people, nor is it possible to let them go, so the "disabled people" in the general organization can only end in death. After all, only dead people will not speak, and will not leak information about the organization.

And normal people don't want to die, so it is reasonable for Feihe to use this favor to ask that person for help, and the other party should not think too much about it.

As for Jing Que's antidote, Fei He helped to steal it, and this was also to thank Jing Que for telling her the truth and helping save her sister... Yes, Fei He's sister is actually not dead.

It is not a coincidence that Jing Que has a medicine that can pretend to be dead, because she thought a lot during those two months, and also vaguely guessed part of the truth, so this medicine was specially prepared by her.

In addition to drugs, she also prepared a series of props that can be used for camouflage.

They used these things to camouflage the comatose 'corpse', bloodstains, wounds... Speaking of which, they have to thank the Dark Star Organization for teaching them, otherwise they would not have the ability in this area.

The person in charge was very busy that day, so he just glanced at it and let Feihe handle the 'corpse' by himself. The person in charge was still worried, but Jing Que "just passed by", so the person in charge asked Jing Que to accompany him, knowing that Feihe didn't know everything, he still wanted Jing Que to 'supervise' her.

So the two of them sent him to a hidden place openly, left a note and money and left.

(End of this chapter)

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