Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 355 Chapter 355 Double Natural Disasters 38

With Zenyue here, I don’t worry that the Vine Devouring Organization will not send people, so what Su You has to do is when the Vine Devouring Organization sends people to attack Zen Yue, throw the list in front of them by "accidentally" and then let them go .

There is no need to let go too many, even if one is let go, the news can be spread directly.

As long as it gets out, things will come naturally after that... But the disadvantage of this method is that there are too many variables.

Because Su You doesn't know when the Vine Devouring Organization will send people to assassinate Zenyue next time, and she doesn't know how they act, and how she will send the list to the other party without leaving any flaws...


"Why did you help me?" After hearing Su You's two ways to eliminate the Dark Star Organization, Jing Que didn't feel too much joy in his heart, but was more puzzled.

She wondered why Su You wanted to help her.

She was raised as a qualified assassin since she was a child, and she didn't have too many complicated emotions. In her world, there was only a relationship of mutual use, and there was no sincere help.

Even Feihe, the help between them is only based on the same purpose, not pure.

"Because I want you to join the sunset territory." Su You's words did not solve Jing Que's doubts, but made her feel even more confused.

Just because you want her to join the territory, so you help her like this?
What's the point...or is there any value?

Jing Magpie didn't feel that he was worthy of this person.

However, it doesn't matter whether she thinks it's worth it or not, the important thing is that Su You thinks it's worth it.

What Su You is most worried about now is that Jing Que will be overwhelmed after solving the matter of the Dark Star Organization and choose to commit suicide. After all, she has done a huge mistake.

"Okay, you should have a good rest. Remember not to do strenuous exercise again. If the wound is opened again, it will be difficult for Vivian to explain." If the most "willful" person in the territory, it must be Wei Wei. Vian is gone.

But she said that she is willful is not correct, she actually just has her own set of principles.

She loathes people who fall outside her principles and resists treating them, as has been done in many cases before.

Su You didn't think there was anything wrong with this. After all, among the magicians, and among the magicians of the special department, Vivian's temper was already considered good and couldn't be better.

As long as it is an injury, as long as she cooperates, she will save it. She only targets those who do not cooperate and who don't care about themselves...

"Well, I won't die before the Dark Star Organization is destroyed." She wanted to watch the Dark Star Organization perish, how could she die so early?
As for what happened next, Jing Que had thought about it a lot, but after coming here, those related thoughts had already started to waver...

Su You could see her hesitation and confusion, but she didn't say much. Anyway, it will be a long time, so she can slowly enlighten her.

All that should be said has been said, Suyou and Duoya explained a few words and left the room.


Outside the room, Vivienne was sitting on a chair at this time and seeing a doctor for two children.

The two children kept hugging their stomachs and complained of pain and discomfort, but they couldn't give a specific answer, so Vivienne could only use magic to check their bodies.

After a round of inspections, Vivian frowned and looked at them: "Did you eat something contaminated by acid rain?"

The two children are a boy and a girl, and they have some similar looks, so it can be seen that they should be a pair of brothers and sisters.

The older boy answered Vivienne's question while comforting his sister.

"It should be, and we're not sure. We put our food in the room, but we forgot to close the window last night, and it happened to be raining heavily again..." This was a possibility he had only thought of not long ago.

Because they forgot to close the window, and because the rain was too heavy, the rain outside the window splashed into the house, and it just fell on the cloth they wrapped their food in. The acid rain penetrated the cloth and polluted what they ate.

Although he found that the cloth wrapping the pancakes was a bit damp in the morning, he didn't think too much about it. He took care of his sister and ate directly after getting up.

Not long after, he and his sister felt unbearable pain in their stomachs, and then they were sent to the hospital by kind people in the next room.

"That should be like this. The acid rain content in your body is not much, but the acid rain is seriously corrosive. Although the human body will... I will prescribe a medicine for you first. Remember to drink it after three meals when you go back. Drink about two or three times. It will be fine in a few days." Because it was really uncomfortable to see them, Vivienne also stopped talking about her technical terms and started prescribing medicine for them.

Perhaps because they are children, Vivienne is still very patient with the two of them. From the time to take the medicine, the amount, to the method of boiling the medicine, it is almost impossible to teach them directly.

The boy wrote it down seriously, but when he saw that the sister next to him was curled up in pain, he interrupted Vivienne embarrassingly: "Can I trouble my sister to prepare some pain-relieving medicine first?"

He could bear it, but his sister was still young, and the burning pain in her stomach was not something a child of this age could bear.

"You drink this first, and I will use magic to give you two a simple treatment to relieve pain, and then you must remember to drink medicine when you go back." Vivienne can only treat trauma now, as this kind of acid rain corrodes the body. Injury, she does not have the ability to heal for the time being.

All she can do is to relieve the pain, and she still needs to take medicine for complete treatment.

"Magic?" The boy was taken aback, as if he hadn't thought that the two of them just had a stomachache, so why would they use magic.

He thought he could be cured by just taking a medicine...

Children of this age don't know much, but they still know that the status of magicians is very noble, and asking magicians to use magic to treat them... It should cost a lot of money, right?

But... the boy looked a little embarrassed as he pinched the pocket that contained only one silver coin.

"Slow down, drink this." Vivienne didn't know what he was thinking, and she fed the girl a bottle of primary healing potion after the examination.

Although she also has intermediate and even advanced healing potions here, but the potions are too powerful, so they are not suitable for them to use.

In the case of healing magic, primary healing potions are enough.

Afterwards, Vivian took out her magic wand and began to use the pain-dispelling magic on the sweating little girl in pain.

The magic had just ended, and before Vivian had time to say anything, she heard the boy speak first.

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