Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 363 Chapter 363 Double Natural Disasters 46

Hei Snake said that it was for the sake of saving lives, so he was half-baked, but in fact, Hei Snake didn't give in for Su You's sake.

Because it is not only unable to kill the disaster leader, but the damage it can cause is also limited. It can only attack half of the natural disaster leader's HP at most, and then it cannot cause damage.

In other words, Su You took [-]% of the salary and did [-]% of the work, and there might be some other hidden secrets in it that made it more difficult to kill.

Naturally, Su You would not do such a loss, she pretended to hesitate, and finally shook her head.

"Since this is the case, let's forget it. Since this monster is so powerful, I still don't get involved. Anyway, as long as the monster dies, the natural disaster will naturally shorten the time, and my goal will be achieved..."

Su You didn't want to make her words too clear. Although Hei Snake would show her face in the previous incident, it can also be seen from the concealment just now that Hei Snake is rational and will not be just because of a "life-saving grace". Just retreat half a point in terms of benefits.

And Su You didn't plan to repay her kindness, so there was no point in directly arguing about interests, and it would only arouse hatred for nothing.

But after hearing Su You's words, Black Snake became a little anxious, because it knew that it had no way to kill the leader of the natural disaster, nor could it steal anything, so it must cooperate with Su You.

But before it could say anything, Su You blocked it back with a single sentence.

"I know that you are very strong, even stronger than that monster. Even without cooperation, I believe you can kill that monster."

With a gentle smile on Su You's face, after saying this heart-wrenching sentence, she added a tea-like sentence: "Actually, you don't have to cooperate with me just because I saved you, and deliberately distribute those things to me." Yes, I just want the natural disaster to pass quickly, so that everyone's life will be easier..."

Black Snake: '...'Damn it, humans are so annoying!

No matter how stupid the Black Snake was at this time, he should be able to see that Su You had guessed that it would not be able to kill the leader of the natural disaster.

Because it clearly knows that Su You's purpose is not just to kill the leader of the natural disaster. Since she mentioned before that she knew what was in the cave, and she also took the initiative to mention how to distribute the loot in the future, it proves that she must also want to want those things.

She said that she just wanted the natural disaster to pass quickly so that everyone's life would be easier?
Pull it down!

Still put it here to lie to the snake! ?

Cunning humans!
If Black Snake doesn't hide the fact that he can't kill the leader of the natural disaster, then Su You will distribute according to the amount of effort, and the final result is about [-] to [-] points, everyone is half and half, no one will suffer, even if it suffers, it will be Su You's loss .

But since Black Snake concealed it, then don't blame Su You for putting a high hat on it.

The sentence "Even if there is no cooperation, I believe you can kill that monster" directly put the face-saving Black Snake in a dilemma.

"Why don't we re-discuss the distribution issue?" Seeing that the situation is almost the same, Su You is not prepared to go too far. After all, the Black Snake is a leader beast after all, and it will be bad if it really gets annoyed.

The result of the distribution negotiation this time was better than what Su You had expected, but there were only a few. The final result was probably that Su You got [-]% and Black Snake got [-]%.

This half is because neither of the two sides won it, and neither of them wants to continue to suffer, so they can only be distributed in this way.

'Have you thought about when to act? 'Since the cooperation has been chosen and the distribution has been made, Black Snake has also become serious.

Because to be honest, the strength of this monster is indeed good, not to mention surpassing it, but it can be regarded as equivalent.

Even if the system really loosened the restrictions, they would at most fight one and lose both, and the Black Snake might be slightly better, but it was still easy for the leader beasts in other places to learn the news and be picked up by them.

It and Su You are on the same boat now, so they must discuss it carefully before acting to avoid accidents.

"Tomorrow probably won't work. I have to test this monster first to see what its attack mode is... The official battle should be the day after tomorrow." After talking about her arrangement, Su You still wanted to see if she could get out of the battle. What does Black Snake get here? There is information about the leader of the natural disaster.

"Have you ever fought this monster?" If Black Snake could give detailed information directly, it would save Su You's time for experimenting tomorrow.

But it turns out that there are no such good things in this world.

'Beat it, it's just a monster that can spit mucus crazily, it's disgusting. 'The Black Snake and the Calamity Chief are creatures of the same level, and the slime of the Scourge Chief is basically ineffective against the Black Snake, so it can't give any valuable information.

"Okay." Su You felt a little regretful, but this was expected.

Before leaving, the black snake looked at Lingbao who had finished nibbling the melon seeds. At this time, Lingbao, who was already sleeping soundly, showed a hint of envy in the snake pupils.

'By the way, do me another favor, you humans should know names, right?give me a name. 'The words of Black Snake made Su You a little puzzled, and at the same time a little helpless.

She pointed to Lingbao who was sleeping like a dead pig beside her: "Do you know what I originally wanted to name it?"

Black Snake had a bad premonition in his heart, but he still asked: 'What name? '

"Xiaobai." Su You looked at Black Snake, and continued, "If I were to choose a name, I think you can be called..."

'No need, see you tomorrow. 'Before Su You could say those two words, the black snake disappeared from Su You's sight as quickly as possible.

"...The name Xiao Hei is actually quite good." It is simple and easy to remember, and it is highly compatible with Black Snake.

Su You sighed faintly, then cleaned up the melon seed shells that Lingbao ate all over the floor, and then went to bed to rest.

Before taking a break, Su You recalled Black Snake's behavior just now and the cooperation reached tonight, and had a magical speculation in her heart——

She believes that Black Snake's behavior is not only its own thinking, but also a choice given to players by the system.

Either choose to cooperate, but get a small amount of rewards, which is equivalent to actively reducing the difficulty.

Either choose not to cooperate and get all the rewards. If you want to win the favor of Black Snake, you can share a small part of Black Snake later, but without the help of Black Snake, it is too difficult to kill the natural disaster leader.

Now, Su You also understands why the data of the natural disaster leader is so luxurious, because the system has already made two-handed preparations, and the choice depends entirely on the player himself.

On the surface, non-cooperation is naturally the best, because all the trophies can be obtained, but what Su You values ​​is not the final profit, but the cost performance.

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