Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 374 Chapter 374 Double Natural Disasters 57

Chapter 374 374. Double Natural Disasters 57
The 'green' in the blue miasma does not represent the color, but the attribute.

There are roughly three types of poisonous miasma on the mainland: black miasma, green miasma, and red miasma.

Black miasma is considered a dark attribute, similar to black magic, which restrains all vitality, so anyone with vitality around black miasma must die, whether it is an animal or a plant, or other non-dark attribute creatures.

Green miasma belongs to wood, and plants also belong to wood, so it has no effect on plants, but it does great harm to people.

Red miasma belongs to fire, which just restrains wood, so no grass can grow near red miasma, but human beings are not immune to red miasma, but the effect of red miasma poison on humans will be weaker, and people with stronger poison resistance can even survive in red miasma. walk sideways.

In contrast, Qing Miasma is already the most 'gentle' of all poisonous miasmas.

"Usually, the antidote to miasma poison grows in the miasma. You just said that when you rescued Nalin, you saw a lot of plants on the edge of the swamp, right? Then there are herbs for antidote." Su You's explanation is very detailed and reasonable, and Nomi naturally has no reason not to believe it.

So she left the room, ready to tell others about it, and Su You knew all the information she wanted to know, so she didn't stay, and went out with Nomi.

After learning from Nomi that the detoxifying herbs were in the poisonous miasma, Odd made a quick decision and immediately arranged for everyone to go again tomorrow morning.

Although the poisonous miasma is dangerous, they are already prepared, so it is not difficult to take out the herbs from the poisonous miasma.

"There are many plants beside the swamp. I don't know which one is the herb for detoxification?" Odd looked at Suyou and asked, hoping to get an accurate answer from her.

It's a pity that Su You doesn't know either. After all, the poisonous miasma is refreshed randomly, and there is no exact antidote. Even if she can list all the herbs that may be the antidote, they can't remember them, and they are in the poisonous miasma. In the middle, they have no time to distinguish.

"If you don't know which herbal medicine is for detoxification, then bring back some of each. You don't need too many, just one plant is fine. Take it back and send it to the medical hall. If the door of the medical hall is not open, you can wait." It can be said that it has been solved so far.

Everyone present thanked Su You, and Ode gave her a gold coin when Su You was about to leave.

"Thank you very much Lord Su for your help. Please accept this gold coin. As long as Nalin can be rescued, it will be considered that our bounty group owes you a favor." Odd actually recognized Su You early in the morning and knew that she was Lord of this territory.

If he didn't know his identity, he wouldn't be able to let Su You see Na Lin with peace of mind just relying on a few words from Mist and Qiuyang Qiuyue.

This gold coin can actually be collected, but it has not been collected.

"Save people first, and wait until they are rescued." Su You pushed the gold coin back, and then asked a question that was wrong: "I heard from Qiuyang that you should not belong to any territory now, right? ?”

Odd doesn't quite understand why Su You suddenly asked a question that has nothing to do with what's happening now, but he is the leader of the bounty group after all, and it's definitely impossible to say that he didn't guess Su You's meaning at all. of.

"We withdrew from the original territory, and then came here, and we have no affiliation at present." Odd did not shy away from this matter at all.

Others may think that being forced to leave the previous territory is a very shameful and shameless thing, but Odd doesn't think so. They didn't do bad things or make mistakes, but they were targeted by insidious villains. They are victims, why should they feel ashamed?
Su You expressed her appreciation for his calm attitude: "You have the ability, strength, and friendship. Losing you is the loss of that territory."

The pointed words made Aude more sure of Su You's purpose, but because of the previous incident, he has not yet decided whether to join a new territory.

He is the team leader, and his decision almost represents the wishes of everyone in the bounty group. Others believe that he will be the master, but he is also responsible and cannot make decisions casually.

"Lord Su was joking. He has a big territory, and there are so many capable people and strangers. Even if there are more, we will not change. If we lose it, maybe we will reduce the burden, clear the stumbling blocks on the road, and let others on the road. Walking is more comfortable." When Ode said this, there was a bit of self-deprecation in his tone.

No matter how much he tells everyone to let them put down the previous things, forget the unpleasant things in the previous territory, and start a new life when they come to the new territory, it is the home that everyone has lived in for several years or even decades.

They also have a bounty group over there that has been established for eight years and will soon be promoted to level four. Just because of one person's words, their efforts have disappeared. If they really don't care, how is this possible?

It is impossible for a tortoise to endure it like this!

Although Su You didn't know exactly what happened to Aude and the others before they left that territory, since Qiuyang said that they had to leave because they offended someone, then this incident was probably related to framing or trying to commit crimes Inseparable from contact.

"There's no need to underestimate yourself. Strength is always the most important thing." Su You and Ode chatted for a few words to know whether they now have a territory to belong to, whether they intend to join the territory, and to reveal their intention to recruit them. .

The goal has been achieved, so she is not going to say anything more. Ode is an adult and a smart person, not a child like Bu Guo who can be abducted with a few words.

If you talk too much, it will be annoying.

Aude agrees with Su You's last words. In this world, no matter where they are, strength is the most important thing. If they are so strong that they can't afford to offend that territory, and they feel that they can't lose, then the result is definitely not In this way, this kind of thing will not even happen at all.

The two exchanged a few more simple greetings, and then Su You left the station.

Because it wasn't particularly late, Su You went to the black prison that Ain had built a few days ago.

The black prison is actually a prison, its function is to detain people who violate the regulations of the territory. After the construction is completed, the security can be greatly improved, but once the black prison is out of management, the security will drop instantly.

When there is no black prison, if the patrol team or guards catch violators, they can only carry out simple punishments, such as fines, reprimands, and public notices.

But with the black prison, Su You can set a level for each territory regulation. The higher the level, the greater the guilt. When the crimes committed reach a certain level, they will directly lock people into the black prison.

(End of this chapter)

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