Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 382 Chapter 382 Double Natural Disasters 65

'It's just part of it, all my goodies are stashed in another place, but I need time to get them. 'But it has no time to waste, it will get these two stalactite flowers today, because it has to seize the time to improve its strength.

"Speak humanly." Facing Su You's disgusting gaze, Black Snake gnawed on the delicious barbecue meat, and it felt a little guilty for no apparent reason.

"I'm not human..." It muttered, and then looked at Su You's face, not confident enough.

But no matter what, this stalactite flower must be obtained today.

Black Snake saw that although Su You had a sullen face, his attitude was not particularly tough, so he added: "All these things are for you. You give me three days. After three days, I will bring you another batch of things for you to choose. I want this stone." The milk flower is urgent, the chimpanzee next door is about to hit the door, I have to hurry up to absorb the stone milk flower and improve my strength...'

Su You knew about the competition between the leader beasts, so after hearing what Black Snake said, she wasn't going to press too hard.

On the one hand, she was worried about falling out with the Black Snake, and the Black Snake would break the pot, and on the other hand, the Black Snake was the guardian beast of the area where her territory was located, so she couldn't let it be bullied by other wild beasts for nothing.

In case something really happens and the black snake disappears, then the "three fires of the new official's appointment", Su You's territory may have just passed the natural disaster, and there will be no peace again.

If the luck is even worse, the newly refreshed leader beast has a character that hates humans and does not allow humans to appear in the area it guards. Then in order to drive them away, it will definitely organize a wave of beasts to attack the territory...

The threat of the beast horde is not at all easier than the attack of dark creatures.

"Okay, I believe you, I will take these things away, you remember what you said." Su You collected two stone milk flowers and sent them to the black snake.

Black Snake looked at Su You in surprise.

It was already ready to act rascally or even threaten, but it didn't expect Su You to agree so easily.

But it's good if you agree, it saves time, and it won't tear you apart. We are still good friends, and we can still 'help each other' in the future.

"Don't worry, when I get rid of that guy, I will definitely not treat you badly. That guy has a lot of treasures. If you don't give it to me, I will cut off its bear's paw and give it to you..."

Although Black Snake had always acted like a rascal before, he was extremely serious when he said this, making it impossible to doubt the authenticity of this sentence.

Su You also has her own plans in her heart, not just to help Hei Snake, but she is also very satisfied seeing that Hei Snake is so sensible.

"By the way, I have one more thing to ask you. When I rescued you, did you leave anything behind when you recovered?" Su You's question was aimed at the space bag.

So far, why those space pack formulas appeared in a corner of the building in the territory is still a mystery.

It wasn't until she saw the Black Snake, which she hadn't seen for a long time, that Su You thought of a possibility - Dolly found that the formula was in the tool room, and after she rescued the Black Snake, she also put it in the tool room to recuperate .

Moreover, a creature at the level of the Black Snake is indeed capable of taking out that thing.

'?Did I leave something behind? The black snake looked at her suspiciously, the joy after getting the stone milk flower dazzled the snake's brain, and the ability to think dropped by half in an instant, and the brain seemed to be knotted at this time.

What's more, this was more than a month ago, and the memory is even more blurred.

Just when Su You thought she had guessed wrong again, Black Snake suddenly called out.

'Oh, you're talking about those useless pieces of paper, they're just my marks, they're useless. "The black snake can be regarded as remembering. It couldn't remember before because the weight of those few sheets of paper is really nothing to a snake, so it really forgot.

The reason why he stayed was to leave a mark on that territory. The mark with his own scent would prevent him from getting lost the next time he went there, and also prevent the surrounding beasts from invading the territory.

This is very helpful for a brand new territory that is still built in the forest.

As for what was written on that paper, or what those papers were used for, it really didn't know, after all, it was an illiterate snake.

Su You: "...Okay, I see."

Su You never expected that the final truth of this incident would be like this. She had thought that the formula was left behind by the Black Snake to thank her for saving her life, but she never thought that it did leave the formula to repay her. The grace of life-saving, but not to the formula, and left his own scent to help drive away the beast.

It's no wonder that since she established her territory, there are almost no weak beasts around her territory...

Su You: ...What brand new version of Buying a Box and Returning Pearls is this?


The truth about the space package was revealed, and the deal with the stone milk flower was half completed, so Suyou and Duoya were ready to return to the territory.

However, before leaving, Su You was asked by Black Snake to help make another batch of barbecue.

And the ingredients are the meat it just took out... No wonder the black snake took out these meats out of nowhere. It turned out that it wanted Suyou to be a free cook.

For the sake of the space package formula, Su You agreed.

If it weren't for the appearance of the recipe to give the first huge amount of more than 3000 gold coins, the development of the territory would definitely not be so fast.

However, although the barbecue tastes good, it can't be kept for a long time. After Su You's suggestion, Black Snake asked her to use part of it for roasting, and the other part to make dried meat that is easy to store.

And Su You happened to have ready-made jerky on her body, so she only helped to roast some of the meat, took out all the jerky, and put the rest of the raw meat into her backpack.

Besides, she also left all the other food on her body.

The black snake was not polite either. Seeing so much food, he swiped his tail and took it all.



After returning to the territory, the first thing Suyou did was go to Vivian and ask for a jade bottle specially designed to hold special medicinal liquid.

Vivienne was dealing with the herbal medicines sent by Aude and the others, looking for herbs that could be used for detoxification. Seeing that Suyou wanted a jade bottle, she showed a somewhat embarrassed expression.

"I only have two jade bottles, and there are already things in them." The jade bottles here are not ordinary bottles made of jade, but special medicine jade.

As the name suggests, medicine jade is made of jade and herbs, but there are few jade stones that can be used to make medicine jade, so there are very few jade bottles.

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